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Girls With Attitude
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Posted by Belly, Monday, 9 December 2013 2:58:41 PM
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Dear Belly,
Violent behaviour is usually the result primarily from profound social disasters - involving broken homes, drug abuse, poor education, and unemployment. Behaviour of this type is committed by people who see no reason to adopt society's values for society offers them nothing; who get no nearer to affluence or success than what they see on their TV set, whose repressed rage and even self-hate erupts against those around them. As for young girls behaving badly? Many young girls no longer seem to worry if they're being "like the boys." Entertainment and sports have stripped away many young girls' inhibitions. In movies they're seeing very aggressive and sexy young women take on the world with knives and guns, karate, and fists. So some young girls get the message you can be violent and a good guy. Also, Sports can and does increase the risk of aggression and aggression can spill over off the field Posted by Foxy, Monday, 9 December 2013 6:29:04 PM
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I only just saw that footage a few minutes ago. It doesn't appear to me to be half as brutal as they try to play it up to be. That girl was stroppy & I imagine the officers simply tripped her onto the ground to avoid being spat at, bitten or whatever the little craphead would have done had they not put her on the ground. Good swift action put her out of commission. People who know the officers should buy them a drink for being so switched on at less than a moments notice.
Had I been the officer I would not have waited till I was spat at or bitten & end up getting some dreadful decease. She certainly needs to do some quality time in a national service scheme or similar. Those idiot reporters giving her so much air time should be reprimanded too for encouraging feigned indignation. Posted by individual, Monday, 9 December 2013 8:06:37 PM
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It is a challenge for feminists isn't it it? How to keep the rather useful stereotype of sugar and spice and all things nice? However it was always the case that girls were violent too, it was just not reported because of that stereotype. Boorishness, poor manners, 'me-first' and 'I'm alright, Jack' were never the preserve of one sex.
Contrary to what Foxy says, it isn't sport and it isn't being like boys. Those are negative stereotypes and a load of bollocks, few boys were ever violent, most are not. Just as relatively few girls ever belted another girl or were dragons verbally or on an internet site. Belly, if you think back I am sure you can remember ill-mannered, brutish girls and crude, foul-mouthed harridans of older women. I am certain you can easily recall toughs in skirts who belted the living daylights out of infant children and many still do. In the Fifties and Sixties, the emphasis was on being 'nice'. That has changed with the selfish egocentrism of some and the modern focus on the individual. Feminism has promoted and excused some shabby behaviour. While some awful women always used words like c[bleep], just as some men have, they are acting as themselves and not as men. ie such behaviour is true to their upbringing and character. As well, criminal behaviour by women, for instance husband killing and infanticide, were likely not investigated because of the rigid stereotype that protected feminine wrong-doers like a shield, or if the smoking gun was obvious an excuse was made. Foxy's post is an example of that, predictably. Feminists have the best of both worlds by asserting that women are just as good killers and men and likely better they say, when arguing for positive affirmative action for women in the military special forces for example. I happen to agree with them, the only problem being can they carry the heavy packs? Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 9 December 2013 8:21:28 PM
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There is no doubt that all forms of violence are increasing in our society, including violence perpetrated by females.
I wasn't aware that there were any different punishments for the same sorts of violence committed by female criminals as by male crims though? I just watched the footage on the TV, and the girl and her accomplice were certainly nasty little pieces of work....just by their language and the spitting we witnessed on TV. However, the big guard picking up the slight 15 year old girl (so they said on the news) and tipping her upside down and spearing her into the pavement head first was a bit of overkill don't you think? I would have felt the same way if it was a 15 year old slight boy , or small person of any age really. She didn't have a weapon, and wasn't really a physical threat to him. Surely, the guard could have just grabbed her from behind and held her and she couldn't have got away? I would say he will be in deep trouble. Posted by Suseonline, Monday, 9 December 2013 9:44:33 PM
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Foxy my sweet, it is not sensible to try to justify a horrible little bitch being a horrible little bitch. In a country town I went to school with both the very affluent, & the very poor. The character of those kids, & the adults they grew into had very little to do with the wealth of their families.
Suse if people don't want to be treated physically harshly, perhaps they should think of that before dishing it out. If I had some little or large scrubber trying to break the law, & bite me when I apprehended them, in this day & age my first thought would be AIDS, & I would take every action necessary to protect myself. Should that action resulted in any harm, or very serious harm to said scrubber I would be entirely justified in taking that action. If some fool politician journalist or bleeding heart manages to cause the guards any trouble for just doing their job, it will further damage this society which already is far too ready to allow the yobo, male or female, far too much leniency. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 9 December 2013 10:33:26 PM
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Good manners and consideration for others is for both sexes. I don't have much times for the White Ribbon campaign, believing that violence in all of its forms is not, as I said earlier, the preserve of one sex. There is plenty of brutish behaviour and ignorance about and teachers have to cope with it in prep school. 'Progressives' side with the perpetrators and will not accept that people choose what they do and should be held responsible for their behaviour. 'Progressives' must always find someone else other than the perpetrator to blame, which encourages a repeat of the behaviour. Posted by onthebeach, Monday, 9 December 2013 11:17:18 PM
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I haven't been around long enough to know if this is a growing problem or not, but I CAN contribute my observation that there are a lot of very angry, very bitter and very aggressive girls out there. I don't just say that based on an assumption that girls should be 'nicer' than boys, and I CERTAINLY don't say this as a blanket statement including all girls.
In my experience as a teacher, the vast majority of teenage girls and boys are wonderful young people. Sure, they have their moments - all teenagers and, indeed, all adults do. But in most cases I can say that working with young people gives me hope for the future. That said, there seem to be more angry girls than angry boys, and they seem to be angrier, too. I don't know what has made them this way, but I'm sure they have their reasons. Without wanting to make generalisations, is it possible that girls take the hard knocks in life more seriously than boys? That they are conditioned too early to see men as oppressors and women as competitors? I don't know. I wouldn't want to be a girl. It seems like hard work. Posted by Otokonoko, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 12:47:13 AM
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Hasbeen , if you had caused serious harm to the 'little scrubber' just because she swore at you and tried to run away, you would be charged with assault.
Apparently, the law says you must be in real fear of your life before responding to that sort of violence with extreme force.....and I couldn't see anything life-threatening coming from the girl on that TV screen. Do you think a good bashing and head injury is a suitable punishment for avoiding paying a fare? Of course, neither of us could really see exactly what went on at that moment, so neither of us can really pass judgement. Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 1:24:14 AM
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i have only seen the footage where most of it was blocked out by some wall. It does not appear to me it was spear-tackle. She wasn't head first, she was laid flat. It's ablown out of all proportion simply to demonise authority & excuse bad behaviour. Get it in perspective people. I didn't see any footage of the officers throwing others to the ground who went through the proper gates & who didn't abuse the officers. Why do some morons always defend the crap heads. Beats me. I put it down to stupidity.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 7:23:30 AM
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I just have no choice I agree totally with Hasbeen.
Susionline you gave me reason to do that, see you said *HOWEVER* That word is in common use to avoid the first wrong act. I get no joy out of knowing SOME girls are lost , hope they find a new way in the mid twenty,s but not forgetting truth. Foxy, mate, a boy in these times can commit criminal offense and walk free, one has recently told me he will do so about 5 or 6 times before prison. And do you wish to tell me a man should stand and let the little TART punch him knowing justice will be done,it justice is blind and useless in stopping this type of crime. My job, and areal lifelong belief we should help those we can, has seen me many times trying to help such kids. It brings betrayal as often as success. Yet today,s parents make me so very proud they love and commit totally to the Children. Those that do not give us kids like this girl some times. Over the weekend my visitors and I watched a story about increasing violence from drunken teen ager,s, it shows clearly we have lost our way. Young girls drunk and out of control boys too bashing others. If our system of law had as its duty the wish to both punish and help such as this girl, or the tens of hundreds like her what would be the right action? Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 8:13:02 AM
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You will probably find that the guard (guards) were of foreign extract, possible middle European and more than likely Muslim.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 8:20:16 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,
I was not trying to justify bad behaviour. On the contrary. I was merely offering an explanation for reasons why some of it occurs. And reasons such as broken families, drug abuse, poor education, and unemployment have been found to play a part in many cases Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 8:30:47 AM
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reasons why some of it occurs.
Foxy, Plain & simply because of selfishness & total lack of discipline & respect. I am advocating non-military national service for the older ones & I'm also advocating changing legislation regarding giving teachers the right to punish indiscilplined students. It worked in our times. Objecting parents can always reach for their walletts & pay fines. No phones or tablets or calculators in class is another one. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 8:57:44 AM
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cont'd ...
Also the following link is an interesting one that offers further explanations on the possible reasons girls get violent. It's worth a read: Some of the arguments presented are as follows: "Of course it is a myth that girls are little angels. Traditionally they controlled their patch of the playground with manipulation and verbal abuse, including spreading rumours and excluding members of a group. But until recently, they hadn't resorted widely to physical violence." "The rise in violent female crime and the increase in reports of female bullying suggest that girls are using violence with almost as much enthusiasm as boys. Women's lives have been transformed by a growing sense of equality with men, yet it's as if the next generation of women are taking up some of the darkest aspects of male behaviour and making it part of their own response to their frustrations and fears." The article paints a rather bleak picture, and as I stated earlier, it's worth a read. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 9:06:29 AM
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first of all that link is about England which we all know is just about lost morally. I'm trying to work out why females in Australia are so violent. In our mixed community it is 99% due to girls stirring up the boys to cause trouble. I found one piece of evidence why this is so. They don't get reprimanded ! I think some of the magistrates should be made to spend time in jail with those they sent there to see for themselves why young people re-offend. The whole show is due to perverse do-gooders emanating from ignorant academic ranks. Posted by individual, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 9:21:14 AM
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Foxy's cherry-picked quote from one of her 'independent' sites, "it's as if the next generation of women are taking up some of the darkest aspects of male behaviour and making it part of their own response to their frustrations and fears".
In Foxy's world of wonderful blameless womyn, the men are always at fault. No matter how regressive it is to pretend that women are not capable of making their own choices and being accountable for them. It is as though Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth and other historical examples of evil women had never existed. Feminists are re-writing everything to suit their spin of women as the eternal blameless victims, controlled and taken advantage of by men. Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 10:00:16 AM
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Sorry Foxy, but a very large part of our problems today is precisely because for too long we have paid attention to tripe like that.
We have listened to academics from all the pretend disciplines, psychology, psychiatry, ethics etc. & their garbage about the poor underprivileged, misunderstood of the world, & where does it get us. Brats like this scrubber, & people like Suse, who don't ever answer the question. A return to large strong cops, who give these out of control scrubbers a swift kick up the butt with a number 9 boot would do more good than all the pontificating fools on the tax payers payroll. Underprivileged my fat ass. It is undisciplined kids that's the problem, & physical discipline at that. A quick belt over the ear will do much more to correct a kid bordering on out of control, than all the verbal ear bashing, & time out ever considered. This world is not a kind place & encouraging sluts & thugs only makes it worse. A couple of whacks will do more to encourage them to join the human race, rather than run against it, than all the bleeding heart bull dust on earth. Not only that, it is in the long run, the kindest form of correction. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 11:06:24 AM
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If it had been a boy that had assaulted a ticketing inspector, this would never have been news.
This "delicate flower" had been apprehended committing a crime, and then compounded it with assault. getting her on the ground and restraining her would be standard procedure. The spear tackle was probably not deliberate, but could have been avoided. Equality of the sexes goes both ways. Posted by Shadow Minister, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 11:24:00 AM
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Dear Hasbeen and Indy,
I found the article in the link I came across quite interesting and thought it worth sharing with posters because it gave additional perspectives to the discussion. Of course the world doesn't consist of a reality that every one sees in exactly the same way. Different people will interpret things differently. However I think it important in a forum of social and political debate such as OLO - to strive to give a window on the wider world that lies beyond our immediate experience. It enables us to appreciate viewpoints other than our own, and in the process, to better understand our attitudes, ourselves, and our lives. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 12:13:23 PM
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Girls and women haven't somehow 'caught' violence from men and boys. It is simply that more now go about it in obvious ways. Who would be silly enough to argue that the violence toolkit of boys could ever compare with that of girls? All passed down and modelled by women as their inheritance. Nothing to do with men. That nursery rhyme 'Girls are made of sugar and spice' was always bollocks. Civilised women and girls like civilised men and boys do not prefer violence of word or deed. Feminism is not a civilising influence, and 'Progressives' excuse criminal behaviour. Coarseness, raunch behaviour and belting others are here to stay, apparently. They all need some real work to do and fewer excuses and handouts. Meanwhile, young men need to look abroad for suitable partners. Or stay free, which is not such a bad idea either. Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 12:56:12 PM
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In our life each of us will resolve conflict.
We too will make decisions and change directions in life. I failed a great many times before understanding. Let us not blame the guards, not take the theme to angry men. The question that must first be answered is what made this girl/tart, sorry her actions need to highlight her likely persona, what made her think it was OK to punch the man. Our ex Cop introduces his racist rant, but what difference does it make? her race or the race of those she now see,s worthy of charges. But me no buts, with out her punch the event would never take place. Are women free to king hit but not men? If she hit me I would white ribbon and all hit very hard back. Am I a sexist pig? I think not! Other threads may tell of bad men but lets first answer why this girl thinks that way Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 1:15:07 PM
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My daughter witnessed a group of inspectors being beaten up by a gang of year 9 schoolboys last week on the "touch one touch all" principle,one of the inspectors grabbed a kid and it was on. The Police arrived promptly but even though one inspector had been punched to the ground they didn't want to press charges, names were taken and it went no further. This sort of conflict happens all the time in Melbourne between private security goons and private citizens: A mate of mine was one of the last ever tram conductors and he got into loads of fights, got slashed with a stanley knife and was pushed out of a moving W class tram on one occasion. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 2:00:48 PM
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According to recent stats, more young women are
appearing before the courts than ever before for violent offences. However, the stats tell us very little about the mindset of the young perpetrators and why they ultimately become violent. The outcry against these indiscriminate acts of violence demonstrates that the wider public finds them unacceptable. I'm not sure what the answer is to ending this violence or even if it's possible to do. Would focusing on education, positive outlets for aggression and community involvement help? I'm not sure. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 6:19:46 PM
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cont'd ...
Dear Belly, I've just come across this link which may be of interest: Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 6:30:00 PM
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Looking at the footage edited for brevity? The majority of assaults occur off peak periods. Some do occur in peak hour from experience its very unpleasant for all concerned.
Fare evasion which is highly likely to be behind this is a major problem PT, Metro & the State government of Victoria see it as a quick fix. A staffing problem & a budgetary problem. Folks who evade are in several categories, drunk, drug affected or episodic confrontational. We can all relate to incidents on the train or tram home. I put this to you, was this person drug or drink affected, were they episodic & needing psychiatric help? Ok, step forward. You are the one on the spot, deal with this person NOW react, NOW you have had 3-4 mins assessed them, they aren't listening, incoherent, rude and becoming aggressive COME ON MAKE A DECISION ACT NOW. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? ACT, you could get hurt ACT NOW too late they hit you, now its assault & a bagful of stuff you don't need. In this instance we do not know. This does not excuse the spear tackle. There are other effective means of restraint and clearly none were used. In isolation it appears an over reaction, we do not know any of the circumstances AT ALL. Only what was shown via an Iphone camera on the news. Should Authorised Review Officers be used anymore no. Simply they are untrained, may well be over using their powers & react badly. Put into situations they are not trained for or suitable for Not everyone who applies to join the Police is accepted or graduates or makes it to Retention after two years, or wants to make policing a career after 5years. Judgement will be made the media will get excited and jump up & down. the truth may be a lot simpler than the media want. Next time you see a situation develop, not after its happened decide what you would do? YES Call 000 as well but how would you handle this? Am guessing you don't know either! Posted by very curious, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 7:10:12 PM
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From Foxy's link (above),
<University of Tasmania criminologist Professor Rob White, who last month published the book Youth Gangs, Violence and Social Respect, argues that most of what the media reports about female teenage violence in Australia is not related to gang activity in the conventional sense (initiations, tattoos, tags and territorialism) but is more a result of loose-knit groups of girlfriends and/or relations who enjoy getting into trouble. White maintains that, for some young women, fighting is indeed "a regular part of their street experience [and] motivated by excitement, status and protection", adding that "over half of all female appearances in juvenile court are related to acts intended to cause injury or theft"> They know what they are doing. It is their choice. Housos out to wreak mayhem. While the Professor refers diplomatically to "loose-knit groups of girlfriends and/or relations who enjoy getting into trouble", there is no doubt in SEQld at least of imported tribalism. For example, Islanders and Aborigines going toe to toe. However they all threaten commuters on trains, abuse shopkeepers and security staff in shopping centres and mug elderly in shopping centre car parks. They have rejected education and need enforced boundaries, discipline and work. It is work, not more of the 'Progressives' education, that will reduce the problem. That an some honestly about the downsudes and flaws in immigration policy. Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 10:43:46 PM
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Last sentence should have 'and' not 'an'.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 11:11:51 PM
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We should not take it for granted this girl came from a bad home.
Some times too much love and support can lead kids away from the right path. Last night, late I watched a English police Doco about street violence,including the recent riots. It was confronting. Showed violence and a savage hatred of authority. We must confront we too will see far more of this if we just continue to do things as we do. Discounting actions because of a bad home, or because we just do not want to hold youth accountable for their actions is not working. A new way linked to law/work/dole/ will be found and would work but until the costs of imprisonment stop playing a role in sentencing, or lack of it, we will see more. Personal accountability needs reenforceming. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 6:03:55 AM
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the costs of imprisonment stop playing a role in sentencing,
Belly, If we make prisons what they're supposed to be instead of making them 4Star motels with all imaginable gym & computer equipment then cost would be a minor consideration. There are prisoners who enjoy a better lifestyle than their victims. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 6:27:15 AM
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Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 6:35:55 AM
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We should not take it for granted this girl came from a bad home.
Belly, If that's the case then shouldn't that "bad' family be dragged over the hot coal & be made responsible ? Whoever has an involvement in anything detrimental to others should cop the reprisal. If underaged kids do wrong then make the parents responsible but if the parent does take action & slaps the kid then do-gooders must keep out. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 7:35:53 AM
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Individual tell me please how did you get bad parenting from my line you quoted.
And too how do you7 know we keep prisoners in the lap of luxury? First my thoughts that not all offenders got of to a bad start because of parenting. I can tell you good parents have bad kids and influences out side the home can often be blamed. Confinement/Prisons is another thing, we almost every one of us have contributed to threads about this. Asking why those handing down sentences or parole, far too often seem out of touch with the community's views. I think/am sure the costs involved some times play a bigger role than justice in these out comes. And too that we need to get out of the wheel rut of justice as it is and find a better way. We can do that, think out of the square. How about every first offender male or female after being counseled by prisoners [a chosen team] spend one day and night in prison. And why not force those with funds tom pay for all their time in prison as an extra punishment. No walk away free t8ime after time system works. Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 1:14:54 PM
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not take it for granted this girl came from a bad home.
Belly, from that line. Point taken young offenders can come from good families also. Those parents may have tried to discipline their kids but the moron Law made dsiciplining your own kids a criminal offence. As for luxury jails, I didn't actually say luxury, what I said that prisons aren't prisons because they offer more facilities to crims than decent people can afford. Cost in prisons has become an issue because there's no incentive to stay out of prison. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 3:27:48 PM
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The likelihood of the offender coming from a good home, a possibility, is unlikely. Most commonly though the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree. That is confirmed by police who say they are continually called out to the same homes.
What is true is that low income doesn't necessarily result in crime. That goes against the grain of the Left and their self-titled 'Progressives', who would have us believe that offenders are excused by claimed 'poor', 'deprived' origins. The Left and 'Progressives' are not 'do-gooders' for their falsehoods. In fact they are up to something nasty - distorting facts to suit their own world view and ideology. Nothing good or honest in that. The real truth is that Australian taxpayers provide welfare, education, health, and shelter. However, disregarding those with mental problems, some deliberately set out to abuse the system. It is their choice to do so and they make careers out of it and are very clever in manipulating teachers, counsellors and any who try to help. Nowhere is the truth distorted more than in respect of indigenous, where again it is individual choice that causes the squalor and the cruel treatment of children, and the dead dog in the street is there because no-one can be bothered to beat the blowflies in removing the carcass. The sad fact is that there are thousands of girls (and boys) who do not have self-respect and discipline and are far too lazy to take advantage of the multitude of opportunities available to them in Australia. They usually come from backgrounds where such behaviour is the norm and is encouraged too, learning from childhood to blame 'the system' and how to graft and steal. First things first: they need boundaries that are rigidly enforced and the certainty that they will be found out when they offend and yes, as sure as God made little apples there will always be consequences. The comedy series Housos is spot-on social satire, and obviously so from the pride the real 'housos' take in their depiction in it. Housos, see here, Posted by onthebeach, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 5:25:48 PM
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Post & link summed it up perfecrly. Posted by individual, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 8:45:30 PM
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Male or female if they get violent shoot them on sight. They soon shoot the mentally ill don't they so surely these people are sociopaths of the highest order and there is no place for them among ordinary people.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Wednesday, 11 December 2013 11:22:31 PM
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CG if you are not just pulling our leg then you best fit your description above.
LAW and the way we enforce it is in my view often wrong. We should consider if we in fact harm offenders by time and again letting them go free. I do not want a harsher system. But I do want a better one, short sentences used to educate and even work can out kids back on track. A day is coming that see,s a review of welfare, so a job is first step in a new life for many. I remain deeply concerned that PC driven Greens/pink left followers highlight the actions of the ticket inspectors but ignore her punch and the fact this girl did not have a ticket. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 December 2013 6:13:13 AM
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I do not want a harsher system.
Belly, then you are part of the problem! Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 December 2013 6:20:39 AM
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Belly, "I remain deeply concerned that PC driven Greens/pink left followers highlight the actions of the ticket inspectors but ignore her punch and the fact this girl did not have a ticket."
Responsible people would agree with you. Your earlier questions remain unanswered by Greens/Left, one being what should you do if similarly abused, spat upon and physically assaulted? To tackle that question, whereas no-one can ever remove your right to defend yourself, as one man to another I have to advise you of the obvious though, that you are strongly advised to cross your arms in front of you for protection while shouting, "Stop hurting/attacking/hitting me". Where she has a weapon you must get the hell out of there wherever possible. Men are prevented from defending themselves by the certainty that the women will benefit from a positive stereotype and the police, eventually the court, will be on their side every time. Where the attacker is by a women familiar to you and especially your wife or partner, it is a lay-down misere that you will find that her story is always preferred to yours. So get that phone camera working or do what some police do, wear a watch that will record voice (you can tell the time from your mobile anyhow). It is a worthwhile accessory for recording consent to sex as well. Not such a bad idea when you consider the risks. In our feminist dominated political environment, you must expect the media and the law to excuse her anyway, even if literally speaking the smoking gun was in her hand. On the other hand, where your wife has sunk the carving knife to the Sheffield maker's name in your ribs, it is better to be judged by twelve men and womyn and risk injustice, than to be carried by six men good and true. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 12 December 2013 8:27:04 AM
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I had a related thought the other afternoon. I was out doing my regular evening jog when I saw across the road a teenage girl with two huge dogs, they were without muzzles or restraints of any kind. I thought, now what would happen if one/both of those dogs suddenly attacked me (or another male).Of course we could call the police, but just supposing we did and she --wanting to protect her dogs-- said the dogs acted in response to my having attacked/harassed of her. I reckon(ed) I'd be the one who'd end in the compound for the night. Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:03:16 AM
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Belly and others,
It is perfectly reasonable to rail against the advice I gave not to be construed as reacting with any force when attacked by one or more women, and, where the assailant is a wife or female acquaintance to put your hands in your pockets or cross arms in front over chest, risking some injury rather than face the prospect of serious charges and loss of reputation that could destroy your job and future. If is unfair, but it is reality. Read the papers. Do wrap something around your arms and forearms if at all possible, every time. You will not see a knife or glass until too late to do much but wear it and women assailants prefer weapons. Better to get outside fast every time, while continually yelling stop and stop hurting me. It may not be manly or chivalrous and men see themselves as the protectors of women, but your body and future are on the line make no mistake about that! You DO need to yell, it gives some prospect of defence against her story that it was actually you attacking her. In any event you will be wearing handcuffs, visiting a cell and be the subject of long interrogation anyhow, while the woman is sympathetically counselled and offered asylum from the nasty male, so your story without the evidence of others hearing your screams will bear little weight. Why men don't give women like that the swerve God only knows. Mind you, the ticket inspector is still copping hate mail and sledging at a political level, despite an internal review. A woman ticket inspector who was required to restrain an offender wouldn't have even been reviewed one would imagine. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:14:52 AM
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You are right. As well, OLO's misandrists would be calling for you to receive veterinary attention 'with extreme prejudice' to your privates at the minimum. Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 12 December 2013 9:25:25 AM
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Individual sorry old fella I speak of things far beyond your understanding.
It is my belief PC ruins every thing it touches. And that we owe it to our selves to try to be better than those that came before. And leave a better world for those that come. Like most I am appalled by the Tartish behavior of this girl. And again as most would agree think we must confront what ever failure let her think she could do that. In speaking about her we talk about millions of people of all ages who may well have done what she did. Flogging went out here long ago. The light of intelligence went out for greens and those wanting to ignore her actions long ago if they ever shined. You talk of military like boot camps, but it is my view a few weeks in one may help you. I think we are going to see education for life in schools, and for minor offenders not flogging or keel hawling but first a reeducation system, no matter what the age And forget forever that betrayal of us and the offenders the get out of goal free 5 times card. 21 century prisons must not forever fail every one involved. Indy I forever credit work and education as the ladder every one should use to become a better person. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 December 2013 2:35:07 PM
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Indy I forever credit work and education as the ladder every one should use to become a better person.
Belly, so do I but the ALP Governments since Goaf have not provided that have they & whenever a Coalition Govt tried to rectify the mess the ALP supporting mob sabotaged every move.. Whatever antisocial behaviour we have now is purely down to that lot. Even PC is from that lot. It was that Goaf who dismantled the last hope of getting on track. He brought in the PC crowd, he all but stuffed this beautiful nation with the help of the Unions who have now priced us out of just about every industry & education. The attitude of that girl is a prime example of the dismantling of our rights to discipline the young , again brought in by the ALP PC crowd. Posted by individual, Thursday, 12 December 2013 5:36:24 PM
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individual you carry a grudge even if it is based on other than truth.
You understand that only about 20% of voters lived in that time. That the girl mentioned here and her generation may never heard of the bloke. In fact the 1972 till 1975 generation saw less youth involved in any crime such as today,s. You should consider this, if the country is still victim of a Labor Government that ruled for less than 4 years 38 years ago, your mob failed to fix it therefore failed you too. The thread has done its job prolonging it just to preserve it is wasteful. You would not agree with me,in fact most, if I said it was raining mid a thunder storm. So lets move on to other things of interest. Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 December 2013 7:30:36 AM
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Returning to the OP, "Many past posters antiseptic for one, often highlighted his view of the increasing rise of the nasty woman who can say and do just as they wish".
The ground rules have changed. That statement is correct. However it isn't all women. Some women were always boorish. They are more obvious now. There is just more of it (oafish, Bogan behaviour) about and the offenders know they can get away with it. They are not shunned as before. There are no effective remedies for the minor stuff, so they ramp up their toxic behaviour. Much of it is modelled in the home, where many children have minimal parenting and rely on The Box for their examples and guidance. They probably lack a father too. Imagine a girl taking her lead from Yumi Stynes and The Circle as mum enjoys it as part of her routine. -Although some here have excused and even applauded such Bogan behaviour in the past, an example being the disgusting comment on The Circle concerning a recent VC winner. It takes all sorts, I suppose, but what behaviour is modelled by mum chortling along with Stynes, Negus and that crew? Then the offender played victim, Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 13 December 2013 1:39:32 PM
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Those 20% of voters are the most influencial sector in perpetuating the myths that Labor is for the working class & that's why those 20% still keep voting for more of the same without thinking. When a Government makes decisions especially bad ones the effects flow on for generations & that's what we're copping now. Posted by individual, Friday, 13 December 2013 3:58:52 PM
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In leaving the thread I want to highlight the strangeness of some things involving this young no so lady like, girl.
PC in all its forms lead by the greens a party intent on its own destruction took a role here. Ignoring both the punch and the no ticket they went for the throat, of her victim. Greens while claiming to be a conservation party are in fact trying to force PC on us and our familys. You just have to ask are they the force behind the UN asking us to pass a law telling us we must not smack our kids. Posted by Belly, Saturday, 14 December 2013 10:50:00 AM
It took place mid year and the Girl punched a ticket inspector in the face.
Two inspectors took her to the ground and others held her friends off.
I may be wrong but it seems this is not an unusual event.
Female punches ,male that is.
Do we understand the fact it is just as wrong for a woman to king hit a man as it is the other way around.
And in some cases is it true SOME females think only men must act with good manners.
Many past posters antiseptic for one, often highlighted his view of the increasing rise of the nasty woman who can say and do just as they wish.
I feel, in advance, the sharp rebuttal my comments will bring.
But as a white ribbon pledge person I think we should confro0nt the truth.
Some women are acting poorly.
Less than 4 months ago 4 teenagers in mid isle of a shopping center both blocked my path and held a loud conversation about how good attitude in a woman is and even, only for a very short time attempted to block my path.
No swearing no violence but it was clear to these less than nice young dears they best target some one else.
Are good manners for both sexes?