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Bilderbergers- Is General Petraeus their Next President ?
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Posted by Arjay, Sunday, 9 June 2013 10:14:47 AM
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Bilderberg-paranoia is in a class of its own.
It seems to be the paramount focus of the new-world-order-conspiracy dudes, right, Arjay? Yet there isn't a shred of evidence that these guys are doing anything more than having a chat, outside the limelight and the ever-present judgement of the press, to say stuff that they couldn't admit to if there was a live microphone in the vicinity. Which fact alone, to the conspiracy-dude, proves beyond reasonable doubt that they must be planning the overthrow of democracy, and the installation of a world government that will oppress us all. Couple of questions, Arjay. 1. Why has it taken them so long? It's been almost sixty years, and they haven't even made first base. Take comfort from this fact, because if they are this incompetent in getting their act together, they are unlikely to be much of a threat to our way of life, are they? 2. If they are such a sooper-seekrit organization, how come they have a web site that tells you when and where the next meeting is going to be held? Wouldn't it be more effective if they were, you know, just a little more secretive in their plans? And heck... Watford? What self-respecting new-world-order cabal would hold a meeting in Watford? But please, don't let my - clearly under-informed - position on this deter you, Arjay, from continuing to believe that one day, these people will be your masters, and you will be nothing more than a puppet-drone, doing their bidding. But... Watford? Good grief. Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 9 June 2013 6:54:29 PM
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Pericles>> But please, don't let my - clearly under-informed - position on this deter you, Arjay, from continuing to believe that one day, these people will be your masters, and you will be nothing more than a puppet-drone, doing their bidding.<<
P, conspiracy theorists to the left of us, conspiracy theorists to the right, what is valid and what is from cloud cuckoo land? I base all my assertions on what I would do if I was born or gifted into the 15% of the globes population that control 85% of the worlds wealth. I would control the global monetary system…they do. I would control world trade…they do. I would control governments…they do. I would control the UN….they do. There is no such thing as a benevolent dictator and there is no such thing as a benevolent globalist. Their core mantra is economies of scale…the individual or nation is surplus to need in a global perspective, but our humanity comes from the individual not the group. P, if you have to ask “who” I am eluding to this conversation is over. Posted by sonofgloin, Sunday, 9 June 2013 11:56:01 PM
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Yes Sonofgloin Pericles likes to cover for them. Up until 5 yrs ago they denied the existence of of the Bilderberg Group and now people like Alex Jones have forced their hand.They have even been forced to interview Alex on the BBC. Alex lost it at the end of this interview.You can be passionate without going troppo but over all, Alex was very effective.
MP Ken Clarke is on the steering committee of Bilderberg and he is breaking the ministerial code of conduct by being part of such a secretive group.Notice not one rep from Aust is there. We are still the colony. Basically the cat is out of the bag and the elites have to continually redraw their plans.They are desperate enough to go to a nuke war with Russia/China because many realise that what they are doing is treason. Posted by Arjay, Monday, 10 June 2013 11:39:51 AM
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That's just chickening out, sonofgloin...
>>P, if you have to ask “who” I am eluding to this conversation is over.<< Nice use of "eluding", though, because the identity of the "they" that you keep alluding to, completely eludes me. But what's all this garbage anyway? >>I would control the global monetary system…they do.<< Oh yeah? In what way? >>I would control world trade…they do.<< If that is so, they don't do it very well >>I would control governments…they do.<< What, someone is actually controlling Julia Gillard? Doing a lousy job of it, is all I can say. >>I would control the UN….they do.<< No evidence of that, whatsoever. The UN is just a herd of cats. So tell me, do you actually know who "they" are? Or are they just some imaginary bogey-man concoction that you can pretend exists, but can't actually identify. And don't try to tell me that you can't identify them because they are so sooper-seekrit that nobody actually knows, that's pure hogwash. Either they exist, and you can name them, or they don't exist, and you can't. And please Arjay, try not to insult our intelligence with this claptrap: >>Up until 5 yrs ago they denied the existence of of the Bilderberg Group<< Here's an article in the mainstream press, dated 2003 - that's ten years ago - and the activities of the group were clearly already well known. But the real test would be if you could find anything, anywhere, in the Bilderberg discussions that even hinted at a "new world order". And in case you hadn't realized, there are a number of meeting minutes that have been released into the wild by Wikileaks, also cross-referenced on Wikipedia, none of which gives the slightest support to your wild-assed theories. Seriously, if that's how the cabal of international supremacists operate, we have absolutely nothing to fear. Posted by Pericles, Monday, 10 June 2013 5:58:10 PM
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Arjay "Up until 5 yrs ago they denied the existence of of the Bilderberg Group and now people like Alex Jones have forced their hand."
Seriously Arjay, if you ever want anyone with a grain of sense to take any of your conspiracy theories seriously, it would be a good idea not to get your facts from Alex Jones. Here is an obituary of a US diplomat published in 1992 that mentions him speaking at a Bilderberg Conference along with Henry Kissinger in 1988. I make 1992 to be more than 20 years ago. Posted by Agronomist, Monday, 10 June 2013 6:30:37 PM
Henry Kissenger 1992 Bilderberg Meeting ," Today Americans would be outraged if UN Troops entered Los Angeles to restore order, tomorrow, they will be greatful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then all people of the world would plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil....individual rights would be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their World Govt."
These evils used today to usher us into this World Govt are, the threat of Global Warming, terrorism and the threat of nuclear war.
You will remember recently that Gen Petraeus lost his job as head of the CIA and 30 other senior officials went too. Had Mitt Romney won we'd be at war with Syria and Iran now. There seems to a lot of conflict amongst our power elites on how to achieve their World Govt. Webster Tarpley thinks that Obama will be deposed as leader and a more war like leader like General Patraeus will replace him. Petraeus was at the June 6-9 Bilderberg meeting recently. They may use Congressman's Walter Jones' impeachment proceedings against Obama or find a scandal to force his resignation. Obama's birth certificate authenticity has not been resolved.
Prof Michel Chossudovsky gives a list of attendees.
We may be better off with the devil we know.