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who are you..catch 22
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Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 24 June 2014 11:18:05 PM
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BEEN PICKING FAVS (Allah doesn't change his word, 6:115, but he does "substitute" it when he comes up with something better, 2:106 16:101). Older versions of the Quran would be helpful in the study of certain words (since vowels are often left out of transcriptions) but unfortunately ancient texts are usually either destroyed or hidden from public view by authorities, since they differ somewhat from modern versions - and thus throw into question the Quran's internal claim to be the immutable word of God (although the Hadith plainly indicates that multiple versions existed following Muhammad's death). The suras of the Quran can be grouped into two distinct periods in Muhammad's life. There is the earlier "Meccan" period, when Muhammad had little to say about violence or "fighting..[reflecting;the spirit;of the location..&* Estimated Chronology of the Quran Suras from Mecca..[oasis]LIgHT 96, 68, 73, 74, 111, 81, 87, 92, 89, 93, 94, 103, 100, 108, 102, 107, 109, 105,113,114,112,53,80,97,91,85,95, 106,101,75, 104,77,50,90,86,54,38,7,72,36,25,35, 19,20, 56,26,27, 28, 17, 10, 11, 12, 15, 6, 37, 31, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 88, 18, 16, 71, 14, 21, 23, 32, 52, 67, 69, 70, 78, 79, 82, 84, 83, 29 Suras from Medina..[deserts]DARKNESS 2, 8, 3, 33, 60, 4, 99, 57, 47, 13, 55, 76, 65, 98, 59, 110, 24, 22, 63, 58, 49, 66, 61, 62, 64, 48, 9, 5 but who can tell the diferences [lest we forget/this Is satans school] /talbotholographicuniverse_djvu.txt this is a photo[of the holographic/plate[up-CLOSE] NOTE THE DOTS [THEY PROJECT/the whole hologram/equate that dot to you now try to see..we*..are a LIVING 3D..HOLOGRAM/SIMULI THE STIMULIE/=DOTS INDIVIDUALY..=US..[WE]..YET CLLECTIVLY/holy gram =ME,,[HE]..THE COLLECTIVE of all true good living loving light[de*light.] then//try..orignal/page 19.. [electrical pdf/tool-page 31] in the officer/page 86/as he walks you through the hologram next/heal\thyself Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 25 June 2014 10:07:02 AM
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atheist plagiarize
secular Colonize/aND\DiVIDE. FROM A VERY Interesting search set CAN A SCIENTIST SUPPORT RESECTION? the math/mystries..OF THE TRIANGLE [TIMES 2] koran source texts/BY TOPIC the holographic universe gibberish papers OH WELL/how to read them all extractED/FROM With several historians, a new channel has been found in this mystery, and their answer is surprising, especially when it comes to the old millennial lies that have been perpetrated by Catholicism. This knowledge is NOT new, but the average Christian has been reluctant to look at any history other than a heavily redacted Biblical account of the man they call Jesus of Nazareth. As one professor said: "The problem for any historian in trying to reconstruct the life of Jesus is simply that we don't have sources that come from the actual time of Jesus himself." Quoted by Professor L. Michael White, Director of Religious Studies, University of Texas at Austin. In the first place, Jesus was NOT His real name. It was a title. According to the Bible, His real name was Immanuel. But, apart from the stories of Jesus, there is historically recorded many travels - through the Roman Empire - of one remarkable man, presumably anointed or enlightened, and this man journeyed and taught Godly wisdom in that early Church era. Since "Jesus" is the Greek for the name "Joshua," the early Christians gave this particular early philosopher the name of Joshua, as they believed that this distinct, early New Testament man would be the one to lead them out of Roman bondage and into a new life. As the original Joshua had done his "promised land" task in around 1400 BC, they hoped this new Joshua would then do the same for them in the early common era. But, his real name was NOT Jesus..? what means..'you shall call him..Immanuel..? WHY DO NAMES Matter so much? does IT..CHANGE ANYTHING? is anyone comming/BACK,,or did enmmanuel/ [JESUS/JOSUA] that..after the 3rd day? in spirit? Posted by one under god, Friday, 27 June 2014 5:52:01 PM
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dan;..>>The Bible addresses many concerns about what is what and how things operate … Moreover, it speaks of everything.<< george..<<..Do you really believe..that you would find more/about e.g. how your computer the Bible\than from a computer scientist?>> of course thats a hardware software-joke [angels invented the internet/demons made it the survelance device/the bible talks muc/oF\THESE MOTIVATIONS <<..I think the computer scientist knows more of this HOW, irrespective of whether he/she believes in God or not.>> MAYBE/BUT..what does the computer sintist/know re govt/law re human nature survival/healing sickness settling dispute/dont try to be disappointed thats why im writing it here but appriciate the spur/of the wurds <<>...However, he/she will give different answers to Leibnitz’s>> se that means nothing to me george i mean/your attention/to a topic keeps the topic flowing/but me.. I LOT WHERE WE WEWRE start a new quote. different..possible 'answErs..<<.<<..“WHY..there is something..rather than nothing”..>>ALL NO DOUBT..<<..depending on whether he/she believes in God or not.>> BUT YOUR A BELIEVER? no book can refute nor conceal/the hand of god in it but no good book is great er than the living godi can solve ANY problem/by divining yes or know/in the holy texts.. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 2 July 2014 4:26:17 PM
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<..What happens next?
We have sent details\of the dispute\to CBA and asked it/to either: ·.contact you within 28 days to resolve the dispute, or ·..provide us with a detailed response to the issues you have raised within 28 days.>> DEAR SIR/BE ADVISED/ they have issued\a bank cheque[ie\made an offer] i rEFUSE..I WANT\A BANK ACCOUNT*/to-put/*)FULLSTOP REMOVING MY SOLE-MEANS\OF INTERACTION/WITH THE SYSTEM /IT VIOLATES-MANY\basic-governance-ISSUES << contrary to/good industry practice,! or>> YES ITS NICE/TO DIP INTO\OTHERS BANK ACOUNTS AND FAIR ENOUGH/but by what right does the bank violate our contract/ie banking services? i see\your trying-to reset this back to go/note..i allready advised../you/of these issues plesae note..your own terms <<< in breach\of a/con*tractual obligation.>> hence/banking-earn/respect/[service] and\the state/has citizenry obligation into huge burden/without/concent/nor-right/..\cancelled by bank account/cancelled\my licence/their-warrent/ canceledL MY PENSION/license/rego/bank US<..What happens next? We have sent details of the dispute to CBA and asked it to either: · contact you within 28 days to resolve the dispute, or · provide us with a detailed response to the issues you have raised within 28 days.>> DEAR SIR/BE ADVISED/they have issued a bank cheque[ie made an offer] i rEFUSE..I WANT A BANK ACCOUNT*/FULLSTOP REMOVING MY SIOLE MEANS OF INTERACTION/WITH THE STSTEM /IT VIOLATES MANY ISSUES << contrary to good industry practice, or>> YES ITS NICE TO DIP INTO OTHERS BANK ACOUNTS AND FAIR ENOUGH/but by what right does the bank violate our contract/ie banbking srvuices i see your trying to reset this back to go i allready advised uoi of these issues · pleae note your own terms<<< in breach of a contractual obligation.>> and the state has citiucenry obligation into huge burden cancelled by bank account/cancelled my licence/cancelled MY PENSION BY WHAT RIGHT? im no longer a person under the act but some how you have abused an act of trust and faith/repetedly systematicly i want this refusal to persue in writing Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 11:33:11 AM
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stff/it/13 words/to/long/3 edits/im/OVER IT
SORRY [im a dutch citizen/we dutch can appeal this at the hague but we dont need be silly just give me bank my bank account or a licence/birth certificate/so i can open aq new one govt is at theroot of this and your point one/the law is fraud/an abuse.of govt poowers <<..If a representative of CBA contacts you to discuss the dispute,?? THEY THINK OVER PLEASE LET ME TALK TO A HUMAN <<> I encourage you to participate in the discussion. >> THEY ISSUED A CHEQUE NOW I WANT AN ACCOUNBT TO PUT IT INTO <<If the dispute is resolved, please phone me on 1300 78 08 08 to let me know.>> ITS NOT RESOLVED LET ME SAY THIS..CLEARLY THIS ISSUE/ISNT RESOLVED/ITS NOW READY\FOR COURT TELL ME]FREEDOM\OF INFO THEN FITGERALD INQUIRy/then screw it/the hague your here\for justice/ give me back/my BANK-account itS*\about/*my account/ plus/not having/the id points\to get..a new onE QUE WARRENTO? CATCH22 NOTICE TO SeriVANTs==NOTICE TO MASTER* DO YOU HAVE A DAMAges bond? govt/PUT A LIEN/on/my\home BY WHAT RIGHT? im/no longer\'a person'/under the act but some-how you have abused\an act of trust and BROKEN/A LIFE-LONG-faith/repeAtedly systematically i want this refusal\to persue\in writing/SNAL-MAIL[HARD-COPY* [im a dutch citizen/we dutch can appeal\this at the hague but/we dont\need be silly.ITS/JUSTa banking-account it/seems-we/all\got at least-one[but4me* just/give me bank\my bank account or a licence/birth certificate/so i\can open a/new one govt is at the\root of this and your\point one/*\*the law is fraud/an abuse..of govt powers <<..If a representative\of CBA contacts you\ to discuss the dispute,?? THEY THINK.\ITS/OVER PLEASE LET-ME TALK\TO A HUMAN <<>I encourage you to participate\in the discussion.>> THEY ISSUED..A CHEQUE.[BANKING-INSTRUMENT] NOW.I WANT AN ACCOUNT/TO PUT IT\.INTO <<If the dispute/is resolved,> its?not* <<please phone me on let me know.>> ITS/IS-NOT\RESOLVED LET ME SAY/THIS CLEARLY THIS ISSUE\*ISNT RESOLVED/ITS NOW\READY FOR COURT TELL ME FREEDOM\OF INFO THEN FITGERALD INQUIRy/then screw it/the hague your here for justice/ give me back my account its about my account/plus not having the id get a new onE QUE WARRENTO? NOTICE TO SERVANT=NOTICE TO MASTER* DO YOU HAVE A DAMAges bond? Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 9 July 2014 11:34:42 AM
| times../in\..tHE KORAN
the..last time..CHAPTER..79
10 (Now)..*they..are asking:
Shall we really..[PERMANENTLY]..; our first state..
..11..Even after we..are crumbled bones?
12 *They..say:
Then..that/would be..a vain..*proceeding.
MISS-LEADING?..With vanity/gone..
13 Surely it will need..but one shout,
14 And lo!
they..*will be awakened.
15 Hath there come
unto thee...the history of Moses?
then the..<<..if you read the Koran in context..>>>>
where is the vanity/..that has ended/..[leading to mosus]
<<.Lo! indeed a lesson
for him who feareth..the promise..0f the lord's empowerment's..once vanquished.
27..lo..Are ye the create, the heaven..more difficult..;..that He built?
He raised..the height's and breadth..there/of
and ordered it..; its graces...mercies truths and loves..even/..THYNE FETISH/[lusts]..passions.
29 And He alone..made dark the eternal-night thereof, and..He brought..of his mercies..bringeth/forth the morn there-of.
oh vanities be gone/indeed what have ye done,,;,,
30..And after that He spread the earth,the width/the depth..and lengths/there-of..
31 And produced abundant and infinite
from the water..there-of..made he life..and the pasture thereof,made he the mightiest trunks bear the sweetest of fruits..;there-of.
32 And He made fast..the hills,..CLOTHED..and addorned his bride..;..our the living grasses..and delicacies..including the tree/of\life..;..knowing..[gen..1;29..for ye it shall be meet.
33 as provision for you..and for your cattle.
..34 But when the great disaster cometh,..that chases..away..even/the brightest light..[dark as night]..
The day when man
will call to mind..his (whole) endeavour,
36..And hell will stand forth
visible to him,
37/Then,..[as it was/for him..who rebelled]..[santa*satana]
And chose as he/chose..the life..of the/materialist-world,
so/too..hell will be his home.
[But as for him..who feared to stand
;..before his Lord..healed/whole..[humane]..
and at peace
as he/has..restrained/retraineD..his soul from..injurious..and hurtful lust,
41 Lo!..the =..eternal/Garden..will be his home.
42/They ask thee..of the Hour:
when will it will emerge the waters/of the deep..[read commerce].?
43..Why..(ask they)?
What hast thou to tell thereof?
444..Unto thy Lord belongeth..(knowledge
of)..the term thereof.
45\Thou art but a warner
unto him who feareth it..On the day when they behold it,
it will*if..they\had..but tarried..for an evening..or the morn thereof...YET ETERNITY WAST/ as ye gave/thus shall ye receive../\..allow..the\PEACE/ fall upon..all..;ever so gently..;..surely..and verily..RELENTLESSLY.