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Avoiding catastrophe will we do it?
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Posted by warmair, Monday, 6 January 2014 3:15:25 PM
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Dearest warmair,
As Stephen Fry might say on QI, thank you, thank you, thank you. If anyone was going to make my case for me, it was always going to be you! Like I said to Paul 1405, << Simple Paul. It is a forecast/projection brought to you by the UN. Like all UN “projections” they cannot be “true” until or unless they are proven to eventuate, therefore it is a lie.>> Your list of more "projections and forecasts" is astonishing. There is not one example of empirical evidence in your entire list, it is all “projections”. It is possible that you still do not understand the difference, which would go some way to explaining your infantile grasp of reality. I gave you a good example of the “dying Polar Bears”. Your “forecasts”, like all the rest of your forecasts have them dying out because of CAGW. Unfortunately, reality has prevailed against you forecasts and it all turns out to be a lie. You are doomed to live in a world of fantasy, where you devour the slightest sniff of doom. You cannot find any real data, because there isn’t any, so you suck up “projections” that go in some cases out to 2100? Don’t you find it the least bit odd that you cannot find any real, now, this is what really is information, and are forced to rely on someone else’s opinion about what “might” happen at some future date? When you have worked out and can evidence what “has” happened rather then what “might” happen, please let us know. Thank you once again for explaining your own lack of critical thinking and that of many others like you. I have no idea how the world could ever use people like you in our society, but that my dear, is your problem. Posted by spindoc, Monday, 6 January 2014 4:39:41 PM
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I seek some empirical evidence that you read even one of the links that I gave above. Please provide some evidence that since the 1970s globally there has not been a net loss of ice, temperatures have not risen, coral reefs have not declined by at least 20%, and sea level has not risen by some 60 mm. Posted by warmair, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 12:29:33 PM
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Hi warmair,
I did suggest earlier that I doubted you understood the difference between empirical data and projections. Now you have confirmed that you don’t. You seem to think that your links and articles speaking of “Potential” disasters are somehow real? You really do nee to get past WWF and Wikipedia. You also need to actually READ your own links first, if you did that you would realize that your own links contradict you and you wouldn’t look such a Prat. “Predictions”, if polar ice declines so will polar bear numbers? Yeh right, IF? Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, disappearing glaciers is well covered here and backed up by data? False. All old data projections from before the IPCC’s AR5 report, all projections failed to eventuate as now confirmed. See AR5 Severe weather events? False, see AR5 Destruction of our grandchildren’s’ future? Prediction Peak oil? Prediction, never happened. USA has glut of crude Peak food production? Prediction. It has not happened. Peak population? Prediction. Has not eventuated. Peak CO2. Prediction. Has not happened. See IPCC AR5 Destruction of species? Has not happened according to WWF. Only “habitat” being lost not species. Read it before you post. Loss of reefs,? Old reports now out of date (2004?) Predictions. Threatened coral richness, not actual. Read you own stuff. (Crown of thorns and storms? Get grip) Coastal property inundation? What sea level rises? Show me? The IPCC disagrees with you. Economic doom? Projection. In your own words “It can happen any time”. It “might” but it hasn’t. loss of jobs? “There is always plenty of jobs that needs doing, but who is willing to pay for them?”. What an utterly stupid comment. It’s real jobs going from lost industrial capacity and no Green Jobs to replace them. Third world annihilation? Not yet, another “Prediction” Eco-refugees? No, just country shopping opportunists. Acid oceans? Oceans are Alkaline you dummy. Salt, get it? Disease and pestilence? A warming climate makes tropical diseases more likely. Mmm! More likely, yes? Another forecast? My prediction? You will be taken to “The Mother Ship” next week. I’m done. Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 7 January 2014 3:17:10 PM
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Quote Spindoc
"Acid oceans? Oceans are Alkaline you dummy. Salt, get it?" Salt is sodium chloride which is composed of only sodium and chloride. Now pH means the power of hydogen, as salt has no hydrogen in it, your comment sugests you don't have a basic understanding of science concepts. Quote "Rising sea levels, melting ice caps, disappearing glaciers is well covered here and backed up by data? False. All old data projections from before the IPCC’s AR5 report, all projections failed to eventuate as now confirmed. See AR5" The link below was the one I gave on these issues, it deals with past events. Now go to the Snow and ice link below, set parameters to sea ice, Region to Northern Hemisphere and month to September. Now that is empirical evidence. You will get a graph clearly showing the sea ice loss since 1979 and also table of data. The table indicates that an area of about 1.8 million square kilometers of sea ice has been lost since 1979. The data comes from numerous satelltites and if you really care, can be downloaded from the above site. QED. Posted by warmair, Wednesday, 8 January 2014 9:42:54 AM
Destruction of species
Scroll to end of page to find data links on page below.
Loss of reefs,
Coastal property inundation,
See sea level rise.
Economic doom
Can happen anytime and will again.
loss of jobs
There is always plenty of jobs that needs doing, but who is willing to pay for them.
Third world annihilation,
Not in favor who would make our clothes ?
Are not a new problem and has been around through out recorded history.
Acid oceans
CO2 dissolves in sea water to create a week acid which prevents sea creatures from depositing calcium as part of its structure.
There is evidence of damage to shell fish, plankton and coral.
Disease and pestilence
A warming climate makes tropical diseases more likely.
The over use of antibiotics pose also a serious health risk.