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The Forum > General Discussion > Ir Laws and AWA's

Ir Laws and AWA's

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What is it with the Labor and Liberal party on this issue. They can not work together and thus fight who has more testorone than the other.

As Labor has said from the start we ill tear up AWA's.

Now it is very indepth and must walk carefully and that is why we have a 3 year transition.

My question is

If Labor was just going to tear these up, they must have been incompetent to the issue and it was an exercise to generate membership, for not only Labor but the unions as well.

On the other hand Labor is just lying and has full intention of keeping AWA's.

So what are your veiws and thoughts.
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 12 April 2007 3:52:17 PM
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I would like to mix a few facts with my thoughts Tapp, I recommend it as a worthwhile start to posting.
AWAs they exist in many forms , the higher skilled and more needed employees are doing quite well under AWAs.
It is unlikely no matter what pre election talk takes place that they will not continue to do so even if the document has another name.
At the other end of the scale are the children and wives of these and other workers.
Taken into offices and told to sign it now or no job.
Doubt it? you must not it is quite true, so very many have been sacked for not signing a document they had no part in drawing up.
AWAs have some future for some in whatever name they are given.
I hope and believe it is Labors intention to scrap forced AWAs.
Another impact ,not the only one but a big one is the extra work and extra hours at work bought about by AWAs.
The ACTU tactic of highlighting very real damage to our family time is fact.
Country fire brigades can no longer get a crew at fires and road rescue teams are not always finding full crews.
Kids can not join sports unsure if mum or dad can be there for transport.
AWAs are a factor in undermining family life.
You overlook the fact this campaign about workchoices is a community one not just unions or Labor.
If you are an Australian peoples party you should consider including fair go mate policy's anti workchoices is about that alone.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 April 2007 8:26:11 AM
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So many people think once a poster openly say what party he is from much of what he/she says is biased.
And a constant flow of anti union stuff is forever going to be a part of any forum in our country.
It is much harder to get debate about those who are in fact unions for the other side, like the H R Nicol's society and so very many more.
For ever trade union a shadow group exists to defend conservative and employer views.
And no halos for unions, some union actions, clearly not all unions are dreadful.
But some hidden conservative groups are no less than criminal in their intent.
My personal views of 30 years from now sees a lot less unions but strong active ones.
A national system of IR that works fairly.
One that is used by unions and company's to resolve issues without needless war.
The strangest thing is right now we do not have the wars most unions and bosses work well to resolve the issues.
the Medea is uninterested in the good outcomes and some of the public are unaware of the other unions existence.
Tapp unionists are not unlike you just Aussie workers not a black enemy of truth.
Is it too late to again ask conservative Australia to debate the needless miss use of a mandate that was never for workchoices by workchoices?
Is the loss of government not about to be an outcome of John Howard failure to understand the Australian workforce?
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 April 2007 8:44:09 AM
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Belly i have already posted The Australian Peoples IR policy unlike Labor

And since this is The Party for the people we have given choice.

If you even bother to read it I do understand but you cannot see that.

So while you are argueing with me get rid of the spin and answer the question, or is that too hard due to you dont know.
Posted by tapp, Friday, 13 April 2007 11:05:11 AM
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If I have freely and voluntarily entered into a contract with an employer or someone else for the purposes of providing my labour or services what right does the gang of commo thugs have to tear up this contract. My right to contract is no different to any PERSONS right to contract and that is exactly why this policy, NOT LAW, has been implemented.
If a person has been unlawfully coerced into entering into a contract that causes them financial detriment then that is an offence but the commos are smart enough to identify the procedures to deal with this conduct.
Both the gangs of criminals who wish to rule us like slaves will not elaborate on our basic right to property and that is in relation to our VOLUNTARY obligation to pay income tax.
If you and your family have been caused financial detriment and feel that it has been caused by this government's IR policy you should consider revoking the VOLUNTARY agreement (contract) you entered into when you applied for your tax file number as both of these ruling criminal gangs have changed the terms and conditions of that contract and nobody has objected to the various changes.
The simple answer is to advise Mr Michael D'Ascenzo the Commissioner of Taxation that the Tax File Number previously issued to you is no longer available for use by him or his office. That is that he is no longer permitted to use the number in connection with your identity, to store or maintain a record of it or to divulge it to third parties and that any attempt to use this number in a manner contrary to section 8WB of the Taxation Administration Act 1953 shall be dealt with according to law as it then becomes an offence.
If this ruling gang has caused you financial losses then recoup these losses by revoking your voluntary tax paying obligations but don’t bother asking the gang of commos they don’t want us to know anything about these policies or laws.
Posted by Young Dan, Friday, 13 April 2007 1:14:22 PM
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Young Dan your post does you no credit, commo thugs? are you sure you think like that?
My union born in the Australian bush is far from left and commo? about 2% at the most Australians could be called that.
The extreme left are as much my enemy's as Howard and in truth few in numbers.
Get your head around this some good honest workers can not even read and write.
Some would be too afraid to sit in an office with a boss and talk out an AWA.
And young Dan tell the increasing number of bosses asking us into there workplace to help them out that we are commos.
insults like those you throw around question only your understanding of the world.
It is my personal view that trade unions need not be very left to get the job done, that the extremes will fade away in time.
But that workers rights to be in a union will exist forever.
On the night Australia sends Howard into retirement your name will be among many that make me smile.
Filed under lost in space views.
Tapp if your party wins one seat in any poll I will be your servant for life.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 13 April 2007 5:38:38 PM
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