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In Defense of Liberalism
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Posted by Belly, Sunday, 21 July 2013 4:24:01 PM
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Surely a talking point. If not evidence others are wondering. I thought we could have an intelligent talk about the good and the bad in todays Liberals. If I am right, at some future date not too far away, 3 months max. A new leader Turnbull best chance, will return them to solid ground. And how funny it is to know! Except a great deal of Labors policy rejected by this now lost bunch. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 21 July 2013 4:39:19 PM
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"The same sure goes for Rudd, & that fool Obama. The west will be lucky to survive much more of this stupidity."
Hasbeen I totally agree the quicker we get the Aussie wombat and Yankee wacko, Little Johnny Howard and George WubbleU Bush back to save the free world the better. If they are not available maybe we can resurrect Laurel and Hardy. ROTFLMAO what a crack up! Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 July 2013 6:39:49 PM
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Gday Paul, thought you may want to get down and dirty with me.
Not dirty actually, but involved in an intelligent thought provoking talk about Liberalism. Do not get me wrong, open an ALP election center today, have over committed myself for whole campaign. But even you at some level, must know truly Liberal Liberalism makes our job harder, some times imposable. What would be ALP chances if a true Liberal party confronted us . Abbott,s Liberalism his backing of Cory whats his name is far from Liberal. His baby pay is just mad, while cutting welfare at the other end. See the worlds refugee troubles with eyes wide open, then look at Abbott, see Carbon reduction world wide, watch the recent growth in country,s getting on board then hear Abbott . Liberalism will return. What however will they think of these days. Posted by Belly, Monday, 22 July 2013 6:52:43 AM
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Belly, The founder of The Liberal Party was himself an arch conservative Bob Menzies. Many truly liberal minded people have found a home within the party John Gorton, famously said "I am a liberal, not a conservative." but these truly liberal thinking people have always been rather uneasy within the party, often at loggerheads with the stronger conservative element.
In recent years people like John Howard pushed the party to the right on both social justice and economic issues. This shift is partly in response to Labor's shift from left of center to a more right wing position under Hawke and Keating. Howard is a great admirer of Menzies, Abbott is a disciple of Howard's, enough said. I find Turnbull more of a true Liberal than many within both his own party and the ALP. Turnbull is a prime example of someone with a true liberal philosophy and because of it has made many enemies within his own party. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 22 July 2013 10:22:17 AM
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I'm not sure if you are right about Turnbull being a true Liberal Paul. If he is that is a damn good reason to chuck him out on the scrap heap where such failed theories belong.
I believe Turnbull is a cross between a chancer, out for number one & number one [himself] only, & a would be dictator in a sheep skin camouflage. In this he so closely resembles the disgusting Rudd, that he should be eliminated from public life, just as Rudd. Here's an idea. Lets make them live in managers of the Manus boat people settlement. Most of our worst problems fixed in a single stroke. Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 22 July 2013 11:54:50 AM
After all my advocacy for a Rudd return, and Gillards dumping offended many,on both sides.
But the reply s I see so far, seem unaware that multi thousands of pages exist.
Inquiring in to why Liberals have moved so far right.
I too can not ignore Labor too has moved right.
Minority's constantly tell us both, Lib/Lab we deserted our roots.
Maybe so, but Labor today is [prove me wrong] 1960,s Liberal.
Am I blind? can others see that Liberalism as we see it today boarders on being too far right for its followers.
Rise in Party,s such as greens and Palmer/Katter jokes, harm the majority.
See how the next senate looks.
I understand my party has only just begun its reforms.
But this thread is about Liberalism.
Not intentionally, but thinking about it, this thread invites, as others I posted true Liberals to tell us if they are pleased with current direction of their party.
Reverting to stabbing Labor is , in my view saying we do not know or care about Liberalism.