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Are Majority's Being Wedged?

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belly quote..""Your views about politics and betrayal,
I think you know are not shared by many.""

mate look at the hung parlement
people are thinking parties stink
and for once the majority is getting it right
[the libs KNOW lab is rotten to the core...just as the lab's KNOW the libs are rotten to the core...

the greenies are self serving..!
willing to let humans wild areas can grow a miniscule frog

""Constant insults about the party system get to me,""

belly..YOU KNOW..i love YOU
but i hate what your party is doing
just as i hate many acts...while still loving the people thoughtlessly..doing/or supporting them being done

""If we had 180 individual members
how often would they be able to pass a bill.""

via the party line
they all fall into line
and vote for the party line/adgenda

he HIRED garrot debait..[an economist]
ie not a scientist]..

you also should know..THATCHER thunk of the tax idea first
only then the excuse was to be cooling..[but then the ozone hole made]

""Groups would form,
self interested groups,""

yes and who else but economiasts..and grenies
ned the new income stream....subsidising their alternative energies

[but doubling the cost of the egsisting infastructure..

[thus were..not needing what they got]..
except by clever marketing
by..lobby to the party machine men

""Two party or 100,
our current system needs trimming...""

you are right
but it needs so much more

Posted by one under god, Saturday, 2 July 2011 11:19:40 AM
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""not splattering up against a wall."" make a new cake
we need to break a few egg-heads
thinking their two party smarties..[party patsies]

that have gotten too big for their hard/hatters..
paying union fees to place adverts in the media..
in support of one party over the other

[no wonder the libs unionists
are leaving the union...cause their fees
are supporting the wrong party..if only in their eyes]

we needed unions
when jonny howhard ran his grand scams
but the unions..have missed his biggest scam..the new juliar car-bon/tax

mate majorities are a furphy
only made by making one side shut up
and i dont want you to do that..but mate cant you see?

till every one
has a secret ballot..IN PARLEMENT
the union revealed to have feet of clay...

[if its GOOD enough for unions..
why isnt it good enough for govt..!

secrets govt mate

where is it?
till people can mAKE THEIR CASE
by supplying costs/detail..etc
A THING JULIAR ISNT DOING..[mate its just a scam]

reveal these 1000 ONLY...[who will pay this new tax]
if only 1000 are paying..HOW COME the rest are getting extra?

mate its nutts
then it goes to the FREE style marketteers
who manage to double the prices of anything..they can sell for extra..

if qwe need it
THINK BELLY..then we need it

ya think e-CON_o/mists..and capitalists
dont love the thought of
all that lovely new commision/..bonus income?

thats worth 1000's of $$$$...a plate mate
get the tax in..then shut the gate
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 2 July 2011 11:28:39 AM
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Baking a cake or discussing a subject both call for the ingredients to be put on the table some times turned over and mixed.
Here we lurch from baking a cake, replacing flower with cement, then being surprised it tastes bad.
Too finding new ways to say every one else is wrong except me.
HERE INDY take note
Labor will see the NBN in place,conservatives will not remove it.
TAX /ETS the same
Stop boat people conservatives not change it.
after Labor is beaten.
Conservatives will be one term then trampled and condemned as our worst ever lier's.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 2 July 2011 1:02:19 PM
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As a famous writer once wrote:

Take one dream. Dream it in detail. Putit into your own hands. See its
final outcome clearly in your mind. Then mix it with a little effort and add a generous portion of self-discipline. Flavour it with a wholesome pinch of ambition. Stir briskly with confidence until the mixture becomes clear, the doubt separated from the resolution. Then bake at an even temperature in a moderate mind until the dream rises and is firm to the touch. Decorate with individuality. Cut into generous portions and serve with justifiable pride.

Approached in this manner, life is a piece of cake.

We need to dream; souring imagination is the glue that keeps our soul from shattering under the impact of an unimaginative world. But dreaming can be a tricky business and, if we're not careful, can disappear altogether from our lives - which would be such a pity.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 2 July 2011 1:35:21 PM
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Both true and good Lexi my regards.
I am not finding the words I want here.
We, me too, got away from the subject in to another country.
OUG no offense my mate, I disagree.
I think with all my being we only ever get part of what we think we need.
That any party, any, that is not trying to please the middle ground is the wrong one to be in power.
I proudly CHERISH my ALP victory's achieved or to come,the BER, do not fall for the lie, it gave new library's and school rooms Howard only gave flag polls.
Reconciliation, find Kevin Rudd's speech, sit and hear it ALL again, then hear the feeble awful near Racist Brendan Nelson reply, cringe as I did.
See [our failures in carbon tax, the greens betrayal in not passing it], but know we are going to achieve it,I AM FOREVER PROUD WE ARE
NBN look at the black lie that it is unwanted, remember in ten years to look back, see the lie the fear the ability to call such a brilliant achievement a problem.
I can go on, but my next point is so horrible, so frightening OUG you will not believe it.
A Tony Abbott lead government now or soon would be the most hated in our history.
He has no real intention to do what he says he will.
He knows he lies ,wants power, is not the man we see .
He will give to the rich out of your pocket and bring back work choices.
Morgonzola,a good bloke,avoids the thread,he dislikes my view the greens poison the waters of Australian Politics.
That the radical nature hunger of Brown to gain more influence is a danger , but my understanding is while no party gets it right always Labor fits me best.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 2 July 2011 4:44:13 PM
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Labor will see the NBN in place,conservatives will not remove it.
that's reminiscent of the GST arguments. Labor told us how bad it was but they now gladly accept the extra monies coming in. Abbott never said he was against NBN,.He is against the cost of it. Labor was aginst the GST with a passion.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 2 July 2011 5:12:38 PM
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