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The Forum > General Discussion > Just shows how bad this government is.

Just shows how bad this government is.

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Labour lemons contn.

26. Take a "meat axe"' to the Public Service - 24,000 more public servants added

27. Murray Darling Basin Plan - back to the drawing board

28. 2020 Summit - Meaningless talkfest

29. Tax Summit - Deferred and downgraded

30. Population Policy - Sets no targets

31. Fuel Watch - Abandoned

32. Grocery Choice - Abandoned

33. $900 Stimulus cheques - Sent to dead people and overseas residents

34. Foreign Policy - In turmoil with Rudd running riot

35. National Schools Solar Program - Closing two years early

36. Solar Hot Water Rebate - Abandoned

37. Oceanic Viking - Caved in

38. GP Super Clinics - 64 promised, only 11 operational

39. Defence Family Healthcare Clinics - 12 promised, none delivered

40. Trade Training Centres - 2650 promised, 70 operational

41. Bid for UN Security Council seat - An expensive Rudd frolic

42.. MySchool Website - Revamped but problems continue

43. National Curriculum - States in uproar

44. Small Business Superannuation Clearing House - 99% of small businesses reject it

45. Indigenous Housing Program - way behind schedule

46. Rudd Bank - Went nowhere

47. Using cheap Chinese fabrics for Defence uniforms - Ditched

48. Innovation Ambassadors Program - junked

49. Six Submarines - none operational

50. Debt limit to be increased to $250 billion - to pay for all of this and much mor
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 15 January 2012 8:43:32 AM
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The purpose of govt; is to talk and thrash discussion around. What you are saying doesn't mean a thing.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 15 January 2012 9:43:51 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Good on you for pointing out the "faults" of the
government. It's great to see such balanced
and fair posts from you and of course other
like-minded kindred spirits. You certainly raise the
level of debate and discussion on this forum.

Seriously, just for a bit of balance though - check
out the following website:

I could list all the blunders of Mr Abbott and Co - and the previous
Liberal governments - but heck - that would take more than several
posts - and I don't want to waste my time on something that we all
know anyway.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 15 January 2012 10:30:52 AM
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Banjo is game repeating something that is half baked and incorrect, Any thing ever said is taken as policy, maybe that is why Abbott says no, crap, written in blood. The Malaysia plan was to positive for Toni, He has made a monkey of himself, and won't go down lightly.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 15 January 2012 10:54:06 AM
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Funny how you now refer to 'balance' in posts. You did not do so in the recent thread about John Howard. I do not see balance in your frequent critisisms of Abbott.

This thread is specificly about the present government and I welcome the opportunity to remind people of the stuff ups by the Rudd and Gillard governments. So thanks Butch, some people have short memories. Hope you post another thread some time.

As I have said before I have little time for either of the major parties, but this present mob are particularly stupid, inept and incompedent. Australia deserves a lot better.

Butch, you may have some knowledge of the NBN stuff up in Qld, where about 1000kls of cable had to be laid again because it was the wrong size. With the Qld election coming up don't forget which government and city council approved the subdivision of all those housing blocks that were flooded just 12 months ago. Which was it, corruption or just stupid incompedence?
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 15 January 2012 11:50:09 AM
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Dear Banjo,

Sorry - not good enough. Your accusations don't hold much
water. Go back to the Andreas Berg thread about John Howard -
I actually defended Mr Howard. Kindly re-read all of my posts
on that thread. Of course your lack of comprehension skills
is not something I can do anything about - if you still don't
get it. As for my criticisms of Mr Abbott and co. - That comes
as a result of his presenting the wrong facts to people - and
I simply feel obliged to present the full picture.

As I've stated previously, I go for policies that make sense -
not follow blindly any particular party - despite what you may

Still to each his own. Whatever floats your boat.

As for the current government and their supposed stuff-ups?
All major innovations have had to deal with a certain
amount of risk taking - but
to do nothing is simply a lazy option and doesn't require much
effort at all. As I said in the Howard thread - history will
judge each government and their achievements and whether the
outcomes were positive or not.
Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 15 January 2012 12:17:44 PM
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