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The Forum > General Discussion > The age of entitlement is over. Apparently!

The age of entitlement is over. Apparently!

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These political grubs have literally spat in the face of ordinary Australians with their unethical use of their so called 'entitlements' and may I suggest they have alienated most of us along the way.

I for one am discusted with the way these grubs have acted, expecting everyone else to tighten their belts, or get a better job and feel they now have a moral duty to resiegn regardless of which side they are on. They are a disgrace and theres little doubt there are more to be exposed.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 9 August 2015 6:20:39 PM
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Dear Rehctub,

Better have those entitlements lull them to sleep and do not harm. Every day they spend holidaying with their families is a day they do not harass us with new laws and decrees: I prefer the presence of satiated hyenas over that of hungry hyenas.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 9 August 2015 10:50:24 PM
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Rehctub, I hate the way they have used their positions to really take their 'entitlements' right to the edge of reason and beyond.

As far as I am concerned, the children of politicians should not come under any of the official entitlements of the pollies. Perhaps their partners/husbands/wives should be compensated if they go to official party functions, or are expected to go on official overseas business tours etc, but not the kids.

Mind you, the way pollies are treated by the general Australian public, one would want a pretty good deal re employment I would imagine?
Maybe if their salaries were slightly increased, but they had to pay for all their own travel then the routing might stop?

Mind you, these same sort of perks are enjoyed by business people in the private sector, so would we just get second-rate people putting their hands up to be a politician if we didn't have some sort of incentive?
Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 10 August 2015 1:49:18 AM
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"so would we just get second-rate people putting their hands up to be a politician if we didn't have some sort of incentive"

Susie, even with the huge amount of largesse shown by the taxpayer towards politicians we still managed to get a third rate person in the form of Bronwyn Bishop with a snout the size of Sydney heads for 27 years.

The Greens have put forward a proposal giving transparency and accountability of politicians entitlements based on the Scottish Parliament model. As you know, the Scots have a reputation for being rather canny with the cash.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 10 August 2015 7:41:50 AM
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Interesting, despite all the "I hate Abbott" comment we have seen over
the years, they do not seem to have accused Tony Abbott of rorting
the entitlements.
After all he is a politician !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 10 August 2015 9:24:39 AM
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The only reason entitlement is over is because someone got caught. Money means nothing to these blokes seeing it's not theirs, why worry.

Piggery at it's best. Maybe Abbott is being saved up for a later date, seeing he is the head pig.

We need to bring on an election to pull us out of a confidence recession, we are going nowhere and our growth is predicted to dwindle to 1% by mid next year. Unemployment is going to rise on the back of ongoing cuts and auto makers shutting down. All Abbott has done is raise our debt burden by 100 billion $ in 2 years.

457 visa's are a failure and have to be ceased, that shows you can't trust employers where money is involved.
Abbott's coal mine offered to the Indian's before the election is a fraud. Coal miners can't make money now, so why another hole in the ground.
Posted by doog, Monday, 10 August 2015 10:15:37 AM
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Dear Rehctub,

Let us all hope that something good will come out
of this mess - and that genuine reforms within the
entitlements system will take place for everyone's

We have a New Speaker elected to the House of Representatives,
Tony Smith. Let us all wish him well and trust that he will
be fair and will do a good job - elevating Parliament and
especially Question Time to the high standard that we as voters
should receive.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 10 August 2015 10:42:54 AM
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"so would we just get second-rate people putting their hands up to be a politician if we didn't have some sort of incentive"

And our Pollies are not second-rate?
Posted by Robert LePage, Monday, 10 August 2015 11:11:35 AM
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*they do not seem to have accused Tony Abbott of rorting
the entitlements.*

Try this link.
Posted by Robert LePage, Monday, 10 August 2015 11:15:27 AM
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Fox, "elevating Parliament and especially Question Time to the high standard that we as voters should receive"

That would require a change in tactics and behaviour of the Opposition. Maybe Shorten could find some policies too, which would be a shock to the critical (of Shorten's lapse) Labor Party faithfull.

You and Paul1405 have more front than a Greyhound tourist bus and so does L'il Willie Shorten aka 'Whatever She Says' and his 'Handbag Hit Squad' and those seat polishing Greens Senators, all left over from the Rudd and Gillard then Rudd again governments (with Greens sidekicks).

As advised in reply to Paul1405 in another thread on the subject, it is an indisputable fact, reference the Parliamentary Hansard (Representatives and Senate), that the Labor governments of Rudd and Gillard (+treacherous Greens sidekicks) protected a system that had not only been advised to the Parliament and the Senate by the independent ANAO and the administering department as being an open door to rorting, but there were examples of rorting before them and topical, being discussed in the Parliament and media.

However nothing was done, which leaves the inescapable conclusion that the wide open door was convenient to Labor and their treacherous sidekicks, the Greens. However Greens Leader Bob Brown and the Greens senators who were polishing the Senate seats were always up for endless motions on gay issues. Shorten and Labor have also become conveniently obsessed with gay marriage (forget the Struggle Streets and politicians' entitlements). Coincidentally Bob Brown and other Greens directly benefited out of that, and they preserved that other interest, the wide open door to politicians' entitlements.

to be continued..
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 10 August 2015 11:22:57 AM
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It is only now that Tony Abbott has taken the initiative to champion a review that the opportunist, headline-hunting Greens have stirred in their comfy Senate seats to make a suggestion to copy some other jurisdiction. Not much thought in that from the Greens, but it might delay things and provide some 'necessary' study trips abroad to have a gander (mainly at the top-ranked tourist spots!).

Then as per usual, it is back to their gay marriage obsession and disrupting Parliamentary business for the Greens and Labor! What cynical hypocrites, add lazy and that is both lots of highly expensive, non-productive, pear-shaped, seat-polishing pollies to a tee.

-Not that the Opposition are the only politicians (include bureaucrat heads of those qangos and guvvy agencies too) solely consumed with personal benefit where entitlements are concerned. However the whining Left are forever claiming the high moral ground, but constantly failing to deliver. Personal benefit and ambition sure beat principle and ethics every time!

What about the absence of the public-funded national broadcaster, the 'fact-checking'(sic) ABC that has led the tabloids in acting as tabloids, all wrinkled brows and 'gotcha' hack journalism? The ABC that is forever spruiking for 'progressive' gay marriage (was there ever a Q&A where gay wasn't discussed and if not mentioned soon enough the host Tony Jones made sure it was!),

but somehow, some way,

'that' ANAO Report critical (diplomatically of course) of the 'Open Door' and 'Open Slather' that is politicians' entitlements was never subjected to any real scrutiny"?

Of course there were left-leaning 'Progressive' Labor governments ensconced in Canberra at the time, Rudd->Gillard->Rudd and mighty travellers all, but that wouldn't have prevented the 'fact-finding'(LOL) ABC now would it?
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 10 August 2015 11:36:11 AM
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In accordance with your assertion that it's Labor and Greens who are responsible for the continued abuse of entitlements - could you enlighten us as to why it's the Coalition who are consistently front and centre in the snouting trough?
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 10 August 2015 11:56:17 AM
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Who has the longest snout. Anything over four feet has been there too long. The age of entitlement was supposed to be looked at by Hockey, so what happened there, it shows you loud and clear there is one rule for them and one for the rest.
Labor wants Abbott’s fleet of Jets to be included in the reforms as well. All expenses over 10 cents to be made public.
What a bunch of hooligans, to think they have a right to take kids and wives [ first class ] at their own discretion.
This Liberal govt; has surely broken a lot of records in 2 years, it will be hard to compete with.
This term of parliament is supposed to have the trigger for a DD election on the books. That will be good. Won’t it. With rumblings going on from the backbenchers, all is not that stable in rabbit land. is it
Posted by doog, Monday, 10 August 2015 12:47:24 PM
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Seems like those on both sides of the house (including the Greens) have acted like unionist. The only difference is ones the taxpayers money and the others is cleaners and workers money. The corruption of man's heart comes to light again.
Posted by runner, Monday, 10 August 2015 2:44:02 PM
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Regardless of the 'colour' of politician, some will have a habit of caution where spending other people's money is concerned and others will put their efforts into taking advantage.

It is essential that the perception of 'entitlements' be replaced with the correct usage, 'Reimbursable Work Expenses'. It is supposed to be for reimbursement and work expenses, although where amounts are high, pre-payment may be required.

Otherwise politicians are likely to demand large amounts for various perceived 'entitlements' and lean on the Remuneration Tribunal to reward them accordingly by tying their (pollies') 'entitlements' to suitably high rolling senor executives in the private sector.

While transparency should be demanded, that is almost worthless where the reasons for the travel are not given and sufficient for the lay person to understand the purpose of the reimbursement.
Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 10 August 2015 4:25:16 PM
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Beach, your long winded and convoluted attempts to absolve the conservative side of politics from the crime of "over indulgence" at taxpayer expense is laughable. In some way you claim it was those nasty socialists, Labor and The Greens who left the lid off the cookie jar, and Bronnie and the boys were merely partaking of a well deserved nibble, rubbish!
Obviously you have nothing on The Greens on this issue, otherwise you would be on here yelling it from the roof tops, you can't even provide one of your ridiculous links to some irrelevant events 10,000 miles away, as you often do. The Greens have been most frugal with their entitlements, unlike members of the Coalition our hard working MP's respect the privileges parliament, and therefore the people, have bestowed upon them. Just fess up, its just another nail in the coffin of this incompetent Abbott government.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 5:25:42 AM
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What we need in our political system more than anything else, is accountability.

Regardless of which side you sit on, there is simply no denying that the likes of Rudd and Gilarld are a typical example of how broken our system is as these two have both contributed badly to our current situation, yet, simply because they played that on again, off again, leader game, we are now supporting the both of them and that's simply wrong.even if they did a good job, why are we, the tax payer supporting two and why can these two share the one benefit, rather than have their own nest egg fir life.

The other thing we need is for front benchers to hold professional indemnity insurance, just like accountants, lawyers and other professionals who's decisions, if proven wrong, can cost their clients dearly.

As for allowances, I say all important meetings should be paid for, then depending on their position they have an allowance amount and, once expended, that's it.

As for the comment about business people ripping off the tax payer, think again because those days are all but over and families are certainly not treated as a tax deduction any more, nor are business lunches.

But at the end of the day this is as much about the moral issue as it is the legal one as these are the very people who have told ordinary Australians to tighten their belts.

A true leader leads by example and these people should now all resign in my opinion as they have let the people down.

As for Tony Abbott, the only thing saving him right now is Bill Shorten and ain't that a crying shame. The race to the bottom continues!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 8:54:11 AM
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"As for Tony Abbott, the only thing saving him right now is Bill Shorten and ain't that a crying shame. The race to the bottom continues!"

The only thing "saving him" (from being turfed as Lib leader?) is the stupidity of his parliamentary party holding onto him. As if he is going to be able to reboot to anything remotely acceptable at the next election.

Morgan Poll: L/NP 43 (-3) Labor 57 (+3)

Newspoll: L/NP 46 (-1) Labor 54 (+1)

"But at the end of the day this is as much about the moral issue as it is the legal one as these are the very people who have told ordinary Australians to tighten their belts."

Here's two examples of Coalition members travelling at taxpayer's expense to promote "belt tightening...

This one cost $25,000...

I love the way it's apparently all down to Gillard and Rudd with you if they're responsible for Coalition members not being able to resist taking advantage of the system to feather their own nests.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 10:00:47 AM
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Dear Rehctub,

<<But at the end of the day this is as much about the moral issue>>

Moral politicians? First teach sharks that it is not nice to eat surfers...
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 10:10:23 AM
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The only thing saving Abbott now is Bill Shorten. What goes on in Abbott's party room is the only thing saving Abbott. Bill Shorten is casually looking on, trying to guess Abbott's next blunder which are a frequent occurrence, since day one of the Abbott regime's cycle.

Abbott took the bate on the Vegemite scandal, just to prove a point of stupidity. A story that has gone right around the world, with Abbott all over it. It's must be a real laugh to see what Abbott's itinerary must look like. That has got to worthy of a VIP flight to get to the bottom of it, when all he had to do was pick up a phone, i am sure someone would have told him how stupid he was.

The DD trigers are on the parliamentary menu, unless they have been reconsidered for some reason.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 10:16:50 AM
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Poirot, as usual you are so one eyed it's not worth the effort trying to talk to you.

What you fail to acknowledge is that while Rudd inherited a wonderful set of numbers, he, along with the help of Gillard, left a basket case for anyone to deal with.

Not only did these two duds waste billions on failure after failure, but one opened the flood gates to illegals, and the other was too useless to achieve in the best part of five years what Abbotts government achieved in months. Even to the point whereby Bill himself admitted that labor got it wrong, and Abbott got it right.

While I accept the Abbott government has lost it's way, it's like comparing the result of a race between two people, where one has only one leg. The handicap they inherited was just too much to deal with and anyone who voted for Kevin 07's side show should take a bow as they have helped contribute to this mess with their unconditional support for him and his useless partner in crime. In fact, had Rudd been a company CEO, His actions would have been treated as criminal negligence.

I'm afraid that unless we see serious tax reform, reform that make EVERYONE pay their fair share of tax, nobody is capable of rescuing our basket case of a nation.

As for your bias, I note that Tony Burke didn't get a mention in your rant.

How very convenient of you. You're a dud!
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 10:26:16 AM
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The media exposing politicians for legal, yet not moral behaviour gives anecdotal credibility to the separation between media and government. I believe, myself being told by Radio National in 1999, the often embarrassments media pay to politicians is a confidence trick, in order to create another confidence trick with RN listeners. All government can do to prove a democracy exists is to have a supposed independent organisation expose legal yet not moral behaviours. It is like politicians are being paid to be embarrassed. Politicians wouldn't be earning their salary unless they're being embarrassed.

Embarrassments, elections, plus parliament procedure, anecdotally proves democracy. Anecdotal meaning words alone with no other evidence.

If you can't see it, than listeners need to look through the fog for reasons to why new embarrassing stories continually keep coming out. The idea that many embarrassments keep coming out, should be questioned, shading elections and parliament procedure as other confidence tricks.
Posted by steve101, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 1:05:54 PM
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private philosophy certainly does effect public performance. For decades now the social engineers have told us that work performance is not related to private life. Nothing will change because character tests are not allowed when it comes to employement in Government circles. Certainly being anti family will help you get a job with abc/sbs. Its all about connnections, rubbing each others back and covering for each other. Everyone knows when the opposition leader speaks just like our previous pm they come with no authority. The best they can do is to resort to the pc chargon of the day (sexist, racist, equality etc). Its the only way they can take a 'moral' position. Time and time again we see people making the gw religion a 'moral' issue. How pathetic! The age of entitlement is not over because its a privately held philosophy.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 1:30:28 PM
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This term of govt; has an uncanny effort put into backflips and lies. Like our 150 $ from the Carbon tax, which the ACCC says it can not find. All Abbott done was give the power generators a six Billion $ rise. Since the carbon tax removal Co2 output has continually risen. Au is the worst polluters in the world per head of population.
How do you go into details on moral grounds. Morality becomes an opinion and not fact. There is why you will not see morality expressed in length.
Legal is much easier to report because you have a whole system behind you. The ABC is not in the habit of reporting morality because it could be seen as untruthful.
All of ABC reporting relies on stories actually being in existence to be reported, and not made up like the Australian continually does. That is why so much so called news can only be seen in the Australian, and nowhere else.
Posted by doog, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 2:03:22 PM
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Doog .....Au is the worst polluters in the world per head of population.

Perhaps so, but we are also a very large exporter and, more importantly, we rely heavily on these exports to keep the wheels turning.

If you're one of the tiny minority, the 30%'ers who don't rely on some form of tax payer funded assistance, then be careful what you wish for because if we put a huge dent in exports (what will be required to cut emissions by the ridiculous amount suggested by labor) then that 30% will become substantially less.

Now from the outside that may not seem to be a problem, but in reality many of our richest businesses are exporters.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 3:31:18 PM
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"What you fail to acknowledge is that while Rudd inherited a wonderful set of numbers, he, along with the help of Gillard, left a basket case for anyone to deal with."

(Notwithstanding that Howard and Costello toted up a sizable portion of their "wonderful set of numbers" by selling off whatever they could - and keeping in mind that they wasted opportunities to expand their bottom line by pork-barrelling the middle-class for votes, so letting the profits from the boom go begging)

Here's your basket case:

That graph shows our debt % to GDP at the time of the last election.

Note that ours is the third lowest debt among developed countries at 11%.

Note also that the countries who opted for austerity - as you would have had Australia do post GFC - had debt way way above Australia's.

All those countries opted for post GFC austerity....something you would have prescribed with bells on.

Most of Europe slid into recession post GFC - look at the graph.

But you'll never acknowledge that the early and sizable Labor stimulus is what kept Australia from recession when nearly all of Europe plunged into the abyss because they failed to deliver a stimulus or failed to deliver it early enough.

"How very convenient of you. You're a dud!"

Lol!...coming from the joker who can't work out why we didn't suffer a recession - that's rich.

Oh, and can you explain to me why this govt has now added over $100 billion to the deficit?

I mean there's been no stimulus delivered or anything - nothing to show for this govt's increased debt - except a slide in private investment, a slide in consumer confidence and an increase in unemployment.

Who's a dud then?
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 3:59:50 PM
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yep can't reason with people who insist spending tax payers money is good for the economy is a lost cause. Poirots thinking is exactly why Greece is where it is. Still it makes her feel better about the gross waste.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 4:11:22 PM
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Thanks for the run-by, runner.

Lo1! - he compares Australia's debt issues to Greece.

Look at that graph from the time of the 2013 election:

Australia's debt % to GDP = 11% (no post GFC recession)

Greece's debt % to GDP = 148%

As usual you prove that economically you're as thick as two planks.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 4:18:39 PM
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The age of entitlement is over. In terms of what?

Currently having Epilepsy and a bone density condition, I am on seven medications per week, most of which I have to take twice daily, costing around $10,000 in subsidies. Do I have this "entitlement" taken off me?

I blame the people who constantly vote in Labor and Liberal party candidates, who wouldn't have a clue about most of these parties policies, including in relation to these so called "entitlements" that are "within the rules".

Too often, we hear about the "safe seats" in terms of electorates. Either vote differently in terms of candidates in the lower and upper houses of parliament - or get more of the same in terms of policy direction.

If people keep voting Labor or Liberal, expect more of the same or seriously consider keeping your mouth shut on policy.
Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 4:32:14 PM
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Poirot, either you know it is Shorten & company refusing to vote for necessary cuts in spending in the senate, or you're an idiot. I neither know or care which.

I do find your method of lying by twisting facts very interesting. Watching your antics has given me a new understanding of the slime that is our left.

Tell me, do you actually believe the tripe you post, or is it just an attempt to be smart?
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 11 August 2015 6:48:28 PM
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A lot of politicians’ entitlements are shrouded in obfuscation within the walls of the Department of Finance and Deregulation (a title that speaks volumes). But from the little information made available …

On retirement, Bronwyn Bishop will receive a taxpayer funded pension of $255,000 for life, plus various perks and allowances, over and above whatever generous superannuation package has accrued for her, also at taxpayer expense.

Approximately $5 million per year in pensions is paid to ex-politicians annually. This includes any politician who has served for six years or more, including back-benchers.

A big chunk of this goes to ex-PMs, ex-Deputy PMs, ex-Opposition Leaders and ex-Deputy Opposition Leaders. John Howard, Paul Keating and all living ex-PMs elected prior to 2004 receive an average $250,000 pension for life, plus a city office, a staff of four, a chauffeur-driven car and unlimited business-class air travel. The perks alone cost up to $300,000 per politician per year. When they die, their spouses continue to receive a pension of $80,000 per year.

If the pollie was elected after 2004, they don’t get the chauffeur or the staff or four, but they get just about everything else.

If Kevin Rudd, say, lives to the age of 85, he will have cost the taxpayer about $15-20 million - for doing absolutely nothing.

As for superannuation, the annual cost to the taxpayer for the Parliamentary Superannuation Contribution Scheme now stands at $46 million, and increasing every year. (In 2013/2014, it was $39 million.)

Many of these politicians were already millionaires in their own right before entering parliament and/or rising to political prominence – Joe Hockey, Malcolm Turnbull, Peter Costello, Kevin Rudd and Paul Keating to name a few. What possible purpose does it serve to have these obscenely rich people suck the public purse long after they have left parliament, while eroding the rights of ordinary people to a minimum safety net when they fall on hard times?
Posted by Killarney, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 12:46:45 AM
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Just noted your delightful post.

"I do find your method of lying by twisting facts very interesting. Watching your antics has given me a new understanding of the slime that is our left."

Charming - did you learn that at racing driver, engineer, pilot, sailor man - or more aptly - "BS artist" charm school?


"....either you know it is Shorten & company refusing to vote for necessary cuts in spending in the senate, or you're an idiot. I neither know or care which."

Oh you mean all those cuts which Abbott promised (the night before the election) he wouldn't make, in order to swing himself into office? You know, the ones that target the poorest in society? You know, the ones that weren't hinted at before Abbott conned his way into office?

Or could it be things like cigar-puffing Hockey's $8.8 billion dollar gift to the RBA which it didn't want, need or ask for?

What are you defending - surely not this dog's breaky of a govt who, as we speak, is slowly unravelling.

The "debt and deficit disaster" was one huge con....there was never a budget emergency - except for the simple-minded among us who swallowed the Coalition's BS.

And if it was a disaster - what is it now that it's nearly 30% larger than at the time of the last election?

It's not easy to grow a debt by that much in only two years - there's no GFC or stimulus happening's all down to crappy govt.

Hopeless in just about every quarter.

Go away and find us a decent conservative govt - not this shambolic far right-wing botch-up.
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 9:02:53 AM
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Liberals again in turmoil. Turnbull says Australia the only one out. What other position can you be in with a shambles of a regime like we have been blessed with.

After an election won on fraud and lies, what else do you expect, a happy liberal party. Not all liberals are so far entrenched in themselves as Abbott is.

100 b $ in two years, when will all of this come to an end. The answer is never while Abbott is running his own show while the rest of his supposed team tags behind. Submarines for Japan, Coal mines for India, Australia for China, all this done under cover of Abbott’s secrecy .This is a shambles, and should be bought to an end.

Unemployment going through the roof, that is not what Abbott promised, with no end in sight, programmed to keep rising for several years, while the govt; squabbles over human relationships which is considered by far the most important item on the agenda.
Australia needs to push the reset button, and get on with relevant government , to do that we need an election to clear the air and other things.

Interest rates at an all time low, unemployment in freefall, Lowers $ for years and we are going nowhere. If this govt ; survives till the next budget we will be 150 Billion $ extra in debt, for what
Posted by doog, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 9:43:31 AM
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Here you go, Hasbeen.

Since Abbott's election win and his announcement that Australia is "open for business", private investment is down by 11%.

Under the Labor govt 2007-13 business investment was up 66%.

Naughty Labor!
Posted by Poirot, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 10:12:17 AM
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You have raised a number of interesting points there.

I will just picking on one to demonstrate what I personally refer to as the 'entitled boss' syndrome -referring to the abrupt change in personality that seems inevitable where a person is elevated to the most senior ranks, whereupon s/he starts to believe that the organisation is actually there to serve herself/himself and its assets actually their own to use.

I was amazed to learn that while while federal politicians' superannuation payments are (rightly) fully indexed against increases in average wages, politicians on both sides of parliament have continued to deny the same indexation for their 'employees' the federal public servants (who are compelled to contribute for their whole careers).

That is despite the conclusions of a number of parliamentary committees over the years that the discounted indexation affecting public servants is manifestly unfair and indefensible.

The substantial majority of public servants retire at junior salary levels and the pensions they have been obliged to pay for are very modest indeed. In most cases only serving to exclude them from pension benefits and the value of their paid-for superannuation pension is being fast eroded annually.

The retired superannuated public servants must live like church mice, while having their cheese money devalued annually.

The politician bosses' (LNP, Labor and Greens) shabby treatment of their own retired and powerless employees stands in stark contrast to their own expectations and demands. That is without taking into account the fact that politicians' superannuation is already very generous, heavily weighed in their favour.

Taking that enduring example of politicians' very shabby denial of fairness towards their own 'employees' into account and remembering that politicians have proposed yet another review (yet the earlier ANAO Report and the following review are NOT out-dated) and are hosing down public comment by saying that no-one should 'pre-judge'(say what?!) the outcomes of the new review, the public can rest assured that the politicians will again be making sure they are OK and everyone else can eat cake.
Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 11:50:29 AM
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Abbott again making decisions for the liberal coalition, do what I say or resign. So much for peoples vote, when Abbott can hijack their individual vote in parliament.

This religious guided fool is out on a limb. His judgment is not in perspective with public opinion. SA headed for 8 % unemployment and this mob of galahs could not be bothered with what it is they are supposed to be doing.

What role does the Gov; general have in this shemozzle of a govt; Then again he was a captains pick wasn’t he. The only hope we have as a nation is the elected members of the coalition rise up and say Abbott is out, and we are taking back our govt;

Abbott took his party for a ride prior to the last election with a barrage of lies and promises that were never going to be kept, it was a total fraud. What ever served the purpose at the time was on display for the Australian people to vote on. We never got what we voted for.

Since the last election AU has been in a dramatic decline, and the longer the liberal members allow this to continue we are in for a torrid time for our future. 100 Billion $ in 2 years , which is an all-time record spend , especially when foreign investment has declined to miniscule numbers, and all Abbott wants to do is sell Australia into foreign hands for free.
Posted by doog, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 12:09:12 PM
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'Abbott again making decisions for the liberal coalition, do what I say or resign'

Yeah Doog again total hypocrisy with Labour insisting all agree with perverting the word marriage or be kicked out of the Labour party. Take away your blinkers and you might be able to reason.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 12 August 2015 4:00:38 PM
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Nathan, as sad as your situation sounds, do you really believe the tax payer should subsidize your condition,

I have truma insurance at a whopping cost of $750 per month, brought about by poor advice in my younger years as I was convinced to enter into what known as a 'stepped policy' and I'm paying dearly now. However, as my policy payments are non tax deductible, I pay these with my after tax dollars.

Now while I'm not suggesting you are not entitled to your subsidized medications, what we have to decide is what subsidies to cut because as a nation, the tax payers contributions are not meeting the commitments. Of cause the perks, especially for past pollies are simply ridiculous to say the least.

As Joe hockey said some time ago, "we all have to do the heavy lifting", well obviously his interpretation of 'all' is a lot different to mine.

Entitlements are one thing, but taking advantage of them, especially when calling for all to do the heavy lifting is simply outrageous in my view.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 13 August 2015 12:51:48 PM
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The so called "Age of Entitlement" is only over for some and not all it would seem.

I would like to see the PoliTicks burn the department that sets their income. If they can't be trusted to do the right thing re: their own incomes then they can't be trusted for anything and should be terminated.

The current rules re: the income of PoliTicks should be retrospectively applied to all ex-politicians, instead of the obscene amounts this scum get paid.

And axe the top end of the public service to amounts no more than 75% of their respective Ministers.

The lawyers need to be put on a fixed price system with incentives for excellence such that the current legal system characterised by remorseless mercantilism can be evolved into a universal justice system for all.

The amount these wig parasites get paid in no way constitutes a fair days pay for a fair days work. And when you think about it, the legal industry is not even a product of the Free Market but rather has been written into existence.

So, what is going on is we have ongoing development of overly complicated rules, which are then largely hidden, and the people then have to pay absurd amounts to get advice on a tiny little slice of it else risk falling foul of punitive provisions.

What a joke! This is often all before you even start playing the real game like $AU700,000++ just to do the paperwork before you can list on the stock exchange, or some figure thereabouts.

What we need is to produce goods and services in international demand to bring big bucks in. But are we investing in education and science such that this may come about? No. What this pathetic country does is spend obscene amounts of money on pathetic, pencil fiddling old fools who in reality are little more than functionaries and administrators.

That is not to say that some rules and admin do not enhance the collective, but this country is a farce.
Posted by DreamOn, Sunday, 23 August 2015 12:15:49 AM
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