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The Forum > General Discussion > Minister Morrison the Truth about Manus Island

Minister Morrison the Truth about Manus Island

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They can bring as many refugees and asylum seekers here as they want to just so long as they have a trade or profession and are prepared to work in the country centers for at least five years whilst they get their citizenship which must include a rider that says if they commit an indictable offense they will, not might, be deported.
Good honest people we want, need right now but for some reason we keep bringing social security dependent drains and their families.
Thank you Mr. Whitlam, Mr. Rudd and Madam Gillard.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 27 February 2014 6:36:16 PM
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Banjo need to resort to lying to make your point.

You said; " Paul, being a greenie, wants an open door policy for any who wish to come. I do wonder how some people survive after weaning.

You are a rather conceited liar at that!

On 22nd Feb I posted on this thread;
"No one, and certainly not I, are advocating an open door policy, such a policy would create more problems than it would solve."

Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 22 February 2014 11:33:08 AM

Hasbeen, its a pity you would come onto a public forum and resort to using your son's unfortunate circumstance to verbally "bash" innocent people who are confined to Manus Island, and who have never had the remotest of interaction with you or your son.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 27 February 2014 6:56:48 PM
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"It's not us but those whose creed tells them to conquer the infidels and to bring all within the fold of their Islamic faith that need to change."

Them's not extremists but just ordinary Muslims that follow the Qur'an;

"The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God.".
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 27 February 2014 7:03:10 PM
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[Deleted. Religious abuse.]
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Thursday, 27 February 2014 7:41:41 PM
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Paul it is a pity that people who are too thick to know which way is up, come on a forum & promote bringing proven undesirables into our country.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 27 February 2014 10:12:43 PM
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referring to people who disagree
with you as "morons,"
With all due respect I need to remind you that you're terribly wrong again. I do not call them morons because they don't agree with me. I call them that name because they don't make any attempt to think logically. They do not give consideration to those who always put up the funding & clean up the mess after the morons have made yet anoter stuff-up. They always condemn others who made tough decisions rather than some frivolous idealistic one. So, tell me what else such people should be called if the term moron is not sufficiently bad enough to make them wake up ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 28 February 2014 6:37:25 AM
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