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Look out, it's behind you.
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Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 22 September 2011 12:27:01 PM
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trumpets-a-playing /// ///
drums-a-rolling ... ... Hasbeen, come-on-down ! ! ! and the answer is ? ? ? Arjay, your call - - -> Posted by bonmot, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:12:48 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,
Not too sure about your take on the carbon tax or the Malaysian Solution. On both sides of politics we won't know much about these debate until the policies are in action, and implemented and working for nearly six months. In the past few weeks the sands seem to have shifted ever so gently under the Carbon Tax debate. Suddenly government inspired information rather than Opposition rhetoric seems to head more coverage. This just might be the beginning of a trend. Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 22 September 2011 5:22:14 PM
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Sorry hasbeen but that is quite silly.
I respect your right to your opinion but not many of your opinions. Gillard and your dear leader Tony are two cats fighting over a mouse. Few Australian are not aware the Malaysian solution never got off the ground/started the hight court took control. Even fewer do not know it is much more than likely that ruling stopped ,without laws changing all off shore processing. Those who do not understand, all the history of the way this government and Howard's handled this issue change that day the hight court made its ruling. Those who do not both know and understand these truths may be better not to comment. Out fate, AUSTRALIA'S, is to let personal dislike of the other sides leader/ policy's block our vision of our own faults. My ALP see.s only Abbott's silliness and what ever it sees in Gillard is lost even on ALP members. I charge those Labor parliamentarians with this crime. Not let the strutting little fool leading conservatives be seen for the snake oil salesman he is. We, within a month after this bill fails see a flood sponsored by Abbott's personal ambition. Posted by Belly, Thursday, 22 September 2011 6:20:18 PM
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Hasbeen is right Belly.You are in a constant state of denial.Bob Brown just a couple of weeks ago on national TV says he believes in Global Governance.Did we vote for this? Gillard and the Greens have already dedicated 10% of the CO2 taxes to the UN and their Global Communist Govt.
Which part of the word totalitarnism do you not understand Belly? You constantly evade serious debate on these issues and ignore the reality.Talk to Kevin Bracken.He has real integrity. Posted by Arjay, Thursday, 22 September 2011 7:43:30 PM
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anyhow hasbeen
and arjay the lack of the full legislated facts [details..of the tax..just on this topic clearly reveal the believers are taking it on trust as much as i love and trust them their lack of detailed fact presented here..! speaks louder than words lets reveal details folks lets read links facts facts facts we heard enough spin both want the tax...thus all we get in the media is destraction and namecalling lets hear your facts folks EVERY LAWFULL CONTRACT..needs full disclosure to judge if the terms are fair i listend intently to the govt debaits 1st reading didnt 'read'..the bill nor the second reading i recall in the old days...a law wasnt law till it was read out loud PUBLICLY ie declared read no public diclosure[reading] its not a legal law informed concent is essential to every lawfull contract please give detail we cant trust the men in suits i looked behind me all i saw was a big fat bum thats all i see on tv too that and two people mot revealing much detail with detail that was released based on flawed modeling using the wrong numbers to wit SPIN* if it is good reveal why its good if its honest...reveal truth if its truth why hide..the full diclosure behind spin and name calling something stinks Posted by one under god, Thursday, 22 September 2011 10:00:14 PM
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The Malaysian legislation is being pushed "right now" so it can be neutralised as a political issue as quickly as possible.
Maybe you should consider the remote possibility that some things are just as they seem and not part of some elaborate scheme for world domination and the deliberate destruction of society as we know it (for some completely unimaginable reason). Considering that Brown is supporting the Carbon option but strongly against the Malaysian one, it's hard to see that they are somehow in cahoots with each other to overthrow anything let alone influence a surge toward World Communism. Abbott's Carbon alternative will be like cutting the excise on tobacco and then paying smokers to cut down, costing the taxpayer even more for a lesser outcome. He'll be wasting your money on something he probably doesn't even believe in. Combined with his preferred Nauru solution, how do his altenative versions fit into this global plot, or is it just the lefties who are behind this sinister scheme? Posted by wobbles, Friday, 23 September 2011 12:20:06 AM
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Hasbeen/arjay you both have the right to think as you will.
Arjay your constant inference my thoughts and ideas are a symptom of my blindness refocuses on you. Gentlemen have you noticed how few agree with you. An idea arjay that needs to denigrate others views to find support is in all probability in need of review. I can find no reason to continue contributions to a thread that sees arjay denigrating others opinions and hasbeen scraping the bottom of an unlikely barrel to find a nonexistent reason to support his views. Leave you to it. Posted by Belly, Friday, 23 September 2011 5:24:04 AM
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Wobbles,Leaders all around the planet from Gordon Brown,Barak Obama,Henry Kissenger,Al Gore,both of the Bushes have expressed their desire for Global Governance via their New World Order.
There seems to be real denial here that they want it to happen and by many,that it will be a solution to environmental degradation as well as stopping wars.The Greens and Bob Brown with their communist agenda are taking us to our worst nightmare.Brown pretends to warm and cuddly on social justice issues such as boat people,yet is bringing economic devestation to this counrty with his policies. Globlal warming is not happening and they are not confronting real environment issues such as fracking,heavy metal pollution,and the toxic pollutants of shipping via low grade bunker oil. Posted by Arjay, Friday, 23 September 2011 6:51:00 AM
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Arjay, please take a Bex and have a nice lie down.
B*H* UOG, could you please stop writing like you have a bad stutter ! Belly, I thought you meant 40M, I can't hear RGL here. Personal msgs off. Regarding the opposition, I think they are waiting for the Durban conference to be a failure to dump their CO2 policy. The problem they will all have is the science under the AGW is shifting. They are all maneuvering to get the best times to suit and Julia is probably trying to out maneuver her challengers. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 September 2011 8:28:16 AM
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Bazz, you say:
"the science under the AGW is shifting" (sic) Would you care to back that up? Seriously, just don't repeat what you read or hear in the MSM. If you can't reinforce your statement with primary sources or research findings, you are only engaging in ideological guff, misrepresentation and distortion - awash on a site like this. While you may not be doing it deliberately, your unsubstantiated assertion (much like Arjay's, whom you have told to "take a Bex and have a nice lie down") will nevertheless contribute to observer's confusion about something that they generally really know very little about. Bazz, go to the scientific literature, you will find that the science is getting more robust. I agree though, some politicians have a lot to answer for (and OUG is difficult to read). Posted by bonmot, Friday, 23 September 2011 9:32:38 AM
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I wonder when our next stinulus package is coming? Our current Government has already blown billions taking us into deficit in such a short period of time. Nothing short of idiotic. If your kids did that with their personal finance you would smack their bums.
The funny thing is that these UN chiefs who could not manage their own economies now want to rule the worlds economy. They need their gw lies and deceit in order to appear to be the solution to the problems made up in their heads and by their own incompetencies. The Greens beliefs/lies about having Australia run on wind farms is a good example of this. They are so indulgent they could not possible give up the luxuries brought about by coal. They want to impose on others what they are totally unwilling to do for themselves. Posted by runner, Friday, 23 September 2011 10:22:07 AM
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My Dearest Belly,
I can 'read' your blood pressure rising, your thoughts and beliefs are your own, as are mine, do not be angered by the foolish rhetoric of others. Have a great day my friend, NSB Posted by Noisy Scrub Bird, Friday, 23 September 2011 11:16:14 AM
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Oh dear ... runner:
Whenever someone (say newly-weds, parents and the like) take out a housing loan/mortgage, they are going into deficit, very quickly. Typically, this deficit lasts for 25 years or so. Some people even think this is good for the economy. Going by your logic, runner - that is idiotic and their bums should be smacked. Do you have a housing loan, runner? Should your bottom be spanked? Australia's debt per GDP is less than those "idiotic" parents and certainly far much less than countries like the US or UK. The deficit will become a surplus in much less than 25 years, runner. For all OLO conspiracy theorists; Why do you think the self-flagellating Abbott is trotting all over Australia giving sermons to his 'church', bellowing that the coal industry will be destroyed, the jobs will be lost, and families will be broken when in fact; Coal industry investment is expanding, coal exports are increasing, coal jobs are going gang-busters, and there is a truck-load of benefits for those families living off the industry? To break through your dissonance of cognition, runner - the coal industry will be around a long time yet - horses for courses, despite your 'Green' shill about wind farms. Posted by bonmot, Friday, 23 September 2011 11:22:36 AM
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NSB Mate know I am in control always.
I have a deep belief we all should not become diplomats. That is turn away from things rather than make waves. Truth is of great value. In fact on line we will clash minor stuff, because some views are only seen here folks avoid those with them in real life. Bazz been working Sydney and even Tazzy its working. Posted by Belly, Friday, 23 September 2011 12:16:03 PM
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ps: Bazz
The UNFCCC conference in Durban will be (as they always have been) about how and when to act (adaptation to, and mitigation against, climate change) and who will be doing the action (and who will not). Ergo ... a bun-fight with world-wide politics, economics and cultural diversity in your face, up close and personal. COP-17 will NOT be about the science, although many people wrongly think otherwise. The science will be widely exposed and reported in the IPCC's 5th presentation in a few years time, as you should know. I think you are doing scientists (and science itself) a disservice by saying "science under the AGW is shifting" when you clearly don't know, and the IPCC AR5 has not even been completed. Posted by bonmot, Friday, 23 September 2011 12:54:09 PM
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Bonmot, I am just going by the few items I read about people who work
in the field either modifying their views, or having some doubts. I have not logged these items so I cannot provide a bibliography on it. It is just a sense I have of a changing picture. Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 September 2011 1:58:28 PM
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Yes Bazz, & oh so quickly. Hence the rush to try to get some extra taxes, & greenie control, in place, before it's too late.
And the effort to make repealing the garbage, when it is proven so wrong, much harder. Have a look at JoNova's site & the list of peer reviewed new research papers all refuting the false hypothesis of CO2 induced catastrophic warming, which the Labor speaker would not permit to be tabled in parliament. That is why this boat people fiasco important as it is, is only a side show, distracting from the magnitude of the carbon dioxide tax they want to get through, before it is too late. Once the magnitude of the con is exposed, there will be many ex, & retired MPs who will not want to live in Australia, if they have voted for this cr4p. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 23 September 2011 3:28:11 PM
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Many people have a propensity to discount the future.
"A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush." Discounting the future is one of the most common practices in the business world and, therefore, we're often forced to confront the practice head on if we are to have a genuine, happy marriage between economics, ecology, and ethics. There are psychological reasons why humans often favour the present rather than the future, and of course there are economic reasons, most importantly a well-founded belief that productivity increases over time - even though this might not hold true indefinitely. The psychological reasons have to do with risk aversion, for example, any one of us might not be around to benefit from a good time in the future - so let's have it now regardless of the long-term consequences. New ideas, instead of being welcomed for the opportunities they open up for the improvement of the human lot, are threats to those who have become comfortable in their idealogies. What a pity. Posted by Lexi, Friday, 23 September 2011 6:18:20 PM
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i note the distinct lack of fact on this thread
and recall only too well the many bits of spin chief spin merchant mr flannelry has bought a beach side property so so much for all gores 6 meter sea rise..'prediction' flannelry for one knows thats spin we got the fools saying the reef will die [the reefs are made from lime[calsee-um] any acid increae would disolve the reefs..[and the white calcium cliffs of dover..before disolving clam shells] c02 isnt opoisen..its the basis for life we exhale it plants inhale it..[if we got deforrstation killing the lungs of the earth..has got nothing to do with them snmokestacks belching..STEAM.. [that white stuff your guilted over is steam..GET IT?]..c02 is an invisable gas get it that old crone [thatcher] first thunk of this new you bueat tax but then it was cause of global then howard thunk of it and he said it was cause of next we got a silly girl selling it when any from that HUGE OZONE hole remember the cfc's adverts showing deserts...? then we got sewrage...inflow changing the water prophiles as the world develops so much spin so many lies but then we cop this lexie,...""New ideas,..instead of being welcomed for the opportunities..they open up"" for the rich seeking more taxes from govts nice clean green infastructure' like building free gas pipelines to gladstone for export or building windmills made in germany/china to make nice gren jobs..for euro slaves or chinese peasents that witch ditch actually says 1,000,000 new clean green jobs well spain went gren big time..and now is broke and their unemployment is so massive they are going to default..and the unemployed will have to go on auterity measures great stuff up juliar ""for the improvement...of the human lot,"'' lol ""are threats to those who have become comfortable in their idealogies."" yes clean green idiotologies ""What a pity."" yea so many fools that dont know how to think! lol Posted by one under god, Friday, 23 September 2011 9:33:29 PM
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It hasbeen amusing to see Joanne Cosling (spouse of the inimmitable David Evans) go by the name of Nova on her own personal blog-site.
She hasbeen, after all, hasbeen given 'star status' under her own name at the US neo-con think-tank Heartland Institute's "conference" on climate change. Personally, hasbeen, I think it important the government go through the process of inviting discussion/involvement on climate change (which flip-flop Abbott now says is real). Abbott & Co chose not to constructively contribute - and now cry foul when they are left out - roflmho! What I really find offensive, hasbeen, is 'naysayer politicians' (and their cheer-leaders) now demanding they have their 'opinions' recorded in Hansard - notwithstanding the government never tabling the wealth of science in support of AGW, or indeed any of the IPCC's reports. I'm curious, what is your defintion of 'catastrophic', hasbeen? Why do I ask? Because the vast majority of scientists do not believe AGW will be catastrophic (although you and your ilk like to give AGW the catastrophic prefix) - it will be bad enough as it is. Posted by bonmot, Friday, 23 September 2011 9:34:59 PM
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Before I go to bed, OUG: you are wrong about Tim Flannery's "beach side property".
In August, The Australian had a story about Tim Flannery's new waterfront home - blogged about by naysayers ever since. The Australian story was the fact that Flannery bought a house near the water, showing he was insincere in his warnings about sea level rise. The article also suggested Flannery had frightened the elderly into selling their 'seaside' homes to him. But the Hawkesbury River (where Flannery's home stands) has steeply rising banks. Waterfront homes there are several metres above sea level and are not endangered by a one metre sea level rise. Flannery made this point to the Australian but declined to say exactly how far above sea level his house was because he was concerned about revealing information about the location. A not unreasonable concern, given the recent threats climate scientists have received here in Australia. So, The Australian dutifully printed a map showing the exact location of Flannery's house. This was too much, even for The Australian - the on-line version of the article has been removed, and The Australian published an apology to Flannery. Are you able to appologise, 'one under God'? My guess? Nope - you only believe in what you want to believe. Posted by bonmot, Friday, 23 September 2011 9:52:30 PM
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Bazz, as reported in the following link (much the same as I have been saying):
"Things aren't working like they used to or perhaps never really worked. The rupture between environmental values and economic growth has always been there and bodes ominously for the future of our planet ... We will also learn the bitter truth all over again that the economy always trumps the environment. Nothing will change until politics and how we live with nature itself changes." avagoodweekend Posted by bonmot, Saturday, 24 September 2011 8:32:08 AM
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bonmot..quote..""But the Hawkesbury/River
(where Flannery's/home stands)..has steeply rising..banks."" yep mate that sounds..just fine and dandy too clever/by half..though mate look at your words keeping in mind al gores spin..of 6 to 9 meter rises..! [dont make me get a him saying it] ""Waterfront homes there..are several metres* ..above sea level:: mate..'several meters'..that alone refutes all gores THREAT..of 9 meters..! ""and are not endangered by a one metre sea level rise.""" so that finantial genious expects..*less than one meter...! al gore lied al gore LIED..! why did al gore LIE? fear spin threat or to trade carbon his own carbon credit..franchise mate thats only one lie only one point you half/refuted what of my other points uk is built on white-cliffs acid melts calcium..out of sea shells..[lol]..SEE the spin why aint the chalk cliffs or the limerstine of the reefs..*melting heck what about that picture of a polar bear..'drowing' to wit the best swimming..mammels after whales and dolphines ""Flannery made this the Australian but declined to say far above sea level his house was"" LOL think why mate..! that would mean..he is staking his word..on it but look at it this way.. HE is..staking his house on it ""because he was concerned..about revealing information""" that would refute all gore..! ""about the location."" lol thats just build the fear spin that we will threaten him.. [heck mate his house adress is on council record..on the transhere docco.s..on so many official files that excuse dont swim neither] yet you and your fellow DECIEVED say.. ""A not unreasonable concern,"" lol because you NEED TO BELIEVE..*YOU GOT IT RIGHT and we hollow-caust deneying it wrong.. mate the threats reported were proven faulse yet you in ignorance porpgate the deciete>>""given the recent threats climate scientists..have received here in Australia."" mate get real you still presented..*no data presented no actual extracts of the 900 pages of new rules..! that ensure us bailing out the worlds carbon trading..*market funny bout that selective ignorance? or blind guilt? no facts..! Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 11:20:24 AM
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just more green spin..and deluded/colluded..fear
why when the going rate of a ton is 13$ our tax going to be set at 23$ PLUS INDEXED TO INFLATION*...why index the tax and not workers wages? or seize back the bankers needing this new commodity to bail their excess out again mate bankserrs didnt lend nothing driving up the cost of resources..looking for a safe place for their bailouts didnt make one green job..! juliar says 1 million clean green jobs please explain how mate once you put in solar or wind its 'fre energy./..unless your the mug paying for further subsidies..bying solar/wind *for double true market rate let the market set the true cost if your too expensive they buy else where why first a double tax why indexation why is your fre solar costing me double its a grand sca, built on lies the scamers buy house's and we sit in the dark ..afraid to even turn on our new you bueat free bulbs.. throw away perfectly good old fashioned filment bulbs while the scamers buy plasma tv and we subsidise solar showers for once a week footy ballers or put solar cells on the roofs of the arts..[arty farty in crowd who got them for free.. and now collect DOUBLE..for their occasional input while the system..needs to boost up coal for that day the sun dont shine or the wind dont blow and solar wind...dont blow free*[lol] energy into your spin your mob is selective..mate fear mongering racists..intent on finding new hates blaming others..while shafting us all for nice clean green bailouts jobs for the boys credits where credits are free Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 11:23:50 AM
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Yep, 'one under GOD' can't admit his errors, his sins - but, he is forgiven.
Yep, 'one under GOD' - the science says 60-80 cm SLR by 2100, bad enough, but not catastrophic - you are forgiven. Yep, Al Gore is a politician - just like Gillard, Abbott and Co. - you are forgiven. Let you in on a little secret 'one under GOD' - politicians spin and tell porkies ... ALL OF THEM, including ABBOTT! You are forgiven. Tell you what, 'one under GOD' - I am no expert (like you or the 'mad monk') on taxation, economics, parliamentary process, all sciences, etc - so I am out of my depth on subjects that have been discussed, and debated, by much more qualified people/experts than me (or you). However, what I find so astonishingly bemusing, is that you (like typical unquestioning followers of your 'church', your faith, your Abbott) don't countenance the vast majority of experts in something you (or he) clearly know very little about. Then you have the gall, the bile, the vitriol - to insinuate that I am rascist. And you call youself Christian, LOL!! You are NOT forgiven. It would be the most hilarious joke, if it wasn't so pitiful, so hypocritical. Bye-bye. Posted by bonmot, Saturday, 24 September 2011 12:41:44 PM
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Bonmot spin folks.
Attack the blogger, but avoid like crazy the peer reviewed research that knocks the global warming con into a cocked hat. Gravy train anyone. Lexi, please read that research, your bias is getting too thick for your claim to be a good researcher. Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 24 September 2011 4:25:26 PM
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my dear bonmot...i simply do my research
like your clever name..meaning..'same or clever remark' [from the french bon..[good]..mot..[word] so as yiou ignored my post till its sad end lets reverse engeneer your post ""You are NOT forgiven."' yet you began with a confused gbber jabber ""but,..he is forgiven."" ""you are forgiven"". ""you are forgiven."" so i will too are forgiven but..[still reverse engeneering].. you grossly insult me ""And youself Christian,LOL!"" dear bon[good] my title refers to god please note..I AM NOT A XTIAN never was..never can be..if anything im a fallen jew but even that i aborigonal.. in the true intent and meaning of the word... belonging to the land my mother and to my father spirit god..[fullstop] i fully agree when you say..""politicians spin and tell porkies...ALL OF THEM, including ABBOTT!"" mate these words..[mot].. are my firm belief too ""You are forgiven."" as are you i refuse to judge other that they have excuse to judge me we share more sameness than difference only you got educated i have to validate EVERYTHING for myself i have to study and cross reference everything i cant read a full paragraph without looking up a word to see what that word means.. with you its easy your so clever but i admit my ignorance thats why i repeatedly asked..*EVEN right here for the simple facts,..for the legslation..[all 900 pages] of the new bailout the commodities traiters and you forgive me but present little evidence ""what I find so astonishingly bemusing, is that you(like typical unquestioning followers ..of your 'church'"" ok stop there mate name the church.. Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 5:29:08 PM
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nor any sinner gog my church is my mothers cuntry..that sustains us to live i dont..""countenance the vast majority of experts"" ''counternance:..a persons face or expression or formal support or approval or admit as acceptable or possable'' mate i see no proof the seas will rise 8 meters i see no drownded polar bears i question your counternuancing that as fact i think your hiding behibnd ignorance..predestisten predetermined the tax as due..i call a spade a spade..spin spin..i dislike thieves clever with words but i 'im forgiven' ""in something you(or he) clearly know very little about."" mate bon..bonmate your the one not giving proof..! ""Then you have the gall, the bile,..the insinuate that I am rascist."" bon mate you say im ignorant you say im an xtian your me a hollow cost deneyer let alone what juliar says about tony right there in the seat of govt but again despite our obvious difference we gain agre...""It would be the most hilarious joke, if it wasn't so hypocritical."" yeah bonmate great words we concure again anyhow bonnie mate got any facts for this ignorant to get as clever as you and juliar? [and john howard..and maggie thatcher.. and all gore..and mr flannelry!] what havnt you got the right..*mot? do you want your last..*mots to be so wishy washy? the indefinitive particulate spin? Posted by one under god, Saturday, 24 September 2011 5:30:20 PM
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Dear Hasbeen,
That's precisely it my friend. I do the research. You could begin by reading the Stern Report on climate change which even managed to influence the previous Prime Minster John Howard. Australia is one of the standout countries in terms of its human development status. It's not corrupt. Its science is world class. But to you and some others, none of this matters. You refuse the evidence that's presented by our top scientists and economists. Fair enough just kindly don't accuse the rest of us of "bias." Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 24 September 2011 5:51:44 PM
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The stern report! You must be joking Lexi.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 24 September 2011 10:10:25 PM
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A closed mind is a symptom of a wish not to understand.
Once John Howard was lionized, by those who follow a far lessor man today. The very though,on any issue, that only one side is true. Warns me, some one has little understanding. Humans, all of us, are like that . We push our views, laugh at others. On being found wrong we , instantly, forget we ever held those views. And, only those wanting better, to understand, to know,hold them selves accountable for being wrong. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 25 September 2011 5:08:40 AM
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Dear Hasbeen,
Thank You for simply confirming what I've been saying to you. See you on another thread. I've wasted enough time on this one. Posted by Lexi, Sunday, 25 September 2011 10:34:58 AM
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and there is the clue
as to why so much name calling in govt in lue of fact there is no fact here is a it says all you can think just read the link no debate enterd to this is the talking point and only this link oh the link what ya think i think the link thing stink the link says what i must think so let the link think and now buy me a drink noting fermnentation of booze makes much c02 tax on drink heck who wants to much c02 in bread bubbles..or in soda pop pop? taxing the hiden c02 gas makes even the honeycomb bubbles flop Posted by one under god, Sunday, 25 September 2011 11:21:05 AM
It has occurred to me to wonder, & having read some of the details of the convoluted "carbon [dioxide] tax" bills, I think I may have found the answer.
It is a smoke screen to limit even more, the time for the full facts of what this woman, under the control of Brown, has set up to destroy our economy, & to make it very difficult to correct, once the full consequences of what has been done, becomes apparent.
Even most of the lefties here would revolt if they really understood what this bill does to Oz & its people. Julia & Brown must be very worried that some little inkling of the full effect of this tax may escape into the public domain.
If anyone actually gets across even some of the meaning of these bills, they will see them as an application for a couple of senior appointments at the UN.