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The Forum > General Discussion > Does it really matter who the leader is.

Does it really matter who the leader is.

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Having dealt with the Qld public servive on many fronts over the years there is an inevitability about how things turn out here, irrespective of who is in charge in the parliament.

There is an inertia, a dullwittedness, a slackness and overall disregard for good performance that marks out the Qld public sector, even after the Fitzgerald Inquiry dealt with overt corruption.

This can be found in other states too, and look no further than the entrenched corruption of NSW, from councils up.

It's a national trait probably, that allows sub standard outcomes to be badged as 'great works'.

But here in Qld, given the small gene pool we draw politicians from, we rely far more on good advcie from the public service, and frankly, the advice that comes forward is a reflcetion of the intense parochial make up of the state.

Our politicians come from unions, law, school teachers and small business areas. Each deeply conservative and backward looking.

So, the politics here, and the ability of the politicians, is a reflection of the state make up- backward looking, deeply conservative, fearful of change, lacking imagination.

We reap exactly what we sow.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Saturday, 17 March 2012 9:47:51 AM
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Well not quite Blue, you see our electoral system allows for a party to gain office on less than 50% of the vote, so in theory, more than half don't want them.

And Ludwig, there comes a time when one has to ask, not whether the LNP is any better, but whether labor deserves the right to continue to hold office.

Now as for QLD libs, until now, they have had nothing to offer, however, now they have.

I seriously think labor are finished in this state.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 17 March 2012 11:19:37 AM
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Sounds like you lot want the return of Joe;.
QLD is a basket case since the Joe era, and will take many years to bring it up to speed, with the rest of the country. Bucking for a lib regime will delay that option.
Areas with the likes of Katter, well where's the lady from Gimpie.
Libs have a policy of subduing and receding, and they will cause unemployment.
Has there ever been a govt; that 100% of the voters agree with. You could end up with a hung parliament, then what. Neither party has a strong leader like Julia.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 17 March 2012 11:40:40 AM
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we presume..the head rots first
but the beast changes heads

sure we elect some fool
but their public servants..just run the new boys raggid
and they soon say yes minester

how the heck can an upper house
'vote ITSELF'..out of egsistance
without a referendumb..


only a corrupt beurocracy can allow that
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 March 2012 12:05:48 PM
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<< And Ludwig, there comes a time when one has to ask, not whether the LNP is any better, but whether labor deserves the right to continue to hold office. >>

Can’t agree rehctub. If the LNP is no better, then they don’t deserve to govern any more than Labor. And I can’t see how they would be any better.

<< Now as for QLD libs, until now, they have had nothing to offer, however, now they have. >>

They do?? Please tell, what on earth do they have to offer of any significance??
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 March 2012 2:30:48 PM
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Ludwig, they have.... drum roll.... trumpets.... lights.... Cando!

Yes, the only difference between the Joh era Nats with their two book view of the world, the Bible and the John Deere Tractor Manual for guidance through life, and beyond, is the appearance of Cando.

The Joh drones of old lurk behind him, while the Cando Liberals are all hiding on the verandah of 10 Downing Street, polishing their white shoes, dusting off thire spats, sharpening their canes, ready as ever to fill our landmass with poorly conceived buildings, ever more roads but no rail and more ports that Clive Palmer could point a blunt stick at.

There is no doubt that Bligh is a failed experiment for the ALP, as was Goss, as was Rudd but you are right, if Cando deserves a shot, then there has to be a quantum leap between the two, lest we get more-of-the-same-but-worse.

I do get excited at the prospect of a coalition though, of Cando and Katter's mob of desperado's.

I see the unions at the QCU are backing Katter! Is 'Mr. Richard Head' offensive here I wonder? Oooops, yes it offends dear Graham's sensibilities!

Really, labour deserves its woes when it loses control of the ALP and starts to back a meataxe and his political dwarf pack of nincompoops.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Saturday, 17 March 2012 3:23:06 PM
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