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The Forum > General Discussion > Rights in Prison?

Rights in Prison?

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I own a gun. It is a very big powerful handgun. A .45 Glock. I have a permit to carry it in my line of work. The primary reason I carry the weapon is to shoot people who try to interfere with my line of work. I do not go out looking to shoot people with my weapon. If they were to get shot I can assure you it would be because they put themselves in a position to be shot.
If they did this then the police and the courts would agree with my right to shoot them.
Now if someone broke into my house and I caught them stealing my TV and I shot them I would be guilty of an offense under the criminal law. Even if they attacked me I could only retaliate with available means. If I went into another room and got my gun, loaded it and shot the offender I would be committing a crime because my actions would be deemed as being premeditated.
However if I lived in the USA and I shot the offender there is a 90% chance that I would not be prosecuted.
That is the difference here in Australia and that is why everybody does not have a gun in their house.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Friday, 2 August 2013 1:10:19 AM
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Dear Chris,

<<If I went into another room and got my gun, loaded it and shot the offender I would be committing a crime>>

What you describe is just how screwed up the Australian system is.

According to the Israeli "Dromi Law" (,7340,L-3559940,00.html), you could do just that and not face any charges.

It is only natural and common sense for ordinary people to be able to protect themselves, their family and their property with whatever means they have.

The keyword is 'protect' - which is very different to 'punish'. If the burglar, on seeing you, dropped your possessions and ran out and still you pursued him with your gun, then it would be an attempt at punishment, which indeed should be illegal (even according to the Dromi law).

I mentioned above, cases where ordinary and innocent good citizens, which could be you or me, may find themselves the next day in jail - this is one of them, where draconian laws place us in an impossible situation when being unlucky enough to have our home burgled, where we are legally supposed to just stand and watch helplessly as our dearest possessions are being carried away before our eyes.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 2 August 2013 2:18:51 AM
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magistrates will not become perfect saints before everyone else does.
They get paid as if they were before everyone else. Your admission that they are failures highlights my argument that we referendum on changing Law.
Posted by individual, Friday, 2 August 2013 9:49:56 AM
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Sadly australian policy makers are the drabs of white society, they're an embarrassment to the white race.
Posted by individual, Friday, 2 August 2013 9:52:30 AM
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Lexi & Suseonline,

Once again where your prejudice and negative stereotyping have been laid bare and your world views proved wrong, your reaction is to give the poster/s who posed the awkward questions a spray and depart lock-step in a huff, slamming the door as you go.

Another thread and you will repeat the same old, same old as though you have never been challenged before. A comfortable rut for you. LOL
Posted by onthebeach, Friday, 2 August 2013 1:10:35 PM
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Here's a link that may be interesting regarding
Australia's stand on gun-control:
Posted by Lexi, Friday, 2 August 2013 1:12:15 PM
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