The Forum > General Discussion > 'As a multicultural society, we should take a very dim view of this sort of behaviour'
'As a multicultural society, we should take a very dim view of this sort of behaviour'
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Posted by Nhoj, Saturday, 3 May 2014 6:26:50 PM
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SteeleRedux "Love to hear your take on White South Africans."
In what regard? How they style their hair? Elaborate. Nhoj, the British arrived here centuries ago. What's happening now in our own lifetime in *within our control*, what happened centuries ago is not. We are "Australians", not British, Irish or any other people. This *is* our homeland. How can you condemn what happened to Aborigines (who you implicitly accept are a people distinguishable from "Australians") yet expect us to celebrate what's happening today to *our* people? What was wrong in 1788 (when done to Blacks) is still wrong in 2014 (when done to Whites). Russians and Ukrainians have problems over their political *borders*. Those border disputes don't exist here, do they? There are already plenty of those people here already and they don't seem to be causing any problems. Probably because they can blend in easily. There have been myriad disputes between various European peoples over the centuries. They never last forever. And it doesn't stop them (and us) sharing many genetic and cultural elements. Every people on Earth have been at war with another people at some time or another, has invaded or been invaded, some people many times. So what?! That's history, contracultural immigration is happening NOW. If you don't support wars/invasions, why do support the inevitable displacement of White Australians by an anything-and-everything immigration policy? Do the displacers need to be firing bullets before you object? Native-born Whites have gone from 90% of the population in the 1940s to around 60% today. If we were a darker-skinned people, you'd call that "genocide" or "ethnic cleansing" and condemn it. Posted by Shockadelic, Saturday, 3 May 2014 6:31:05 PM
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Shockadelic, you've just made several fatuous claims, obviously based on your adherence to your version of political correctness.
(1) You're falsely implying that the decimation of aboriginal culture, the historical killing of thousands and thousands of aboriginees, their displacement from "their" lands is NOW HAPPENING TO WHITE PEOPLE in Australia. What hogwash you imply!! Ummm son, you are clearly 100% ruled by your radical dogma and political correctness. (2)And, when it's pointed out to you that white people aren't perfect and they fight and bicker (just like your hated dark people do) what do you do? You offer "excuses" for the "white" people. Your political correctness knows no bounds. (3) You then proceed to lie about our immigration policy, saying it lets everything and anything in and that it's "inevitable" that "white" Australians will be displaced. Shockadelic, you are fearful and paranoid to the point of needing psychological assistance. Luckily, such radical and dangerous thoughts come only from a tiny, tiny minority of people who are slaves to their dangerous, divisive ideology. Posted by Nhoj, Saturday, 3 May 2014 7:15:56 PM
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Given that you claim to speak in defence of Aborigines in calling for the exile of ethnic White Australians can you name the Aborigines who support your way of thinking and whom among them would be willing to join you and publicly lobby for such a program? You further assert that unfair treatment of one ethnic group justifies the same treatment being meted out to another ethnic group, ie that two wrongs make a right, which of the Anti Racism activists in this country have supplied an ideological or for that matter scientific justification for such a conviction? I can think of one notable political tendency which was premised on such a world view, whereupon the depredations visited upon particular ethnic groups were used as in part as a justification for actions against another. It's called National Socialism and quite apart from it's defunct German antecedent that tendency is still presenting problems in India, Syria, Burma and Egypt. It's also notable that the avowed Anti Racist EU is using Neo Fascism as it's motif in it's various adventures in Eastern Europe, lately in Ukraine as is widely known by readers of this site. In that light perhaps your attitude is understandable, the old Brownshirt jargon, tactics and regalia are being re purposed by Western Neo Liberals and Anti Racists. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Saturday, 3 May 2014 9:34:02 PM
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do natzies deserve human rights is calling some one a natzi not taking away their right of reply isnt it much ie the trick question ARE YOU STILL BEATING your wife the inferance is there e FOR NATZIE READ ABO AVO..DOPPER NUTTER INSANE DENIER BOAT-PEOPLE TOWEL HEADS CHIKS ZINKZ FINKS DONKS WONKS AND NONGS but really this is what really if only reading a bit begin at the end then comes the none of the above*..[johan for pres] Posted by one under god, Sunday, 4 May 2014 8:18:41 AM
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Far out OUG, I actually understood that one.
Well indeed,Anti War activists get the rough end of the pineapple all right but the power to shut people up by screaming "Nazi" has greatly diminished since Zundel and Rudolf were so shamefully treated. For the same reasons that I don't think we'll see too many more "factual" documentaries on the concentration camps I doubt we'll see many, if any more "denier" prosecutions. The last time an article was presented minimising the official death toll at Auschwitz in 2003 the German authorities declined to prosecute the author, Fritjof Meyer even though a criminal complaint had been made. Here's Meyer's article, for what it's worth I think even this explanation falls flat and it's backed in large part by the testimony of a proven liar: Did you listen to Ryan Dawson's extended interview with David Cole-Stein? Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Sunday, 4 May 2014 11:52:56 AM
(1) I didn't say "aboriginal activists" (predictable politically correct "term" you use there, ha ha) support the exile of white people. It's BANJO'S logic that supports opposition to "alien culture", and you totally missed that point. Jay my son, you really need to learn how to read and comprehend. I blame your school teacher.
(2) Ah, the "Hitler" defense yet again. Careful, or I might bring up the Mao defense against you. I bet you're now quivering.
(3) What 2 wrongs am I advocating? Spell it out son. Is this something based on your right wing political correctness, or is it based on your inability to read and comprehend? Remember, it's BANJO'S logic that supports opposition to "alien cultures". The original inhabitants were here FIRST, and thus WHITE people are the "alien culture". Duh !!
Now before you reply Jay, remember my comments 4 posts above referred to logic used by *BANJO*. Now Jay, please make an effort to comprehend this. I know it's hard for you, and I do sympathise, but please be a good boy and "try". Thanks so much.