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Does it really matter who the leader is.

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Anna Bligh continues her attack on the LNP stating that what if they win and Newman looses, who will lead.

I would suggest this is a very thin line, especially given the events of Kevin Rudds situation, whereby he was the elected leader, only to be replaced mid stream.

So why does it really matter when that position is not assured anyway.

Is this is yet another smear campaign by another desperate failing labor government leader.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 16 March 2012 7:33:32 AM
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Rehctub, it doesn’t matter!!

The Libs’ and Labs’ are two peas in a pod. Their politics are essentially identical…. and rotten! Who cares who the leaders are, unless one of them attains a leader who can substantially change their political direction for the better.

So don’t vote for either!

It makes just about no sense to struggle over which one to vote for. The only sensible thing to do is to vote for neither, by either lodging a blank ballot or voting for a minor candidate only, so that no preferences filter down to either of the ‘liblabs’.

At least you can vote for a minor party or independent candidate in Queensland, which has the optional preferential voting system, whereas you can’t federally without your vote ending up counting for one of the two big buggers, under the disgusting compulsory preferential system.

Returning a blank ballot paper is NOT a wasted vote. Voting for one of the big dinosaur parties on the basis that you think it is ever so slightly less disgusting than the other one IS a morally corrupt vote!
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 16 March 2012 8:21:49 AM
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ludwig/quote..""you can’t federally..
without your vote ending up counting
for one of the two big buggers,""

yep clever aint it
which do you hate most
goes last..[one for against vote]

the least votes drop out[if no clear winner]
and their second prefereance...'comes active'' distributed

in still no winner
the next lowest is 'dis-tributed'

till at last we got a winner
cause he did a preferance..*deal

""under the disgusting
compulsory preferential system.""

hence that clever coup
just vote 96

one vote your
ability to bring dead

""Returning a blank ballot NOT a wasted vote."""

i prefer..simply getting 'it'
throwing it into a fire

let the vote not add up
who cares...send the system broke

""Voting for one..of the big dinosaur parties
on the basis that you is ever so slightly less""...LOL

""disgusting !""

""than the other one
IS a morally corrupt vote!""

morally bankrupt
not nesserilly corrupt..but easilly corupted
Posted by one under god, Friday, 16 March 2012 9:04:44 AM
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Best not to return a totally blank form. I have worked as a scrutineer in a returning officers home garage in a regional town and it is too easy to take a blank form and mark it.

I hasten to add that I did not do that or anything like that but a dsitracted returning officer, taking a dunny break, and the temptation is there.

Actually, all this work should be done in a central location in full view of everyone anyway to prevent such actions.

At least put a line and an abusive comment that reflects your view to make sure the slip is not totally blank.

Fortunately the Greens are standing everywhere and although they have no chance of a seat outside maybe one in Brisbane, at least you can send your vote to them and a message to Bligh, who will be a backbencher in a few weeks time.

And yes, who cares if the current LNP leader wins or not, we're still about to get a bunch of no-hoper Bible bashers back in charge, and frankly, it really doesn;t matter which of them leads because they are all without neurons.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Friday, 16 March 2012 10:10:07 AM
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<< At least put a line and an abusive comment that reflects your view to make sure the slip is not totally blank. >>

Yes indeed. Good point Blue Cross.
Posted by Ludwig, Friday, 16 March 2012 10:25:20 AM
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Rechtub it matters.
You in my view think so about Labor leaders.;
And I get a grin out of reminding you of that.
For me, you, TBC it does not.
But about 20% think it does.
If Kevin Rudd Lead QLD LABOR.
or IF a Turnbull lead LNP you would see evidence it matters.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 16 March 2012 4:14:34 PM
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Indeed Belly, and thank God Kevin does not lead the ALP anywhere, but that is another story.

If the ALP ran as a policy driven machine, it would hardly matter except to appeal to dunces in the street who regard 'leaders' as positive things.

Sadly, because the ALP allows its so-called 'leaders' to make policy up, I suppose it does matter who leads.

What leaders should do, as with Cando for example, is to work through his policy machine to get the LNP to change its view on gay marriage, to bring it into line with most other people, according to the published polls.

Even when stagerringly 'good ' leaders lead, like Bob Car eh Belly, things still go pear shaped.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Friday, 16 March 2012 4:30:15 PM
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Belly you have just given me a reason to believe there is a god in heaven.

If it weren't for his grace we just might have those 2 self serving shonks in Qld, under which circumstances we would be in hell on earth.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 16 March 2012 7:15:26 PM
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Hasbeen, we're on the same side at last!
Posted by The Blue Cross, Friday, 16 March 2012 8:24:35 PM
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I truly would vote Labor, but want a better leader.
About now from both sides rocks are being gathered.
And I am the target, one day an interesting thread may result.
However it is a question that never needed asking.
Say you, yes you, wanted to lead your party, and it happened.
If you entered a campaign sure you only had to sell to your followers, you would be a fool.
If you took it for granted those with roots in your group would follow no matter the place you led, same result.
For me, I suspect most, nothing insults more than being told to follow the wrong leader or be branded.
Remember, look and see, our last ten elected PM, QLDS previous one, had popular support.
Show me the last state or federal leader elected despite being disliked.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 17 March 2012 6:02:31 AM
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I would like someone to explain, truthfully, just why we here in QLD are in the shape we are in.

In the past decade or so, labor have enjoyed the spolis of, the GST, the huge boost in stamp duties, from the property boom, the sale of public asetts, and of cause, the mining boom.

Surely, after all these finacial win falls, we should have a wad of money in the bank.

Now there are those who blame the floods of 2011, but I would remind them that we were in negative territory prior to then.

So, the question must be answered, where has our money gone and, how on earth can we expect to survive without mining, something the greens and their supporters are trying very hard to close down.

On another issue, it would appear that Anna has cooked her goose, having thrown so much mud at Campbell Newman, only to have the CMC say there is no case to answer.

If you are going to play dirty, you must have your facts straight.

The sad part is that the seat of Ashgrove is set to loose what is obviously a popular rep.
I'm sorry, but labor just has to go. It's time!
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 17 March 2012 6:58:21 AM
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Yeah but rehctub, will the Libnats be any better??

I can’t see that they would.

And would Queensland have been in any better shape if they’d been in power over the last few years?

Nope. Not likely.

So don’t vote for either!!
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 March 2012 8:17:42 AM
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Having dealt with the Qld public servive on many fronts over the years there is an inevitability about how things turn out here, irrespective of who is in charge in the parliament.

There is an inertia, a dullwittedness, a slackness and overall disregard for good performance that marks out the Qld public sector, even after the Fitzgerald Inquiry dealt with overt corruption.

This can be found in other states too, and look no further than the entrenched corruption of NSW, from councils up.

It's a national trait probably, that allows sub standard outcomes to be badged as 'great works'.

But here in Qld, given the small gene pool we draw politicians from, we rely far more on good advcie from the public service, and frankly, the advice that comes forward is a reflcetion of the intense parochial make up of the state.

Our politicians come from unions, law, school teachers and small business areas. Each deeply conservative and backward looking.

So, the politics here, and the ability of the politicians, is a reflection of the state make up- backward looking, deeply conservative, fearful of change, lacking imagination.

We reap exactly what we sow.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Saturday, 17 March 2012 9:47:51 AM
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Well not quite Blue, you see our electoral system allows for a party to gain office on less than 50% of the vote, so in theory, more than half don't want them.

And Ludwig, there comes a time when one has to ask, not whether the LNP is any better, but whether labor deserves the right to continue to hold office.

Now as for QLD libs, until now, they have had nothing to offer, however, now they have.

I seriously think labor are finished in this state.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 17 March 2012 11:19:37 AM
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Sounds like you lot want the return of Joe;.
QLD is a basket case since the Joe era, and will take many years to bring it up to speed, with the rest of the country. Bucking for a lib regime will delay that option.
Areas with the likes of Katter, well where's the lady from Gimpie.
Libs have a policy of subduing and receding, and they will cause unemployment.
Has there ever been a govt; that 100% of the voters agree with. You could end up with a hung parliament, then what. Neither party has a strong leader like Julia.
Posted by 579, Saturday, 17 March 2012 11:40:40 AM
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we presume..the head rots first
but the beast changes heads

sure we elect some fool
but their public servants..just run the new boys raggid
and they soon say yes minester

how the heck can an upper house
'vote ITSELF'..out of egsistance
without a referendumb..


only a corrupt beurocracy can allow that
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 17 March 2012 12:05:48 PM
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<< And Ludwig, there comes a time when one has to ask, not whether the LNP is any better, but whether labor deserves the right to continue to hold office. >>

Can’t agree rehctub. If the LNP is no better, then they don’t deserve to govern any more than Labor. And I can’t see how they would be any better.

<< Now as for QLD libs, until now, they have had nothing to offer, however, now they have. >>

They do?? Please tell, what on earth do they have to offer of any significance??
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 March 2012 2:30:48 PM
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Ludwig, they have.... drum roll.... trumpets.... lights.... Cando!

Yes, the only difference between the Joh era Nats with their two book view of the world, the Bible and the John Deere Tractor Manual for guidance through life, and beyond, is the appearance of Cando.

The Joh drones of old lurk behind him, while the Cando Liberals are all hiding on the verandah of 10 Downing Street, polishing their white shoes, dusting off thire spats, sharpening their canes, ready as ever to fill our landmass with poorly conceived buildings, ever more roads but no rail and more ports that Clive Palmer could point a blunt stick at.

There is no doubt that Bligh is a failed experiment for the ALP, as was Goss, as was Rudd but you are right, if Cando deserves a shot, then there has to be a quantum leap between the two, lest we get more-of-the-same-but-worse.

I do get excited at the prospect of a coalition though, of Cando and Katter's mob of desperado's.

I see the unions at the QCU are backing Katter! Is 'Mr. Richard Head' offensive here I wonder? Oooops, yes it offends dear Graham's sensibilities!

Really, labour deserves its woes when it loses control of the ALP and starts to back a meataxe and his political dwarf pack of nincompoops.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Saturday, 17 March 2012 3:23:06 PM
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Yeah little Can-do Campbell. He’s da man!

Well, I guess we are going to find out what he’s made of, coz it looks like he’s a shoe-in for the next Qld premier!
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 March 2012 3:37:12 PM
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The problem faced by government is the provision of infrastructure for a rapidly growing population. The cost of incompetence and mismanagement pales besides this, so even if Cando Campbell's team are markedly more proficient than Labor, they still face the infrastructure debt burden resultant from federal immigration policy.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 17 March 2012 6:17:15 PM
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Too true Fester. But rapid population growth in southeast Queensland it is not entirely the Federal government’s fault. None of the successive state governments under Goss, Borbidge, Beatty or Bligh made any attempt to get the Feds to lower immigration.

This was particularly incredible with Bligh, who acknowledged major problems with continuous growth in SEQ, but whose entire solution was to encourage people to live in Townsville, Cairns, Mackay and smaller towns….. and to do absolutely nothing towards discouraging people from moving to Queensland or suggesting that the national immigration rate be lowered.

Yep, she’s got to go. This was enormously irresponsible. But of course we can’t expect anything at all to be done by Can-do towards addressing the population issue in SEQ.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 17 March 2012 8:36:53 PM
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There are two things I will guarantee.

One, that if Cando and the LNP win, business confidence will skyrocket.

Two, if Bligh and labor retains office, (simply by not loosing badly enough), as usual, business confidence will hit rock bottom, that's assuming it's not already down there.

Now one of Joes laws that was reversed once labor gained office was his anti pokie law.

What a great move that was hey!

Now as for the comment about what a great leader Julia is, well, il let that one go through to the keeper.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 18 March 2012 7:22:48 AM
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Rehctub, you wrote:

<< …if Cando and the LNP win, business confidence will skyrocket >>


<< …if Bligh and labor retains office, ... business confidence will hit rock bottom, >>

I don’t it is quite as black and white as that.

We need to be careful about just what ‘business confidence’ means. It is not entirely positive.

Unfortunately, high business confidence goes hand in hand with rapid expansionism, doesn’t it? So what Queensland needs is selective business confidence, with a deterrence to the likes of more coal mines, more urban development, etc.

Yes, a Can-do premier will probably increase business confidence, but if anything, that is bound to make the continuous growth problem even worse, especially in the far southeast corner, where it is really quite critical.

It is certainly a difficult juggling act to be seen to be business-friendly while doing something meaningful about continuous growth. But then, that balance has surely got to sit right at the heart of the purpose of government.

Neither Campbell nor Bligh show any signs of achieve anything like it.
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 18 March 2012 7:54:18 AM
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Ah, the purpose of government is to give business a helping hand, and that's about it Ludwig.

Any 'benefits' falling to the unwashed is an accident, or a subsidy to employers.

Like public education and health.

Were we not to have that, then business would have to pay more in wages to get anyone to turn up to work with what passes as an education today.

Increasingly, both are being privatised, which is good for business. not us.

But we don't matter, only profits do.

Just watched a Dennis Potter classic, two of them, 'Stand up Nigel Barton' and 'Vote vote vote for Nigel Barton'.

1965, but both spot on observations of the political scene.

BBC, probably downloadable somewhere and worth a look. On sale at ABC shops too.
Posted by The Blue Cross, Sunday, 18 March 2012 2:16:42 PM
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<< Ah, the purpose of government is to give business a helping hand, and that's about it Ludwig >>.

That’s a very cynical view, Blue Cross.

Hold on, let me think about it a bit more.

Oh… you’re right. It’s not cynical at all, it’s just the straightforward truth!!

Hwaaaaw! ( :>(
Posted by Ludwig, Sunday, 18 March 2012 6:55:58 PM
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Poor little Anna is about to be flogged, and about time.

Just try to imagine what poor shape we would be in had they not had the win fall of the mining boom.

I shutter to think.

It just goes to show what can be achieved when a party has options for the people.

I say again, it's about time, only four years to late.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 20 March 2012 7:07:42 AM
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Yeah but rehctub, what do you think Newman will do that will be a significant improvement?

You’ve mentioned better business confidence, but as I’ve said, that is not necessarily a good thing.

What else do you envisage?

What’s the point of rejoicing in Bligh’s demise if the alternative is no better… and probably worse?
Posted by Ludwig, Tuesday, 20 March 2012 8:24:48 AM
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Well Ludwig I get back to you on that one, I would suggest in about 4 to 6 weeks, as that should be sufficient time to celebrate the exiting of this useless government.

On the other hand, it may take a bit longer to establish just where we sit.

I would also suggest madam PM not make plans to far ahead, unless of cause it's outside of politics,

First it was NSW labor, about to be QLD, with federal being the next cab off the rank.

You know, it's just a pittly they cause so much damage and heartache while in office, otherwise it would be quite amusing seeing them self destruct.

The latest I. QLD suggests something like 55 seats back to 11 or so.

At last, an election that will be won, rather than one that is lost, as is usually the case.

Of cause, being so, ill informed as I am, just makes me wonder how well informed those who throw that mud at me are.

Remember, I predicted this the day Campbell Newman threw his hat in the ring.
Posted by rehctub, Tuesday, 20 March 2012 6:39:33 PM
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More qld floods, something you are going to have to get used of.
Floods cause an awful lot of money for destroyed infrastructure. Hope you have deep pockets.
Abbott is always concerned about who the leader is, but that don't matter in qld.
Do not destroy your underground water., it may be needed one day.
Posted by 579, Wednesday, 21 March 2012 12:34:12 PM
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Dear Belly, Ludwig et al.
I must be a slow learner., I always trusted the Governments implicity, during my callow years of course. But these days I realise that todays' Governments are nothing but a smokescreen of lies and ego's. We have (reportedly) our W.A.Government under Barnett, supposedly joining forces with the Labor Party in W.A. to squeeze out the National Party in order to abolish the Royalty for Regions campaign. Two very Citycentric, so-called Leaders trying to screw those who live in the Country areas of W.A.
Personally, I think that they should all be shot. When you think that the lower House is the House of Representatives, who should, by definition be able to represent their own electorates, as they are very cognizant of what is, and what is not acceptable for their own
electorate. They, the Reps. should not be bound to Party politics at all times. Ah Me! when will these recalcitrant Pollies grow up and start serving their State/Federal electors, who, afterall, pay their wages.
Regards to you both,
Noisy Scrub Bird.
Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Thursday, 22 March 2012 6:12:36 PM
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G’Day Noisy

<< Personally I think they should all be shot >>


I’m um…um…um….I’m…um… speechless!!

( :>O
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 22 March 2012 6:22:31 PM
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