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Senator Ann Bressington Exposes Agenda 21
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Posted by Arjay, Wednesday, 6 February 2013 8:34:49 PM
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Sorry, Arjay...but Rahm Emmanuel pinched that line from Milton Friedman - the daddy of neo-liberal-think.
Disaster capitalism is more likely the name of the game . You should read Naomi Klein's book if you want to be informed on how the real experts manufacture and take advantage of crises to push their "agenda" Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 7 February 2013 12:01:34 AM
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The real disaster for us Poirot has been the sale of 4 state banks and the Commonwealth.All our new money for growth + inflation now created as debt and our national debt is enormous.
As Ann Bressington said it is almost checkmate.All our pollies from Labor ,Coalition,Greens Democrats etc have sold us out and continue to do so. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 7 February 2013 6:01:42 AM
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I don’t always agree with Ajay’s take on things but he has a point, this time.
If you think that the “concern” being expressed by those like Poirot to environmental change is motivated by a desire for a clean environment --you are haven’t been following their prattle. Like this piece from Poirot’s patron saint of poppycock, Naomi Klien – which Poirot, apparently, didn’t think to read before linking to back in November 2012: "The deniers did not decide that climate change is a left-wing conspiracy by uncovering some covert socialist plot. They arrived at this analysis by taking a hard look at what it would take to lower global emissions as drastically and as rapidly as climate science [read AGW activists] demand…Here’s my inconvenient truth: they aren’t wrong" And you haven’t been following the latest potlatch in Doha where the hottest new issue was a mega-bucks, climate change compensation fund. Incidentally, the latest codswallop being peddled by Naomi and her congregation is “Disaster Capitalism” and includes this ludicrous claim: “In China in 1989, it was the shock of the Tiananmen Square massacre and the arrests of tens of thousands that freed the Communist party to convert much of the country into a sprawling export zone” ! [Anyone who has followed Chinese history will know just how wide of the mark that is!] The extreme left’s starting point is a pathological hatred of “capitalism”. And AGW as just the latest weapon in their jihad against capitalism, and the West generally. Which might be why you will never hear any of them raise so much as a whimper against the Islamisists, their natural allies.And in truth in a different time or a different place –or perhaps just this place in some future time – they would make perfect fundamentalists. They have all the attributes needed, it would be only a case of relabeling them. So the real “urgent question” we should be addressing is not why our industry produces so much CO2 -- but HOW does our education system produce so many ill-informed left-leaning commentators who produce so much H2S! Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 7 February 2013 7:21:13 AM
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Never mind, SPQR,
Contrary to your notion of a big fat socialist plot, the real "plotters" are part of the one percent that Arjay's always banging on about : ) Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 7 February 2013 9:06:25 AM
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"The deniers did not decide that climate change is a left-wing conspiracy by uncovering some covert socialist plot. They arrived at this analysis by taking a hard look at what it would take to lower global emissions as drastically and as rapidly as climate science [read AGW activists] demand…Here’s my inconvenient truth: they aren’t wrong" That was (your most favoured source) Naomi speaking -- NOT me! And then we have this: "one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy... One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole" And that was Edenhofer co-chair of the IPCC's Working Group III, and lead author of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report --NOT me! Posted by SPQR, Thursday, 7 February 2013 9:23:47 AM
The origins of the environmental movement began in 1968 when the Club Of Rome an elist's think tank was formed to mould the world in their vision.Their vision was to create a series of crises so that we the people would give up our freedoms for the noble pursuit of saving the planet from environment destruction.
George Bush Senior 1992," The effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound re-oreintation of human society unlike anything the world has ever experienced.We need an unpresidented re-deployment of human and financial resources."
Maurice Strong ,billionaire oil magnate and ex-secretary of the UN."Current lifestyles of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake.....use of fossil fuels etc ...are not sustainable."
In 1975 our Govts signed the Lima Agreement which effectively re-deployed production,jobs and new innovation to developing nations such as China.The real enemy of the elites was the Western middle class who had real freedoms,not the Chinese.However China has not buckled to the system of Global Governance and thus are now demonised.
Sustainability is the catch phrase to make us feel guilty about our success.Satellite evidence demonstrates that there has been no increase in temps since 1997 even with expoential increases in CO2.
Rahm Emmanuel ex Chief of Staff to Obama," You should never let a good crisis go to waste since you can do things that ordinarily were thought impossible." Maurice Strong and Obama's science Tsar John Holdren want to see the population of the planet reduced by 90%.Will they volunteer to go first?
On my alternate media this speech by Ann Bressington has gone viral.