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The Forum > General Discussion > Ir Laws and AWA's

Ir Laws and AWA's

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Well people have to die sometime

TAPP is for Euthanasia

If you cannot find the interview even when I have given who it is by then it is you and those who do your research are incompetent.

If you are to lazy to check policy dont blame me blame yourself for not getting of your Ar#e.

Now it seems the others can just talk and you will lap it up but it is about policy and 50% well that would be due to a 2 party prefered system including polls.

If you dont give people the choice like i have given you all then stiff, that is your problem, your responsibility.

And if you dont like what i have posted and you call it inane, I call it the truth and what these dictatorships are really about.

Labor says we will not force you


Labor says we will look after you


Labor says only we can do it


When you take your blinkers off you will see.

And by the way
You have cancer
I should already be dead
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 18 April 2007 8:17:48 PM
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The big difference between you an I is that I am not trying to get a fledgling political party off the ground.

I have not been a member of the Labor party since I resigned in disgust over the actions of the musicians union taking over my local branch and the Ros Kelly "white-board" pork barrel (a rort the Liberals have elevated to an art form).

With each post you make on OLO you ensure that no sane person will join your party. All your hard work for nothing.

You have shown us that you are happy to omit facts, twist the truth and say black is white (maybe you could make it as a Liberal).

Its easy to criticise, how about you try something different.
Posted by Steve Madden, Thursday, 19 April 2007 4:47:47 PM
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This bit is funny, funny man steve

Its easy to criticise, how about you try something different

No Steve

You have shown your discontent for facts and also since i did apologise regarding that also due to the word count available.

You forgot that bit.

You also forgot that since you are so experienced that you and your mates could not find a simple article why, You couldnt be bothered.

You say that you know but when required cannot find, obviously not that good at what you did, if you cannot find simple articles of truth.

Since you can no longer debate what is fact about labor saying they will tear up AWA's after your excuse of deciet using hockey as a patsy.

Especially after i said kim was there at the putting up off one of his i will tear up AWA signs and you still deny.

The truth, something you do not like
And even you say how bad they are, how disgusted you are.
Posted by tapp, Thursday, 19 April 2007 5:10:07 PM
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Stu, please listen to Steve. He can at least write fluently, not like your disjointed rot. And he is right that one person saying that Kevin Rudd (or anyone else) said something, does not mean that the person referred to actually said it.

The Labor party may well tear up the legislation (which it does appear to have said and often), but please do a little bit of legal training before taking on a legal situation. The legislation does NOT include the AWA's - these are contracts and are outside the governments immediate control.

AWA's are good for some and not for others. Awards are good for some and not for others. The problem with having little contracts here and there is that they are hard to monitor for fairness. An award on the other hand is set by govt and then employers can be audited for compliance - everyone knows the rules in each workplace which makes life simpler.

BROCK made comment about the poor young people who risked being fired for asking when and how much they would get paid when starting a new job. I was a young person who did ask about this. Did I get fired - no! I simply got told that the rate was $7.54/hour and payday was Friday fortnightly. Also that I would miss the first payrun as my details wouldnt be processed in time, but it would be caught up in the next pay. Employers really dont care about this sort of thing, and most have it in the manual that they give to new employees on induction. Dont scaremonger.
Posted by Country Gal, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 4:07:18 PM
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Contry Gal

whats your going rate

must be pretty cheap

you will sell yourself to anything that the party tells you to.
Posted by tapp, Wednesday, 25 April 2007 8:31:48 PM
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politics is about VOTERS

we get what we vote for.....

and one can fool some of the people some of the time

but not all of the people all of the time

most australians of 18 and voting age,

have the intelligence to know how the world around

them works, and very much so in a practical sense

Posted by JHH, Monday, 30 April 2007 8:58:34 PM
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