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who are you..catch 22
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Posted by one under god, Thursday, 29 May 2014 9:38:58 AM
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911/names names HOW ELITES HIGH-JACK REALITY Posted by one under god, Friday, 30 May 2014 11:22:34 AM
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Dear johan hendrick, Your general discussion thread entitled "VERY INTERESTING TIMES IN deed?" has been rejected by the moderator. Hi Johan, I know you can render your thoughts in standard English, and starting a thread is the place to do it! I've copied your text below so you can have another go if you wish. Graham its system testing us or are we testing the system..[i would like to thank all at olo] ok now off we go..walkabout time or court time..seems the blogging time is done [i knew i was correct in not bying a new con* im not paying any govt taxes..or rates water bills..[seems icelanders had to go on strike one year we can fix this just one week. ask how? what suggestion you got/to fix the world...[over night] hrh..needs simply decxlare publuc seervice to secure all assets and food water power suopoplies/while we audit the books/just so we are clear..each month shall equal one calender year/when peace reigns like it doth on earth as it is is heaven..the time measure will be each month = one new year.[mainly because many contractual treasons run 99 or more years/and we only ..weLL YOU TELL THE REST OF THE STORY. [TEST/THE SYSTEM DONT FEED THE SYSTEM DONT LET THE DEAD SYSTEM SUCK AWAY YOUR LIFE BLOOD...INTO ETERNAL SERFDOM...ITS AN INDUCED ERROR..THATS HOW ITS DONE..IN HELL/WE STAND AT THE INTERSECTION..what we do next choses where we all*..shalt dwell...[...heaven/\or/\hell...]..make sure you chose well vote one/none of the abouve apply signature to bill write a4v=$ its not what we do/but who we doing it. as i write/they read\ if it posts means/they\ go the way of the mother mary/now let the world concecreate fatima/russia..but gobally:this time..[recall coded rhyme/of the rosery..] the numbrr*..of the beast...or MASTERS OF THE FEAST... TEST BEGINS..NOW*.[?] Posted by one under god, Saturday, 31 May 2014 2:10:03 PM
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* This Dhamma is for
the wise, not for the unwise. * This Dhamma is for the energetic, not for the lazy. * This Dhamma is for the secluded, not for one fond of society. * This Dhamma is for the mindful, not for the unmindful. * This Dhamma is for the composed, not for the uncomposed. * This Dhamma is for the contented, not for the discontented. [citation needed] * This Dhamma is for one who wants little, not for one who wants much. * This Dhamma is for one who is free from impediments, not for one who delights in impediments *A human society is a group of people involved in persistent interpersonal relationships, or a large social grouping sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations. *Human societies are characterized by patterns of relationships (social relations) between individuals who share a distinctive culture and institutions; a given society may be described as the sum total of such relationships among its constituent members. In the social sciences, a larger society often evinces stratification or dominance patterns in subgroups....Insofar as it is collaborative, a society can enable its members to benefit in ways that would not otherwise be possible on an individual basis; both individual and social (common) benefits can thus be distinguished, or in many cases found to overlap. A society can also consist of like-minded people governed by their own norms and values within a dominant, larger society. This is sometimes referred to as a sub*culture.. Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 June 2014 1:12:17 PM
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The abrupt transition from established science to outlandish woo is positively comical. And once the quackery starts, it doesn't stop. You're first treated to a background on all things demonic (boldness added to emphasize the absurdity): In our region, demons are believed to be intelligent and unseen creatures that occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. In many aspects of their world, they are very similar to us. They marry, have children, and die. The life span, however, is far greater than ours (Ashour 1989). Through their powers of flying and invisibility, they are the chief component in occult activities. The ability to possess and take over the minds and bodies of humans is also a power which the demons have utilized greatly over the centuries (Littlewood 2004; Gadit and Callanan 2006; Ally and Laher 2008). Most scholars accept that demons can possess people and can take up physical space within a human’s body (Asch 1985). They possess people for many reasons. Sometimes it is because they have been hurt accidentally, but possession may also occur because of love (Ashour 1989; Philips 1997). When the demon enters the human body, they settle in the control center of the body–brain. Once the groundwork for demons is laid, Irmak expounds on the link between schizophrenia and possession: There exist similarities between the clinical symptoms of schizophrenia and demonic possession. Common symptoms in schizophrenia and demonic possession such as hallucinations and delusions may be a result of the fact that demons in the vicinity of the brain may form the symptoms of schizophrenia... The hallucination in schizophrenia may therefore be an illusion—a false interpretation of a real sensory image formed by demons... On the other hand, auditory hallucinations expressed as voices arguing with one another and talking to the patient in the third person may be a result of the presence of more than one demon in the body. Posted by one under god, Thursday, 19 June 2014 11:20:04 AM
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pre-POST*/*LIMITATIONS*\* THE FULL/BanjJ0/re-quote..<<..James Keller..: «The claim =/that God..has worked..a miracle..*implies>> imp-lies..Recognizes/GOD..thus=good <<..that God..has/singled out..certain persons..for some benefit>> is the delusion/as saying/the singing..just-4-me [god*'benefits'..FREELY;..AND\if you went saying chance../or\..accident/automatic\reflex-'reaction\automatism..etc..[some..might/hear the singer].. others get song..[or/the\score or/the\chore..lets..GIVE CREDIT/..WHERE..THE CREDIT;..BELONGS..[him/wHO\..RIGHTS..all..;wrongs. ..\$-elective/..bene-fit...\de-nied.. <<..which many..others do-not receive>> ..which..too many..others ignore..thus.. <<..implies that God is unfair”..>> [but/only/by\;selective/blindness [the radio/dont sing\//*to/you/..its not/the CD*..[SIC]..*singing . <<eg.crash/rescue>..might*..for example..indicate/a bad person/unwanted in hell/ best/kept prison/of flesh <<>.then what..was/ Auschwitz?">> Auschwitz/work-camp..worked death/ LIFE WAS SUB-SERVIENT/TO DEAD/CORPORATIST-WEALTH/ many prayed/that\it end..[and it..diEd///BUT..SLOWLY].. /\seen/those\who fought/survived/only\ gods..UNSEEN-hand..[ignoring]..*they..*never asked*..for/re-lease..but endure* . << all-powerful,..all-knowing/and\just God,>> * given/back\...his due.? where..?..<< Christianity,>>?!? <<>and their*[OUR]..precious*god..[HOLY-SPIRIT]>> remains/there..WHERE?..[HERE/;..for us-all/ [no fave-routs/OR\FAV-RIGHTS..,,BUT but..;..*the heart/loves] the heart/that loves/DOES.. MIND DOES..AS/IT DOES/WE DO...TOO,..SO MuCH MORE..DOTH GOD DO..[to/wit]..ALL GOOD.[god=good][at..lower-levels/butt\of truth..good alone=all/holy spirit.] god=;the sun.[god..[the/sun]..created..[the heaven..and/ear*th] holy spirit/created..THE sun..[the spirit..[of god] the waters..and wind..HOT/COLD..DEEP/DARK/VOID..then god said/[to holy spirit]..[loki]..'let..there be light'[and thanks/be,,to passion].. there was light..[allowing the seeing ;light reveals..ALL..[know-thyself]..REVEALED/BY]THE LIGHT*. and god/saw that revealed/by his passion[light]..and it was all good[all god].[its all gOOD OR BETTER]..wanna bet? we speak/of\..the son..or..the sun we know*[YOU]..whose dimension[UNI-VERSE/realm]..this is? [thus we dont speak..'gods'; we each are..SEED/4\..future suns/of the most holy ONCE WE GROW..[UP]..GET BIG*GER..AND/learn/to..REVEAL/THE\MANY-FOLD;FRUITS..OF/THE..HOLY SPIRITS..DE*LIGHT. OR/GO BACK\..TO GO..[IE EARTH]..unless your only needing to correct/SORT..OR SATIATE..;a few..HELLISH-'sins'..[god cant see sin/thus needs..ignore;..the sinner]LITERALLY/HIS;LOVE..BURNS-AWAY..sin.. [after..YOUR/sin=gone..\whats-left/?] [this place...WHERE/MERE;SPECS.. [life/minutia\beEARN/humanity][more/be-given../fore-given. ==.SUE..<<....I don't..share it....any more.>> ITS/*..un-c0nditionally <<..What decent..god..would send..a baby>> GOD DONT..'SEND..PEOPLE,,desire/want/need].. a..WANTed CHILD..[or]..the child..wants*..and god delivers/the asked <<to it's=..chosen/parents,>> and..most;the time/its ok..but\..some..*timid-spirits/face these material/bounds/and scream..god..take me..;BACK HOME..and..]some[..return home.[most wont./freewill/IS SACROSANCT. [deciding..they/would rather..correct/the\prior-lesson/based-on their last life..[or infinite/many;other[WAYS]..but/god gifts us all; OUR life/THEN\..what we chose* <<..What..does/that\'s parents..'learn',>> the lesson/they asked\OR/NEEDED/to\ LEARNED/TO..FIND\ passion..passiON../4\..DOING..[WE..learned as/we ear*ned..] backward/onjab/<<..visited some..of these grotto's..of Europe,>>.. lol..[with blinkered-eyes]..[ GROTTY-SNOTTY...[THY FAITH..[YOU..have healed..YOU...THATS..what co-creation/BY/CO-CREATION-ists.. [you/lot]..are learn../to\..DO*>....with/passion[pass-it-on]. clue*..<<..but all..I could see,,>.. was ..affirmation/of\what he..wanted/to]see hahahaHAHA..HA[SELF CONFIRMING..GEE..HOW SU$$? ITS All about knowing thy masters voice/sign/quality/the finiteness in..infinity..light;..sustaining life..that life; live by love ..and logic...[adjectives]..of god..are mind/spirit/eternal/infinite/mercy grace light life love logic licence..warrent/ obligato' give good..[even for..ill]..BEGGING/WE/ not murder..NEVER/GET\ILL.IS [FIGURED..IT OUT YET?] do/no\harm=IS=the charm. [even/if afraid..of\0ther OTHERS/\..entente.] LURID$ only part/of\the story fatima/is\only just now reaching its fruition. Posted by one under god, Monday, 23 June 2014 11:08:47 AM
it seems im stuck on page 9..[but dont sweat it..its a sign/symptom..wakeup call 4me..two struck on page 9..but is it just me
have notified graham/but i only seeing what the 'man';..wants me to be seeing..clearly the id has issues[three phycs/who like as not didnt even know of eacthother/and he was on withdrawel..of them stttss[percribed drugs] that put people into a nightmare/state]..but he didnt act alone..[no man is an island/his docters have his power of atourney/thus hold the blame
its a systems failure johan
ok got it thnks