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The Forum > General Discussion > You are so out of touch Mr Swan

You are so out of touch Mr Swan

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It is no secrete that many small businesses are bleeding at present and, at a time when we need real help and assistance, what does Mr Swan do, he says, "go out and increase your debt and we will give you a $5K instant write off" on that new vehicle you most likely didn't really need.

He is so much out of touch.

The only reason we are being hurt is due to their gross mismanagement of our taxes.

I think in future government ministers should have indemnity insurance, paid for from their own pockets so that we, the tax payers don't have to sit back, completely helpless, while they go about wasting our money.

If they perform well, then they can enjoy the benefits of a 'no claim bonus', however, if the perform badly, then their premiums should increase.

We have all paid once Mr Swan, only you wasted that lot, now you want us to feel the pain of your incompitance while you enjoy your perks and look forward to your tax payer funded retirement.

Bring on the next election.
Posted by rehctub, Thursday, 12 May 2011 1:43:09 PM
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Must say knew it was coming.
Hockey has said every thing that needs saying.
First complaining about cuts then offering to spend big, on middle class welfare.
Asking why we have a target for foreign aid then seeing his leader and deputy go against him.
A budget that is about as good as it can be and still put us back in the black sooner.
Australia has had too many tax cuts under both forms of government time it ended.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 12 May 2011 2:01:11 PM
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""he is so much out of touch.""

that is a judgment call
BUT I AGREE..he listens TOO MUCH to big business
and not enough to the people....

[but then he is no different
from toney...or the big fella]

or any other of the many fools
..thinking they get elected
by the serve the boss...!

""The only reason we are being hurt
is due to their gross mismanagement of our taxes.""

as a smoker i can only agree

i hear there are 152 DIFFERENT TAXES
you loaded us up with...

[or rather howard did]...
gst was to cut taxes..not become a cash cow
for the states

then the feds
then spend the cash
the fed USED to the states

neat con
but i agree ,r re

""I think in future government ministers
should have indemnity insurance,..paid for
from their own pockets..""


""so that we,..the tax payers
don't have to sit back,..*completely helpless,""

over taxed..over explouited..over worked..underpaid
sucked dry by blood sucking leaches plundering our compulsory SUPPER

""while they go about wasting our money.""

our taxes..our labours...our good will
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 12 May 2011 5:29:12 PM
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Not sure if many economists or financial experts would agree with the author of this thread. There's an interesting article by Ben Eltham entitled, "A Strong Budget, But Will It Bounce?" for those interested:
Posted by Lexi, Thursday, 12 May 2011 6:14:07 PM
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Lexi,most small businesses are hurting badly, especially retail, hospitality and tourism.

They are struggling to keep up with the costs of running their businesses and the majority of those who are surviving are only doing so because they have a nest egg to draw upon.

When your overdraft is at max, the last kind of help we need is to go out and borrow money.

The $5,000 instant write off means that you borrow say $30 to 50K for that new ute, then you receive a 'one off' $1,500 discount on your tax. Big Deal!

Meanwhile you have increased your debt, increased your monthly commitment and decreased your cash flow, which is the very cause of your struggles in the first place.

Having been involved in small business for more than two decades, I can tell you that the writing is on the wall.

At one point, in the mid 90's, I made more money than the prime minister, to much in fact, yet today, I make less than and average mine worker.

SB used to be that one could work very hard for ten years and set yourself up for life. Those days are all but gone.

Now the worry I have is that SB is the largest employer in the country and it is looking shaky as those returns on investment, of both dollars and time are drying up and fast.

Once SB is gone, we will never replace it.

OUG. The federal government is not at fault for the GST problem as it was the states that refused to remove the taxes they had agreed to once the GST kicked in.

Bring on a transaction tax I say.
Posted by rehctub, Friday, 13 May 2011 6:43:42 AM
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It seems to me that all is dependant on China continuing its current
growth rate. Well it is impossible. Think about this;

If its current around 8 to 10 pervent growth rate continues for seven
years then the Chinese economy will be twice the size it is now !

There is not the energy sources, oil or coal that power such growth
and internally China is running up against its own limits with
bottlenecks in transport. It does not have the availability of the
fundamental supplies such an increase needs.

No one can double the supply chain in 7 years that such growth
demands. It cannot happen, so the income from China that the
government expects just cannot happen.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 13 May 2011 8:51:56 AM
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