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The Forum > General Discussion > Avoiding catastrophe will we do it?

Avoiding catastrophe will we do it?

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Landrights4all can you expand on your line "Over population" is a lie.
Runner, what about you, do you have a counter argument?
Can I assume if you do not believe the planet is overpopulated then it must be underpopulated, or at best the population is about right.
UN projections estimate a world population of around 11 billion by the year 2050. Considering we have "problems" with the present population of 7 billion, and I assume you accept the world has "problems" with billions living at an unacceptable level, how do you expect the world to cope with another 4 billion in 40 years time? I will say many of the population problems are man made, war, greed etc. But there are other factors as well not the least a diminishing supply of resources.
I hope your answer is not "The Lord will provide" or some such head in the sand answer.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 5 January 2014 6:36:46 AM
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<< Over population" is a lie to transfer the need to reduce consumption away from "us" to "them". Shame on its promoter>>

Spoken like a true Greenie!

If you haven't already done so, please present at the nearest Green party office and sign up.

Don't be concerned about Paul 1405 he is a victim the military-industrial complexes propaganda. I suspect that whilst he was eating his fishnchips last night his eyes wandered over some of the articles on the wrapping paper (shame on him, indeed!)-- but never-mind Christine will set him right at the next programming session.

Landrights4all you go boy!

With views like this: <<Over population" is a lie to transfer the need to reduce consumption away from "us" to "them". Shame on its promoter>> you have a big future in the Greens.
Posted by SPQR, Sunday, 5 January 2014 7:15:26 AM
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That “overpopulation is a lie”.

Simple Paul. It is a forecast/projection brought to you by the UN. Like all UN “projections” they cannot be “true” until or unless they are proven to eventuate, therefore it is a lie.

The UN know full well that there are many people in our society that are incapable of critical thinking. This is evidenced by their passionate defense of their adopted “beliefs”. The UN and its various bodies, feed those with malleable attitudes, values and beliefs, with alarmism.

Their “projections” include. Polar bears, rising sea levels, melting ice caps, disappearing glaciers, severe weather events, destruction of our grandchildren’s’ future, peak oil, peak food production, peak population, peak CO2, destruction of species, loss of reefs, coastal property inundation, economic doom, loss of jobs, third world annihilation, eco-refugees, acid oceans, disease and pestilence.

For those who cannot think for themselves and are “stimulated” by the prospect of doom, there is always another “alarm” to direct your attention.

The big picture has you living in a bubble of pure fantasy, created for you by such as the UN. You have a finely tuned and sensitive radar for detecting opposing perspectives and yet, you are completely oblivious to your own propaganda rhetoric.

I doubt you are capable of thinking it all through, because your adopted and now self indoctrinated belief system cannot relinquish your intellect for critical thinking.

You are therefore destined to be confused, defensive, belligerent and even angry but sadly at this stage, you show absolutely no signs of ever understanding why?
Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 5 January 2014 9:44:34 AM
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If we are going to avoid catastrophe we are going to have to get rid of all the bleeding hearts, PC brigade, multicultural parasites, most of the NGOs at least half of the academics, [Turney any one], half the bureaucrats, & all greenies.

Get that done, & we only have to rescind 3/4 of the laws passed in the last ten years, & we will have half a chance. Anything less, & we have no hope.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 5 January 2014 10:35:08 AM
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Paul, The natural balance is out because of careless and greedy exploitation by the first world - not because of anything the third world has done. However if the third world follows in our footsteps, the impacts, which are already unsustainable will be multiplied catastrophically.

That's the basis for the over population case, but it glosses over need for the first world to live sustainably and the potential for the third world to follow a different path to the unsustainable consumerist and competitive one we have taken.

If the poor saw a quicker way to housing & food security than capitalism they'd obviously take it, with that security, family sizes have been proven to drop & we'd all avoid Armageddon

Technology also has a part to play of course, but more fundamentally, people need a new opportunity to establish security for themselves through cooperation rather than through the model imposed the property ownership whereby people must compete for the land access land they need for shelter and food. Restore justice - restore the natural right of access to natures gifts of land air water & sunlight and things come back into balance.

Blame the poor is to stick your head in the sand.
Posted by landrights4all, Sunday, 5 January 2014 11:10:55 AM
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Spindoc, I believe that your "think for yourself" line is nothing more than a rejection of contemporary evidence, and there is volumes of such evidence. All you do is berate others for their opinions, whilst smugly thinking your own conceited opinions are infallible. No doubt if you had been around in the time of Galileo and his evidence that the Earth revolved around the Sun, and not the other way around, you would have "thought for yourself" and rejected Galileo's thinking and stuck to the line that the Earth is flat. Maybe I should just bow to your superior intellect and leave it at that. Although I do hope your are not another Biblical Bozo who gets all his facts from the Book of Genesis.
Hasbeen, you forgot to mention the Jews, "get rid of", interesting concept, how do you propose to "get rid of" the fore mentioned of yours? Some kind of final solution?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 5 January 2014 11:24:21 AM
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