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The Forum > General Discussion > The real issue, is SPC worth saving, if so, why?

The real issue, is SPC worth saving, if so, why?

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85..or 3.500,000.000..of us
not liking any of you others..too..obsessed by helping out scum/stealing your savings next[you will by bailin..hold shareholdings in broke banks holding only debt

the 85..hold the assets
tax their transphere

85..or 3,500,000,000..
who will the end
on the loosing side cause they plan to kill of 5.billion useless eaters
once the 3 half billion is dead they wont need you[you will be next]

first they came for the dole bludgers..then stinking carbon producers[breathers] the smokers..the poor then the useless service industries..we wont need the cops nor nurses nor docters nor any of you few..middle managers/middle man-agement...nor small business nor the big ones[too few..consumers left]

they know who they want/need..
they got the good vaccination..[those they dont want get the bad ones]..

but hey ignorance=bliss
watch the big scar..vaccinate..
bird swine sars flue..mixed with by bubonic plague..and measles/small pox..and associated random cancer causing the many..but mainly to you.

heck you already got cancer
you just dont know it yet

how would you know?
we will tell


who cares
till its you/yours.

but..who next?
with the people..[the living]..or the dead

your choice...
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 6 February 2014 7:00:34 AM
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The source of the conscience worry is that SPC processes food.
Once the trees are chopped down, it will take years to re-establish orchards.
The SPC board meets on the 18th February.
If they decide to close then there will be an opportunity to perhaps
try crowd funding for a co-op takeover.

It would of course need some very hard headed negotiation with the government.
The government could fund an expert management consultant to report on
the whole system from grower to supermarket shelf.
Certainly an updated tariff regime would be needed to keep dumped or
zero profit imports out of the market.

There is a need for special rules for food, it is a matter of ensuring food security & avoiding hunger.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 6 February 2014 9:21:50 AM
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Yes Saltptre I agree, and the other important factor is that governments, unlike businesses can operate on a cost recovery basis, which in a sense paves the way for lower costs.

Bazz, while there is a need for food security, it does not have to mean that that security is provided by a profit making consortium, so governments may well have reached the point of where they now have to at lease explore the option of government owned and managed manufacturing as a way of providing ongoing long term employment.

But, simply providing a hand out is out of the question.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 6 February 2014 10:04:13 AM
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Rehctub, well I wonder which public servant would be appointed as CEO ?
Hmmm, well actually the main problem does seem to be dumping.
Shipping costs are rising and by the end of this decade it way well be
impossible to transport fruit from Sth America or the US at a dump price.
It might be possible one way or another to keep the plant running till
that happens and in the meantime the government could give an
undertaking to rigidly enforce the anti dumping rules.
Otherwise we would have to re-establish the orchards when shipping
priced imported fruit out of the market.

The problem with that approach is that the government believes fuel
will always be cheap.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 6 February 2014 10:42:58 AM
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under the many..'trade agreements..we cant instal tarrif's
nor..<< profit imports out of the market.>>

the market must be free
the only if big business cant..
then...govt must..

they simply take over the machines
[or..[tax for the lost values..if scrapped
or export tariff..if india or china

ditto any capitalist plant equipment
[tools of trade belong to the worker][full stop]
govt must stop bailing out the moneyed elites..if they dont preserve the values they do treason.

bailing out lending from other bankers..HUH?
let the dead tend the dead..govt was created to serve the living[but has been subverted to serving a mythical shareholder[dont you know the owning shares are safely hidden away by a few[at best they allow you to bet IF it goes up or down.

our trustfunds dont hold first preference shares
they throw 10%..of our wages on betting wether the real shares [or rather promise of real shares will go up or down]

YOUR SUPPER HAS BEEN mates of the coke brothers...who too hold real shares.[share trading was set up via a 'house of settlements...who borrowed huge credit..on the security of the shares

[ie they only hold settlement..rights of a promise of a share..[the house of settlements mortgagee holds the shares as security.

the system will fail with a wimper
then the people get angry with a bang..let em hang.

you all just dont know it yet
[80 trillion of debt..mate..and we dont own nuthin..85 people like the coke brothers do...[the old money]..holds the real paper...

but we hold /the productive..moral..lawfull/physicly..hold..the asset under adverse possession..if we stand together..the bankers cant win..either.

your enslaved by marfia run two party systems
ruling the roost both sides..the greens links back to prince/phil[who favours getting rid of the human garbage..prefers trees..[as he said as recently as yesterday..on bbc.

nothing like a little phil
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 6 February 2014 10:59:43 AM
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Funny..there was another lot around a while back who tried to socialise risk while maintaining the privatisation of profit for selected industries..strange mob, adopted an old Sanskrit symbol, reversed it and painted it on their Mercedes limousines...darned if I can recall their names.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 6 February 2014 4:31:29 PM
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