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Ir Laws and AWA's

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I started a job delivering pizzas in 1996, before AWAs came in and was on a contract where I earned a certain amount per hour (less than $10) and a small amount per delivery. There was certainly no shift penalties or rates for working on weekends or public holidays. As a matter of fact, my boss would send home the 14 year olds early on a Sunday because they would be on double time and be earning more than me. I would then have to do not only my job, but the work of the people who were sent home as well.

So where were was Greg Combet then? The state labor government in NSW as part of their recent election campaign said that they were protecting workers rights from the federal government, so what was Morris Iemma doing back then? The conditions that I was working under are exactly the sort of thing they are campaigning against now, so where were they back in '96?

Now you may ask, why didnt I complain about this back then? Well maybe the owner/manager of the store was working longer hours than I was. Maybe the manager was there when the store opened at around midday and was still there closing up when I finished at 04:00am for 6 days a week, just to keep the store running. Maybe if the drivers were on different rates, the store would have closed and a lot of people may have lost their jobs. I mean isn't this the sort of business that the new IR laws were brought in to help?

Most of the people getting involved with protesting against the Work Choices legislation are not affected by it, and I would bet most of them wouldn't even know someone who has been adversely affected either. They either choose to believe the propaganda spewed forth by the ACTU, which ignores the new jobs created and the actual salary increases, or are just using this for their own political or personal gain.
Posted by Deryck, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 3:49:14 AM
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Derick do you understand that trade unions are not Charity's?If that young man, you had rang this union official you may have got help.
Workchoices in fact outlaws a union official helping non union members.
And after lie ing about non members being paid up to help them out so very many times only to find they never join I agree.
AWAs are not a part of workchoices Tapp, they existed long before workchoices.
Right now this country is in crisis and workchoices plays a very big part in that.
Medea thumps Rudd on minor issues in an attempt to destroy his profile.
Howard's dirty half dozen drive the fight again fear of the publics thoughts on workchoices is driving election debate to new lows.
Tapp you must not adopt these tactics, time will pass and one day post workchoices and post a dysfunctional Medea we will look back in shame to these times.
How will this look after a new IR system put in place by Labor finds massive support in both sides of the IR debate?
Look at the polls Australia is not buying the lies ,workchoices or John Howard.
Conservative Australia do you really think some must go hungry so wealth can be created?
Or that some are more entitled to the good life than others?
Or that we can forever bring the worlds poor to our country use them and send them back to that poor life again?
Is wealth the only measure of our country's worth? or do we care about fair go mate still?
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 5:25:47 AM
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Now that you have pointed out another instance of the Labor party never ever saying they will rip up AWAs in fact your post gives even more credibility to my argument that Labor has never said they will tear up AWAs.

Stu, instead of asking for answers to your illogical assertions how about -

Sorry I was wrong, I got my facts wrong, I apologise.

Let’s see now it does seem that whilst doing research it was not Joe Hockey who said Labor would tear up AWA’S but Stephen Smith.

What I have also found is that Kevin Rudd has also said that he will tear up AWA’S but this seems like a back flip, rollover.

The question now is Kevin Rudd going to tear up AWA’S or are they going to phased out in the so called transitional period?

Who is Labor standing for the worker or business?

Belly it seems with a two party preferred polling system that who else can anybody poll. We know the polls are about Labor and Liberals and nobody else, so one can say it really isn’t the whole truth.

Now Steve It is you turn for research you have the names
How about sorry i was wrong
Sorry I was wrong, I got my facts wrong, I apologise.
Posted by tapp, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 11:02:25 AM
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You asked me for details, can you provide the details when Stephen Smith or Kevin Rudd have explicitly said they will tear up existing AWAs?

Given your last attempt to hide the truth by deliberately omitting the relevant part of an interview I will never believe you without evidence.

If I can verify what you say is correct I will apologise, but I think you are telling porkies again.
Posted by Steve Madden, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 12:08:12 PM
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here we go steve

With this you will even find that they put up a billboard with kim beasley tearing up an australian workers agreement(awa)

Stephen Smith MP Shadow Minister for Industry, Infrastructure and Industrial Relations
Member for Perth E&OE T51/06

Howard must revisit IR
By Glenn Milne
March 25, 2007 12:00
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The question John Howard must face in the wake of Labor's victory in NSW is this: did simmering discontent in the electorate over the Federal Coalition's industrial-relations reforms underpin Morris Iemma's survival?
That was the claim being made by senior federal Labor figures last night.
If true, it bodes badly forHoward, facing an ascendant Kevin Rudd whois adamant he intends tearing up Australian Workplace Agreements - the centrepiece of Howard's WorkChoices legislation.
If Rudd ever wavered in this determination, he won't after the NSW result.

So steve it seems that not only is kevin rudd is decietful he doesnt know who he is batting for.

Tearing up awa's
Having a transitional period.
Veteran affairs mockup
team sunrise

truth is much better
Posted by tapp, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 4:41:57 PM
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Tapp like most of us you may never visit the thread now its on the back page but you try so hard to avoid accountability.
The election was up for grabs, both independents thought they would win.
The ALP vote was split and weakened yet they won.
you seem to admit your party has no chance in saying it comes down to Labor and Liberal!!?
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 17 April 2007 4:44:15 PM
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