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Look out, it's behind you.

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just more green spin..and deluded/colluded..fear

why when the going rate of a ton
is 13$ our tax going to be set at 23$
PLUS INDEXED TO INFLATION*...why index the tax and not workers wages?

or seize back the bankers needing this new commodity
to bail their excess out again

mate bankserrs didnt lend nothing
driving up the cost of resources..looking for a safe place for their bailouts
didnt make one green job..!

juliar says 1 million clean green jobs
please explain how mate

once you put in solar or wind
its 'fre energy./..unless your the mug
paying for further subsidies..bying solar/wind

*for double true market rate

let the market set the true cost
if your too expensive they buy else where

why first a double tax
why indexation
why is your fre solar
costing me double

its a grand sca,
built on lies
the scamers buy house's

and we sit in the dark ..afraid to even turn on
our new you bueat free bulbs.. throw away perfectly
good old fashioned filment bulbs

while the scamers buy plasma tv
and we subsidise solar showers for once a week footy ballers
or put solar cells on the roofs of the arts..[arty farty in crowd
who got them for free..

and now collect DOUBLE..for their occasional input

while the system..needs to boost up coal
for that day the sun dont shine
or the wind dont blow

and solar wind...dont blow free*[lol] energy into your spin

your mob is selective..mate

fear mongering racists..intent on finding new hates

blaming others..while shafting us all
for nice clean green bailouts

jobs for the boys
credits where credits are free
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 11:23:50 AM
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Yep, 'one under GOD' can't admit his errors, his sins - but, he is forgiven.

Yep, 'one under GOD' - the science says 60-80 cm SLR by 2100, bad enough, but not catastrophic - you are forgiven.

Yep, Al Gore is a politician - just like Gillard, Abbott and Co. - you are forgiven.

Let you in on a little secret 'one under GOD' - politicians spin and tell porkies ... ALL OF THEM, including ABBOTT!

You are forgiven.

Tell you what, 'one under GOD' - I am no expert (like you or the 'mad monk') on taxation, economics, parliamentary process, all sciences, etc - so I am out of my depth on subjects that have been discussed, and debated, by much more qualified people/experts than me (or you).

However, what I find so astonishingly bemusing, is that you (like typical unquestioning followers of your 'church', your faith, your Abbott) don't countenance the vast majority of experts in something you (or he) clearly know very little about.

Then you have the gall, the bile, the vitriol - to insinuate that I am rascist. And you call youself Christian, LOL!!

You are NOT forgiven.

It would be the most hilarious joke, if it wasn't so pitiful, so hypocritical.

Posted by bonmot, Saturday, 24 September 2011 12:41:44 PM
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Bonmot spin folks.

Attack the blogger, but avoid like crazy the peer reviewed research that knocks the global warming con into a cocked hat.

Gravy train anyone.

Lexi, please read that research, your bias is getting too thick for your claim to be a good researcher.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 24 September 2011 4:25:26 PM
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my dear bonmot...i simply do my research
like your clever name..meaning..'same or clever remark'
[from the french bon..[good]..mot..[word]

so as yiou ignored my post till its sad end
lets reverse engeneer your post

""You are NOT forgiven."'

yet you began with a confused gbber jabber

""but,..he is forgiven.""

""you are forgiven"".

""you are forgiven.""

so i will too are forgiven

but..[still reverse engeneering]..
you grossly insult me

""And youself Christian,LOL!""

dear bon[good]

my title refers to god
please note..I AM NOT A XTIAN
never was..never can be..if anything im a fallen jew

but even that i aborigonal..
in the true intent and meaning of the word...
belonging to the land my mother and to my father spirit god..[fullstop]

i fully agree when you say..""politicians spin
and tell porkies...ALL OF THEM, including ABBOTT!""

mate these words..[mot]..
are my firm belief too

""You are forgiven.""

as are you
i refuse to judge other
that they have excuse to judge me

we share more sameness than difference

only you got educated
i have to validate EVERYTHING for myself

i have to study and cross reference everything
i cant read a full paragraph without looking up a word to see what that word means..

with you its easy
your so clever
but i admit my ignorance

thats why i repeatedly asked..*EVEN right here
for the simple facts,..for the legslation..[all 900 pages]
of the new bailout the commodities traiters

and you forgive me
but present little evidence

""what I find so astonishingly bemusing,
is that you(like typical unquestioning followers
..of your 'church'""

ok stop there
mate name the church..
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 5:29:08 PM
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nor any sinner gog

my church
is my mothers cuntry..that sustains us to live

i dont..""countenance the vast majority of experts""

''counternance:..a persons face or expression
or formal support or approval
or admit as acceptable or possable''

mate i see no proof the seas will rise 8 meters
i see no drownded polar bears

i question
your counternuancing that as fact
i think your hiding behibnd ignorance..predestisten predetermined the tax as due..i call a spade a spade..spin spin..i dislike thieves clever with words

but i
'im forgiven'

""in something you(or he)
clearly know very little about.""

mate bon..bonmate
your the one not giving proof..!

""Then you have the gall,
the bile,..the insinuate that I am rascist.""

bon mate
you say im ignorant
you say im an xtian
your me a hollow cost deneyer

let alone what juliar says about tony
right there in the seat of govt

but again
despite our obvious difference
we gain agre...""It would be the most hilarious joke,
if it wasn't so hypocritical.""

yeah bonmate

great words
we concure

anyhow bonnie mate
got any facts for this ignorant
to get as clever as you and juliar?

[and john howard..and maggie thatcher..
and all gore..and mr flannelry!]

what havnt you got the right..*mot?

do you want your last..*mots
to be so wishy washy?

the indefinitive
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 5:30:20 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,

That's precisely it my friend.
I do the research. You could begin by
reading the Stern Report on climate change
which even managed to influence the previous
Prime Minster John Howard.

Australia is one of the standout countries
in terms of its human development status.
It's not corrupt. Its science is world class.
But to you and some others, none of this matters.
You refuse the evidence that's presented by our
top scientists and economists. Fair enough
just kindly don't accuse the rest of us of "bias."
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 24 September 2011 5:51:44 PM
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