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The Forum > General Discussion > Tony Abbott, if this is true you've lost me.

Tony Abbott, if this is true you've lost me.

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when it was a criminal offense (expose to moral danger) for the girl under 16 having sex
and babies and (carnal knowledge) for boys for having sex with the girls.
Now they her a cash and social bonuses and school based cribs for the kids.
Ask Noel Pearson? He actively supports underage birth in the communities as
cultural and a faster way to indigenous numbers being able to win government.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 17 July 2015 11:13:44 AM
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Oh dear, the usual labor defenders have been awoken again. It's funny, because I never mentioned labor at all.

The recession saving stimulus, so let's take a look at that.

Just imagine how much better this woukd have been had the money been issued via a restricted card, one where tabacco, grog and gambling couldn't be serviced by the tax payers gift. Furthermore, it should have come with a use by date, meaning it had to be spent on worthwhile goods and services within say three months, or you lost it. That woukd have stimulated the economy, rather than seeing struggling families owning Xboxes and plasmas while dragging on that fag and sculling that Jimmy.

Nothing wrong with the idea, just another wasted opportunity by a useless government.

As for world wide experts, perhaps had they spend more time watching their own back yards they wouldn't be in such a mess.

Baby bonus.
The plain truth is that it would have been far more prudent to support working mothers, rather than losers who received the lion share of the handouts and, who are still losers and still have no real prospects of a future, only they now have underprivileged kids in the loop as well., a stupid stupid government stuff up.

Suze, you need to drop your feminist deffenciveness once in a while. Of cause I'm aware that for every looser mothers theresva looser father in most cases. I also suggest it's not so much their fault as they are simply playing the system.

Home owners grant.
I thought I'd just throw this one in. It should have been a home owners interest free loan, to be paid back in say ten years, or, when the house is either sold or borrowed against.

Using $20K once is just stupid politics.

There little doubt the last twenty odd years in politics has seen our nation set the wheels in motion for self distraction led by the entitlement brigade.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 17 July 2015 7:57:15 PM
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It is all very sad.
The Labour Party is being driven by the greens into a stance further
to the left than it would normally stand.
The left has been very unethical and hypocritical in its statements
and attitudes and one senator in particular has been really over the top.
That twit she sent from the Med about the sinking wooden boat was
obviously a lie. The enormous amount of freeboard in her photograph
showed her up to anyone who has ever been near a boat.

They must know that wind and solar cannot do the job, yet they want us
to close down coal fired power stations before we have a viable replacement.
Heaven knows that oil is already leaving us now and coal will leave us
soon enough but we need them now to build whatever is the replacement.

Are they really that stupid or do they know this fundamental problem
and do they really want to push us into the middle ages ?
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 17 July 2015 11:00:20 PM
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What happened with Hockeys extreme emergency. It hasn't stopped Abbott slipping another 120 billion on the credit card. Then again he did say 60% of GDP in debt would be ok.
Someone doesn't like solar or wind but can't put his finger on an alternative. The days of coal are finished, you may as well get used of it.
Posted by doog, Saturday, 18 July 2015 8:28:56 AM
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doog, we all know why that extra $B is there so it is pointless you
blaming Hockey for it.

I remind you of what Barnaby Joyce said;
"Control your debt or your debt will control you !"

Greece is the latest to come to that realisation.
Greece is just the first and most noticible.
As growth declines the little green botles will fall one after another.
Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 18 July 2015 10:15:01 AM
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What are you talking about, the liberals are in power. Green bottles!.
Australia has stagnated and all because nobody trusts this government. They have a record breaking run on telling lies, how can that be good for any sort of consumerism.
Abbott has mentioned a DD election, so lets get on with it, and get this country moving again.
Two years and no gains whatsoever. I don't believe why they are still there.
Tell us why they have not addressed the debt problem, and don't blame it on forward predictions, as that is all they are, all govt's make forward predictions. Solar has a life of it's own and unstoppable, with no maintenance and gigantic guarantees it's a winner for all owners of an array.
Posted by doog, Saturday, 18 July 2015 10:50:54 AM
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