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The Forum > General Discussion > We must eat organic food

We must eat organic food

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Individual "Imagine the changes in our society if we stop consuming hormone fed animals & other chemical enhanced food."

What changes, exactly?

We live in one of the healthiest and safest countries in the world, with very strict food related laws and restrictions.
I just can't see all this supposed chemical/hormone rubbish in our food causing mass problems around me....can anyone else?

Cancers and other terrible diseases have been around long before chemicals and pesticides etc were even dreamed about, so what caused those ?

Those pushing the organic food barrow can happily go ahead eating expensive foods we don't need, but leave the rest of us out of it.
Posted by Suseonline, Saturday, 10 May 2014 1:30:16 PM
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I'd be a bit careful about declaring all agricultural chemicals as non-toxic (even when respecting recommended application rates and withholding periods).
Try looking up 'Dicofol' and DDT, just as one example, and then look up the rates of chemical residuals in general populations, including in breast milk. You may be surprised, if not horrified.

The US is just about devoid of bees for agricultural pollination, similarly are parts of China, and in Oz the range for vibrant bee populations is rapidly diminishing.
Note frog disappearance and deformities, similarly with some fish populations - due to chemical residues in the 'environment'.

Organics may not be the only 'solution', but far greater care with and far less reliance on chemicals (in agriculture and elsewhere) appears to be an even greater pressing priority than concerns about global warming or climate change (or even of nuclear war).

The sacred balance is 'in the balance'.
Posted by Saltpetre, Saturday, 10 May 2014 1:37:15 PM
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I just can't see all this supposed chemical/hormone rubbish in our food causing mass problems around me.
Well ? There you are !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 10 May 2014 1:43:50 PM
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< filling your rather large stomach with copious amounts of red meat. That's fine, you're entitled to eat yourself to death. >

Yes you should encourage more people not to eat meat. A good steak is hard to get these days. The less demanding it the easier it will be for us carnivores to source it.

It's funny, my whole family are big meat eaters, all live healthy and are as strong as the bulls they eat. My great and grand parents all lived into their nineties, my father is pushing 87 as is my mother. I wonder if eating a lot of wild game foods have anything to do with it? As we're all big hunters, duck, quail, rabbit, goats, deer, pigs, pigeons, pheasants. and of course wild fruits and other stuffs. I just finished jarring and preserving 4 large jars of wild pine mushrooms we just collected from the forests in Victoria.

We're wogs and love our food, we never eat take away or any of that processed garbage from the fresh out of the freezer, stores. And we all smoke like chimneys, go figure!
Posted by RawMustard, Saturday, 10 May 2014 2:17:28 PM
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I have been asked - I shop at the Adelaide Central Market. I like to shop at: and

The website: says:

"Other agricultural practices can impact the climate. Synthetic pesticides and fertilizers are widely used in agriculture, and are often made from fossil fuels.

Manufacturing and transporting these chemicals uses significant quantities of energy and produces greenhouse gases. Not surprisingly, studies have shown that chemical farming uses considerably more energy per unit of production than organic farms, which do not use these chemical inputs."

David Suzuki is a very credible person and when he came to a session he spoke at in Australia - I was very impressed.
Posted by NathanJ, Saturday, 10 May 2014 3:44:02 PM
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I'm with Raw Mustard, and we eat as much organic meat as I can get, mostly with rifle or shotgun.
I grow a lot of vegetables but don't use pesticides apart from soapy water. Fruits I harvest from trees growing wild, usually where there has been an early settler's homestead or where trees, particularly apple, have sprung up beside the roads.

For some strange reason the Greens are against hunting organic meat animals.
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 10 May 2014 5:28:49 PM
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