The Forum > General Discussion > Free Energy; does it exist or is it akin to the free meal?
Free Energy; does it exist or is it akin to the free meal?
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Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 6 March 2014 9:10:49 PM
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dear costs ARE HUGE INCOME../exclusive franchise
that reaps the money in..big petro..and big pharma included RE THE JOE CELL..there are MANY DECEIVERS OUT THERE 'POISENING THE WELL'..CAUSE THEY WOULD Hate loosing all that nice energy /health [sickens] naturally even the learned/[especially]..the educated..have been indoctrinated that free energy is snake oil and it is..ONLY TOO EASY TO BE DECEIVED..THUs the attack RIDICULE MOB are adept at picking on one bit..THEN calling the rest as sily..but the joe cell is capturing [tapping into..unlimited potential thaT IS THE BASIS OF life..itself* [others call it dark matter or the god particle/ /yet others orgonE OR AETHER.. IF IT HEALS YOU ITS CALLED A MIRACLE ETC ITS NOT FREE ENERGY..[theRE IS NO SUCH THING] see we with regular energy set up fields and collapse fieLDS TO BUILD UP..COLLAPS in cycles..that you call free continious.. THINK like osmosis]..or a spring..WE JUST CAPTURE ITS NATURAL [OMNIPRESENT FLOW][potent energy] the joe cell has many other uSES..[LIKE ADDING IT TO POLLUTED WATER CLEANS THE POLLUTIONS [EVEN RADIOACTIVITY].. Download PDF document download PDF References Joe Cell interview Peter Stevens of Byron New Energy: Charge compression, implosion physics in water, Daniel Winter: Gravitational thrust produced by capacitors which accelerate charge by recursion Hydrogen bonding and memory effect of water: Icosahedral water clusters. Martin Chaplin: Dr. Emoto’s hexagonal water: Torsion fields, Nikolai Kozyrev: E.H.D. Flying Sourcer, Jean Louis Naudin: Vortex gravity control, Paul Richard Price, 2004 : Source charge problem, Tom Bearden: Electrogravitics Systems, Paul La Violette Biefeld-Brown effect: Blaze labs research, lifters in the vacuum The electric universe: Cymatics, Hans Jenny Woutje Winkler-Prins and Donave water: Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 March 2014 7:39:08 AM
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I recall Joh Bjelke-Petersen once promoting a water powered car "invented" by some shady Queensland character. When southern reporters want to inspect this modern miracle of a car, particularly for a gas cylinder stashed in the boot, Joh became very hostile!
The reality is there are plenty of sustainable alternative energy sources available for development. Unfortunately our conservative politicians are so dominated by the vested interests of fossils fuels, big oil, big coal, they refuse to take the much needed government action now to develop a sustainable energy future for the planet. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 March 2014 8:12:40 AM
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As UOG has shown, there are hundreds of snake oil salesmen selling perpetual motion machines that generate free energy.
The fundamental laws of thermodynamics are: 1 the conservation of mass and energy, or commonly know as the "no free lunch Law". Water is in a very stable chemical state, and can only be used to produce power if energy is put into it to make it steam or separate hydrogen and oxygen. 2 Entropy continuously increases, which in layman's terms is that no process is 100% efficient. ie if you put a megajoule into the water to make it steam or separate hydrogen / oxygen, you will get far less out, probably 1/3rd. Additional applicable laws are: 3 If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. 4 There is a sucker born every minute. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 7 March 2014 8:29:21 AM
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A terribly hard piece of scripture to read. Water is hydrogen and oxygen and nothing else. I think the author is extracting blood from stone, and having his type of fun doing it.
Hydrogen one day may come into being, but no sign of that yet. Popetual motion does not exist. Probably best to stick with your solar panels as sunshine is free, but your panels cost money, they are also good for your bills bottom line. Posted by 579, Friday, 7 March 2014 9:25:35 AM
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ENTER..THE*SHADOW..[a..shade low]../quote..<<..The fundamental laws of..thermodynamics>>
PLEASE/Sire...'thermo"..means what? temperature..dynamics..are:..<<..1..the conservation*..of mass and energy>> OK SO..what your temperature dynamics [as opposed to dark matters..cold DYNamics?]..are..[or is?] *..the conservation..[ie preservation]..of mass/[WEIGHT?]..AND ENERGY MY DEAR MAN..SEE/ITS..GOOBLIDY GOOK SEE OLD MATE..YOU LEARNED IT OFF..BY ROTE..NOT REALY EVen checking..what it means..[please dear boy..can you write the law more clearly.. [write plain unthinking/ROTE..memorisation of juNK WORDS WORDS..HAVE YOU UNDER..THEIR SPELL..OLD PAL SO YOU DESCRIBED..THE KNOWN HOT/THERMO-LAW..of the dymaics of state? joe gas is cold dynamics..THAT NEEDS NO MATTER[..IE NO MASS] THAT Conserves ENERGY..]UNLIKE THE ENERGY YOUR CURRENT SYSTEM..HAS NEAR USED UP..[NOT CONSERVED/BY BURNING] IE..*NOT Conserved..yet its called..the law..of conservation? what YOUR Conserving..the weight/MASS..of the coal CONVERTED INTO ENERGY PLEASE.OLD WISE One..stop remembering..the rote/laws look at the reality ..others are doing..[or in thyne own words mass/energy thermo..its...bull shhhh IT..<<>.The fundamental laws of thermodynamics are:..1 the conservation..of mass and energy,..or commonly the.."no free lunch Law".>>..because we damm/near consumed..THE LOT..OF IT...[SUBSUMED..IT/ALL] YOU..CON-SERVED the coal MASS..BECAME FLY ASH BY GIVING UP...[NOT CONSERVING]..ITS ENERGY So we move froM GOBBILDY GOOk to << in a very..stable chemical state,>> yep..buT JUST ADD..A little recuperates..easilly into oxygen/hydrogen..or evaporates..into gas/water vapor..or steam..or ice yep its a..very stable chemical..though..MANY..OF/CHANGES..OF/state/ <<..and can...only be used to produce..THERMO-power[used/mass] put into make it..[change-state]...steam..or separate..hydrogen and oxygen.>> IF..ALL BEFORE IT..WAS BULL..THE FRUIT/IS BULL so..the thermo/law...for water is bull we*..dont heat no water..[please usee,..your..LOGICAL-mind bro] lot..using the conSERVation rubbish..of change of state..retaining mass/energy? its all just rubbish in..ruBBISH OUT FIRST LAW IS MISLEADING/or energy[induCING A CHANGE.OF STATE]..<<..2 Entropy..continuously increases,>> PROVE IT <<.. which in layman's terms.*is that no process is 100% efficient.>> SAY IT IN CLEAR LANGUAGE [ ENTROPY=DECAY/DEATH DYING Continuously Dying..*?increases..? rubbish..[gobbildy GOOK.. << you put...a megajoule>..[not mass/but..the heat a given mass],,<<..into the make it steam..or separate hydrogen/oxygen,..[via/generating/collapsing..ENERGY-FIELDS]..<< will..get far less out,..probably 1/3rd.>>.. ps..we arnt heating the moter..the water..YOUR/MIND..nor nuthin burning create energy..isnt a law..of conserving nuthin too clever/by half. Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 March 2014 9:44:42 AM
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Where can I buy one ?
I can't ? Why ? I would have thought Joe or his mates would be flat out making them and making a fortune. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 7 March 2014 10:36:38 AM
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baz..,,..<<..Where can I buy one ?
I can't ? Why ?>> ITS Not rocket science you need PRECISE Tollerances..[like the tunes need be line/on the egzact same level the pipes when made had a built in polarisation..cutting them with mnachines can upset the working of it[think how easy to wreck the delicate siMPLY INVERTIng the tubes polarity[or even putting IN A MICROSCOPIC NICK ITS PRESENTED FOR FREE..CAUSE YOU NEED BE ANALY ATTENTIVE TO THE CLEANSING RITUALS/JUST LIKE ONE SPEC OF DUST ON A MICRO CHIP/can hurt a delicate balance its best people know how to set the right tunes with the correct ORIENTATION THAN ALLOW THOSE SNEAky despoilers to stuff things up in house oNCE YOU GOIT THE RIGHT TOOL[a simple magnet find the right stainless STEEL[INDUSTRIAL GRADE]..THEN YOU CAN MAKE IT THE RIGht way[and figure out how to fix it for thaT DAY THe delicate baLANCE IS WACKED OUT OF ITS PRECISE ALINGMENTS <<. I would have thought Joe or his mates would be flat out making them and making a fortune.>> he goes around helping others get it right please just find and watch the the texts iTs not my job to give you FREE ENERGY..its you who needs keep it going..YOUR THE CLUE...there wil allways be those who it for me/but dont..want to be doing it FOR EVERYONE LEARN TO feed thyself..for life dependanCE CAN NEVER CREATE INDEPENDANCE Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 March 2014 10:59:50 AM
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Anyone remember the Sarich Orbital Engine that was going to revolutionize the petrol motor?
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 7 March 2014 11:49:31 AM
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Is Mise,
I thought some American car maker bought the rights and buried it. Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 7 March 2014 1:41:59 PM
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Actually fellers, the Sarich Orbital Engine was very good, as was the Split Cycle engine. The problem with this stuff is that with hugely expensive factories established to produce reciprocating engines, the cost of developing equipment to produce something entirely different is just too high for the advantage available.
Perhaps with the 100+ years development our present engines have had, these things could be magic, but they are never going to get the chance to show it. You only have to look at the power output for size, & fuel consumed of modern reciprocating engines against early ones to see how refined this technology really is today. Incidentally, to make his engine work, Sarich had to develop a much more efficient fuel injection technique. The company was bought to obtain his patents for the injection systems, rather than the engine. I think that technology is widely used in modern high pressure injection common rail engines today. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 7 March 2014 2:51:46 PM
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Actually the Sarich never worked as it proved impossible to overcome the lubrication problems at the speeds that it needed to work at.
A friend, the late Phil Irving, presented a paper on the Sarich engine to an Engineering Society meeting in Melbourne explaining why the engine would not work; time and lubricants proved him right. "The Sarich orbital engine has a number of fundamental unsolved problems that have kept it from becoming a usable engine. Some key components cannot be cooled and others cannot readily be lubricated, so it is very susceptible to overheating.[1] At one press conference at which Sarich presented the engine, automotive engineer Phil Irving (designer of the Vincent Motorcycle and Brabham Formula One engines) pointed out a number of technical difficulties....". Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 7 March 2014 9:32:53 PM
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ITS FUNNY REAlly..that there would be cooling problems..with consuming THE FUEL MASS BY BURNING IT..[THE LAW OF 'ENERGY CONSERVATION'..LOL COMES TO MIND]
THERE WILL ALLWAYS BE VERY GOOD REASONS..things work..or not i like others havnt learned mechanics for love of the mechanical like joe..i has to learn it because i didnt havE THE CASH FLOW TO PAY OTHERS. JUST LIKE MY COMPUTER ..HAS GAINED ITS LATEST BUGS SAYING GO BUY A NEW ONE..BUT IM OVER THIS FORCED COMMERCE..[currently the obvious problems are being confounded by page[tabs]..dissapearing..AND FREEZINg.. BUT AS COMMERCE..TEMPts my computer to die i just figure out my own resistance[its taken 3/4 ERS OF A HOUR TO POST THIS..PAST THREE PAGE FREEEZES And a im prempting the next posting and all i really wanted to SAY its the same with the joe cell..YOU CANT RUN TO EXPERTS..EVERYTIME YOU do the wrong thing., Posted by one under god, Saturday, 8 March 2014 3:43:15 AM
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JUST LIKE MY COMPUTER ..HAS GAINED ITS LATEST BUGS SAYING GO BUY A NEW ONE..BUT IM OVER THIS FORCED COMMERCE..[currently the obvious problems are being confounded by page[tabs]..dissapearing..AND FREEZINg.. """ You're using windows, right? A product of the very corps you despise, OUG. So why not use a product that's been made for the people by the people? A product made to last and not give you those constant problems and a product not recording your every move. If you need help with that, just holler! At least this product exists and works, the Joe Cell, not so much! When someone can show me a ball that bounces higher than the point it was dropped from, I'll believe in free energy! Posted by RawMustard, Saturday, 8 March 2014 11:58:56 AM
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Yes, OUG, I agree with raw Mustard, get yourself a Linux CD from the
front of a Linux magazine. Mint is fine distribution as is what is the most popular, Ubuntu or the one I use Debian. The other two are derivatives of Debian and very compatible. I gave up chasing Windows incompatible versions at XP and changed to Debian. Everything is free and can be downloaded for free. Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 8 March 2014 12:23:40 PM
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I wouldn't recommend Debian to a new user, Bazz. It's a lot more complicated to set up than the others. I use it myself, have done for over 15 years. I consider it the best out there, but it's not for newbie's.
Ubuntu with it's unity interface is not so good any more. They're going down the Windows[TM] path trying to meld desktop, phone and tablet interfaces into one. It's crap IMHO, just like Windows[TM]! Posted by RawMustard, Saturday, 8 March 2014 12:40:10 PM
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raws ol sUN..IF you go into outer space...and walk out your run UP
then throw a the space craft..AND 'BOUNCE'..IT OFF THE HULL it will continue going away indefinitely..FOREVER THING IS I CAN THINK OF LOTS OF WAYS..[like bouncing the ball of the ceiling]..or off a wall in a CURRENT..OR THE BOUNCE RELEASING A spring[all that would exceed your test. THING IS..IN THE HIGH COURT LAST WEEK..they threw out a case becauSE THE PROSTUTION OFFERD AS A LAWFULL CONDITION TO CONVICT..the concePT OF being lie appealing an lbw..[but the high court wasnt..a faiR COMPARISON AND A SPACE BALL HAVING BOUNCED OFF THE PITCH..ISNT FREE ENERGY NOR IS THE JOE CELL..THE TUBES COULD COST 20 BUCKS..THATS Hardly free what is free energy?..MASS IS ENERGY IN STASIS free energy..but there has to be something..'changing STATE'.AT THE STATE..WHERE HEAT IS EMITTED RATHER THAN TAKEN IN... Its futile fighting closed minds ya spends ya 20 bucks and ya takes ya lumps im not ACCEPTING BALL BOUNCING AS ANY VALID REFUtal of the joe cell its clear if thats all you got..yopu havnt invested even a second researching the topic...try WATCHING JOE BURN WATER..OR HIS ENGINE THat cant stop running..[as in working]..lest we have some fellow get loWER THAN BALLS. I PUT IT OUT THERE what you chosE TO DO WITH it..or no SKIN OFF MY BUT* Posted by one under god, Saturday, 8 March 2014 12:40:30 PM
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< raws ol sUN..IF you go into outer space...and walk out your run UP
then throw a the space craft..AND 'BOUNCE'..IT OFF THE HULL it will continue going away indefinitely..FOREVER > This is BS and you know it! There are external forces acting on the ball that make it seem as though it will go on for ever, but it will not! As for the Joe Cell. Where can I see one working? I've been asking this question for over ten years. You'd think in that time we'd have things running off it everywhere? Remember the Irish guys, Steorn, with their magnet motors, what happened to them? There are a lot of smart, good folks out there, OUG. Same folks that brought us a lot of the wonderful things we take for granted today. If it were that easy, it would be all over the planet by now! Posted by RawMustard, Saturday, 8 March 2014 1:04:15 PM
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Rawmustard, hmmm, I found it straight forward and if you are just
going to use graphical interface ie the desktop & the like it is very similar to windows operation. I did a lot more with certain communications programs but OUG will never I think do that sort of thing. Anyway reliability was the big attraction for me, went to Europe and left it running for two months and it never missed a beat and handled thousands of message while away. Posted by Bazz, Saturday, 8 March 2014 1:17:37 PM
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i did visit the link/the mint version was the ones my guyides recommended..BUT I CANT GO PUSHING LINKs/without doing more research
IM USED TO THE WATCHING THING..thus know they ARE WATCHING..and know they can redirect links change things etc/ETC.. THING IS THOSE WITH Computer SMARts..might get a 'clean' one..or a dirty one[i couldnt judge]..half my issues are re trust[i dont allow any updates..and no auto anything..but thanks for the tip..i guess its the hating of needing learn anything..i just want the thing to get online/ACCESS Info..and pay a tape..and it still does that. i learnt a new trick..this time..[recover the previous sitting] BUT NOT LETTING THEM ALL REINSTALL..[my big problem is too many opened i would rather refresh..than back/forward the email box joe playing WITH MAGNETS..was making some rather fully try to grasp what the point was..than learn a new way of posting/or try to reset the preferences cookies etc...especially as the next one..[if i do go around again]..will no doubt have the window backdoors..too. SO MANY COSMETIC CHANGES..I WANT NEW INFO AND THE Joe cell area is huge/but of course a lot of well poisoning too/BY SPECIAL INTRESTS..[PS I GONT HATE MICRO-soft..they jusT DOING AS THEIR TOLD/THERE ISNT ONE HUGE INTERNET GROUP UNTOUCHED BY AGENT PROVOCATEURS/READ SPECIAL security interests..for one reason..or the other...there are no secrets on line..BUT ALSO NO INFORMED CONSENT EiTHER. ID RATHER POST RE THE JOE SELL Posted by one under god, Saturday, 8 March 2014 1:21:10 PM
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"As for the Joe Cell. Where can I see one working?"
This is from another thread, RawMustard, and though it is claimed to be an improved 'modified Joe Cell' the theory remains the same and without the need to construct from scratch... even if my suggestion was for OUG to spend the money and stick it in himself. "Here you go OUG... I remember you introduced this a few years ago (and thought it then an unlikely power source coming any time soon), but don't let my faith it is a con dissuade you: Let us know the results of your experiments. Just be forewarned that there is no product performance or money-back guarantee on the devices. If results are less than expected you can, conveniently, use the cell to feel better about it all... Of course to be really impressive the modified cars wouldn't require batteries or petrol/diesel would they? Besides which orgone energy would be unsafe as drivers should keep both hands on the steering wheel." Posted by WmTrevor, Saturday, 8 March 2014 1:31:11 PM
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THIS HAS A LIST OF MY EARLIER FAVOURITES..MANY HAVE BEEN DELETED but nEAR THE END Are a few more vidios..the thing with the linked shows the formation of the browns gas..AS OPPOSED TO HYDROGEN GAS..THE VIDIOS EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE..[ONE exPLODES..with a bANG THE OTHER IMPLODES..With a shark crack/THE OTHer snaps i could advise you to go to btoken hill but its unlikely the harts will allow you to see pros..or byron where you would soon find one..or peter pedels who could explain things to you thing is we have vidios..instructions..the means to find the right grade of stainless..AND AN UNLIMITED FIELD OF REDISCOVERY,..THAT WILL EXCITE the phEnomiNa gets comprehended..EVEN FRAUD Detection is fun. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 8 March 2014 1:39:48 PM
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< Rawmustard, hmmm, I found it straight forward and if you are just
going to use graphical interface ie the desktop & the like it is very similar to windows operation. > Debian embarked on path of removing non free firmware from the kernel (Think network drivers). This has caused a lot of problems for people who have hardware that relies on that firmware at install time. Linux Mint includes all drivers and software pre installed, a much easier proposition for a newbie, Bazz. You were just lucky :~) Posted by RawMustard, Saturday, 8 March 2014 3:58:08 PM
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Is Mise I've had a look at one of the websites linked to earlier in the thread and it's hard to see how it could be anything but genuine. Granted no one appears to have been able to demonstrate it working but that's a trivial point. Consider all the box's it ticks. : Easy to identify figures in the development "Joe and Moe" - Tick : Origins linked to secret Nazi business - Tick : Aluminium foil involved - Tick : The science is not well understood but appears to contradict some key principles - Tick : Tesla's name is mention - Tick : The key developers had a falling out - Tick There may be some other worthy points that I missed. So glad there is a volume discount. Perhaps a group buy from OLO posters? "Do I save any money buying more than one Moe-Joe cell at a time? 2 cells - 5% discount, 3 cells 7%, 4 cells 8.5%, 5 cells 10%, 10 cells 12%, 25 cells 15%, 50 cells 18% and 100 cells 20%. " That 20% discount is looking pretty nice. ;) R0bert Posted by R0bert, Saturday, 8 March 2014 5:37:37 PM
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Posted by Agronomist, Sunday, 9 March 2014 3:41:32 PM
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Thanks for a most entertaining link; just wasted half an hour but it was well wasted!! Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 10 March 2014 6:14:30 PM
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LIFE HAS ITS IRONIES..<<..I think there is only one thing to say. Posted by Agronomist,>>
-oh the irony..that an agro missed the earlier invention that pumps water for free via..... A hydraulic ram, or hydram, is a cyclic water pump powered by hydropower. It functions as a hydraulic transformer that takes in water at one "hydraulic head" (pressure) and flow-rate, and outputs water at a higher hydraulic-head and lower flow-rate. The device utilizes the water hammer effect to develop pressure that allows a portion of the input water that powers the pump to be lifted to a point higher than where the water originally started. The hydraulic ram is sometimes used in remote areas, where there is both a source of low-head hydropower, and a need for pumping water to a destination higher in elevation than the source. In this situation, the ram is often useful, since it requires no outside source of power other than the kinetic energy of water.///////// WHEN..YOU DO THINGS..THEY NEED BE specs like here are the 'specs' the joes cell Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 12:06:45 AM
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Ironic indeed as the hydraulic ram follows the Laws of Physics (as understood by physicists) and will not work unless it does so to the letter. Where can we see a Joe Cell powered car? Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 7:28:19 AM
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For a car to run on hydrogen you need to produce around 5 lts / minute. This is where the problem lies. Besides hydrogen can explode inside a closed container, because it also contains oxygen. The process is called hydrolysis, it splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen, and very dangerous.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 8:02:12 AM
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The word should read electrolysis, not hydrolysis.
Posted by 579, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 8:03:52 AM
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And whats more you cannot park that car in underground car parks. Fluo light flicks > BOOM ! Posted by Bazz, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 10:26:56 AM
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ISMISE..step one..get to brokenhill
step two go to the ridge..there you will find two rollers..and a tmodel ford..ask if they will let you look under the hood/ BY THE TIME YOU GET THERE..LO..IT WILL BE GONE BUT I NOW WHAT PRO SHOWED ME..i saW THE DELETED VIDIOS..OF ALL THE WORKING CARS..but i saw them before your pals deleted them alternATLY..GO THE WRECKERS AT THE HILL..they dO A CONVERSIOn..mentioning my name wont help...OR YOU COULD TRY THE ACFE IN THE MAIN STREET OF BYRON...OPPOSITE THE PUB..AS FOR THE others..try to google.. i found a rebuttal site goingstrong from 2006/2007 someone kept the site going..but other sites get deleted but here is yet another Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 12:48:33 PM
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The experiments go on, as your link proves, so once again where are the cars? Surely some one has made one and is driving around thumbing his/her nose at both the petrol companies and the Collector of Excise and those that administer the GST. Have you ever heard of the "TWAD" engine? This was a delo engine and ran silently and without any moving parts and apparently did nothing much at all; it was a very large engine but a smaller version, the "TWADDLE" can be found almost everywhere that there are people and it runs constantly but unfortunately is useless as a power sauce. The "TWADDLE" is so successful that there are thousands of pages devoted to it on the net. Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 11 March 2014 3:40:36 PM