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Child sex offenders and the Catholic Church
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Posted by Belly, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 5:18:47 AM
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Nice to hear from U 2 *Belly*
I suspect that Pell has lied to the commission about not being told anything about the wide spread abuse going on in their UnHoly places, but that he maintains in his own mind that it is acceptable as they were matters discussed in the "confessional cone of silence" so to speak. I am also left wondering whether he has been told that he will not be pressed about this? David Marr stated that Pell in his earlier days was right there with some of the worst offenders and still claims that he knew nothing. Were there no cries? And if there were did he really believe they were only the whimpers from appropriate punishment being metered out for misbehaviour? Come now, surely there needs to be closer examination of all this? Would it really be any surprise if it turned out that he got his job primarily for the cover up that he was able to orchestrate, all the while whilst our Lord Satan was free to " ... sate its gut and shag it's wick ... " in the flesh of the children. In my book all those parties who are implicated and found guilty, be it by act or omission, ought be dealt with on a permanent basis. This is no one off event by a single pervert. Posted by DreamOn, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 7:15:32 PM
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Hi Belly,
Labor has done well with implementing the Royal Commission to investigate this issue. Hopefully it will be allowed to continue to do so and that good results will come out of it all. As I've written in the past - no one can deny that sexual abuse of children is horrendous and intolerable and that the failure of the church to deal with it effectively has done immeasurable damage to victims. The cover- ups, the protection of abusive clergy and the refusal to admit egregious mistakes are unjustifiable. In the past we've seen abusive priests moved from parish to parish, thus giving them access to new victims - hopefully with the Royal Commission laws will be enacted to dis-allow this from happening again. I would like to add that the issue of "Gay marriage," is a different issue altogether. Some posters seem to confuse homosexuality with that of pedophilia. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 31 October 2013 11:20:49 AM
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Good to hear from you Foxy yes true but bigoted the view Homosexuals are pedophiles.
I used the comparison here only to show that the first has open debate taking place and is moving toward a resolution the last seems orphaned. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 31 October 2013 1:33:48 PM
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DreamOn we must be getting old! I agree with every word and every thought.
Including when the offender comes from my party. Pell? his survival in his position in my view forever damns todays Catholic Church. After all it is them who should remove him not yesterdays leaders, many of them should if alive be got rid of too. *How can any who offended look it to the eyes of that victim, today an adult?* Posted by Belly, Thursday, 31 October 2013 1:39:15 PM
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Foxy, "Some posters seem to confuse homosexuality with that of pedophilia"
'Progressive' idealism aside, paedophilia is not unknown among homosexuals. <Named: the Australian paedophile jailed for 40 years June 30, 2013 Standing before an American court convicted of the most heinous of child sex crimes, the double lives of Australian citizen Mark J. Newton and his long-term boyfriend Peter Truong were laid bare. ‘‘Being a father was an honour and a privilege that amounted to the best six years of my life,’’ the American-born Newton, 42, told the court. Moments later Newton was sentenced to 40 years in prison for sexually abusing the boy he and Truong, 36 from Queensland, had ‘‘adopted’’ after paying a Russian woman $8000 to be their surrogate in 2005. Police believe the pair had adopted the boy ‘‘for the sole purpose of exploitation’’. The abuse began just days after his birth and over six years the couple travelled the world, offering him up for sex with at least eight men, recording the abuse and uploading the footage to an international syndicate known as the Boy Lovers Network. ‘‘Personally .. I think this is probably the worst [paedophile] rings ... if not the worst ring I’ve ever heard of,’’ investigator Brian Bone of the US Postal Inspection Service told reporters outside the US federal court room in Indiana. .... Newton and Truong gave an interview to a local ABC reporter in Far North Queensland in 2010 on their battle to have a child as a gay couple. .. Newton and Truong claimed they were being targeted because they were homosexual. However after his arrest in February 2011, Truong gave investigators the password to the computer hard drives police had seized. It detailed the years of abuse.> Posted by onthebeach, Thursday, 31 October 2013 2:21:00 PM
Bit surprised you got that racist word we once used to describe a female from our first nation past the moderator.
He is a busy man may yet see it.
Well after it all fell to pieces my ALP had to fall, by its own hand or forever drift away from its people, we had it coming.
Reform still needs to come, many are fearful as we are now in the hands of those who lost us the election,giving us the 2010 treason, we may not get the reform.
Stephen Conroy a grub better found in the Liberal party wants to take our right to vote away!
May as well if it takes 300 me,s to count equal to one caucus seat warmer.
Here we part, the next 12 months see a Labor rebirth.
And the mask removed from Abbott,s team.