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Parliamentarian Salary Freeze
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Posted by individual, Sunday, 11 May 2014 11:17:01 AM
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Tax'Em Tony is on a salary of around half a million dollars per year. He's a millionaire. Last year parliamentarians got a HUGE salary $$$ increase, dollar wise.
Therefore, Tax'Em Tony, after a HUGE dollar increase in the Prime Minister's salary, is now saying he'll make a "sacrifice" in salary for the country. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yep, the salary sacrifice that simply is NOT a "salary sacrifice", when taking into account their big salary increase from last year. No wonder they call Tax'Em Tony ... Toneliar. Posted by Nhoj, Sunday, 11 May 2014 1:14:39 PM
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In case you are too young to remember when Howard left office his salary was @ 295.000.-per year. When the destructive Rudd left it was thus. I still believe that our pollies & officials are immorally excessively remunerated. It simply has gone too far, they need to back-peddle somewhat. Oppositions are just as gulty as they could vote against payrises but they're too gain very handsomely themselves, that's why they remain stumm till after it's all gone through. We don't need new taxes, we need the public service pays reduced. Posted by individual, Sunday, 11 May 2014 2:05:43 PM
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Public stunt, they have just had a massive pay rise under Gillard.
We have a prime minister who gets paid more than the American President. We have ex prime minister getting an indexed for life pension, Gillard for example over $200,000 per year PLUS other perks. They should lower there salary. Just like the illusion in some shops they put up the price 20% or so, then they advertise a sale for 15% or so. Just an slight of hand trick, the greedy blood suckers will find a way to use government credit cards or some other way to keep there lavish lifestyle at taxpayers expense. Posted by Philip S, Sunday, 11 May 2014 2:13:27 PM
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I remember when the last Parliamentarian salary
freeze happened under Mr Rudd, Tony Abbott called it a political "stunt." What makes him think that the voters are so gullible as to fall for his "sharing the load," tactic. I wouldn't mind (and neither would so many other voters) sharing the load of their salaries and perks though. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 May 2014 2:28:54 PM
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cont'd ...
I forgot to add that people can only be fooled once - it's time for pollies to stop playing games - and try honesty instead. And those who thought that's what they were getting with this current government are not learning the sad truth! Liar, liar, pants on fire! But then Mr Abbott can go to Confessi9on - and all will be forgiven? Not by the voters - not this time! Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 11 May 2014 2:32:10 PM
If they said they'll knock back their salaries to 2007 levels then the voters could smell a couple of ounces of integrity. Same goes for all public servants plus a salary ceiling of $200,000.- for senior bureaucrats. If they think that's not enough for them they're most welcome to exercise their aptitude & expertise in the private sector which would be a boost to our economy.
I'm just so sick of listening to senior bureaucrats bragging about their overseas holidays on Golden Frequent Flier points. It wouldn't be so bad if frequent flier point were only for travel within Australia but that money now goes out of the country. If I had my way frequent flier points should be pooled for the organisation that pays for the ticket i.e. the public service.
I see them every day living off their travel allowances & still saving part of it on top of their normal excessive pay.. Value for money for the australian taxpayer ? Nope !