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The Forum > General Discussion > Rights in Prison?

Rights in Prison?

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What the 'Progressive' elite who hold sway in advising Labor social policy don't comprehend either, is the truth of a retiring NSW Police Commisioner's assessment: that the culture of living and dying by the gun is rooted in the ethnic traditions that have been imported with some migrant groups. Their tradition is to resolve disagreements with violence and knives or guns, or with blunt weapons and boots if knives and guns are not easily to hand. They laugh at prison. It is a good place to re-affirm their ethnic brotherhood and meet up with their girlfriends.

The reason multicultural lobbyists and the excuse-making 'Progressives' don't want ethnic descriptions of offenders sought by police is that it is very obvious from the names given in Courts reports, such as in bikie shootings, of the recent middle Eastern origin of many of the violent criminals involved. That is why the police force has a Middle Eastern Division.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 3 August 2013 12:01:45 PM
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and there are many compensation programs available that help victims to heal.
Yes, i
I have many of those pamphlets but I wanted to know if there is any real compensation available. All the pamphlets given to me are about what a victim is entitled to & not what they actually end up receiving.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 3 August 2013 1:50:55 PM
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What they end up receiving differs in each case
depending on the circumstances involved.
However, you can go into your regional library
and ask for help with specific examples of individual cases.
Or you can Google them on the web. That will give
you some idea of who got what, et cetera.

As I stated earlier - it will also vary in each state.
Because the laws are different.

Good Luck.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 3 August 2013 2:17:16 PM
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cont'd ...


The following may help:

They provide information for people throughout
the country (not just Victoria) and they give
a free-call telephone number for contact -
1800 000 055.
Crime Compensation can be up to $100,000 for a
primary victim. Less for a secondary victim.

Anyway, I hope this helps just a little.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 3 August 2013 2:58:35 PM
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I cannot tell you how much a victim might get from the taxpayer for what, but from my reading any compensation is based on reimbursement of actual costs and is likely to provide the victim with any return over the array of costs suffered as direct and indirect costs of the crime.

This will give you information for one State at least,

While Lexi would be pleased it is the State, taxpayers and the poor old victim who must pick up the tab for losses suffered from criminal acts and she is always very keen to protect the rights and wellbeing of criminals, she continues to side-step the sad lack of legal protection for the victim who defends himself, his loved ones and his property.

Lexi is also unconcerned that the ambulance and sometimes the coroner's van arrive before the police.

To tot up the costs to the victim one also has to consider the legal risks of defending himself. As you say, the victim must instantly balance:

- the likelihood of his own injury resulting in physical and mental impairment (the victim's head is always a target) or death,


- the certainty that police will be looking for ways to charge him (the victim) if the offender is harmed.

Lexi agrees with the Greens. That you should cop whatever is coming to you and hope for the taxpayer and Medicare (and the new disability arrangements if passed) to make you comfortable later.

The criminals have rights and excuses you know. It is all society's fault and they should be protected as they go about their trade of preying on the vulnerable citizens around them.
Posted by onthebeach, Saturday, 3 August 2013 2:58:58 PM
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Dear onthebeach,

I've been otherwise entertained so haven't had the pleasure of your twisted redneck, bellicose ignorance for a while. And here it is in all its glory!

It almost brought a tear to my eye.

Yet I have struggled with something for a while so perhaps I might impose on you for a response. Why on earth do you live here in Australia when the US seems to embody all that you want in a society. I mean I'm not fussed either way where you live but it is quite evident you would be far happier in the States. Have you considered moving there? If not why not?

I mean there it is with its lax gum laws, opportunities for the ordinary citizen to put a few rounds in a perp and not face sanction, the world's highest incarceration rates by a country mile, no pandering to academics for policy initiatives. Mate it is your kind of heaven, what's stopping you?
Posted by csteele, Saturday, 3 August 2013 5:07:36 PM
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