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The Forum > General Discussion > You are so out of touch Mr Swan

You are so out of touch Mr Swan

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The link that I provided in my previous post explains a few things like:

"The Coalition is made up of AGW denialists, and hence the home insulation scheme to them was a total waste of money. The ALP timidly endorses AGW, and its home insulation scheme was by and large successful, but it was naively managed and rorted to buggery by the sort of "entrepreneurial" cowboys who are Abbott's natural constituency... The Coalition wants the growing inequality of income, wealth, and power distribution to keep going. The ALP wants to tone it down a bit..."

It's good to read something else apart from The Australian - broadens one outlook.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 14 May 2011 12:04:47 AM
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Lexi said>>"Abbott has nothing to offer but slogans and vacuous performances..."

But forgot to mention, and a team with a 'proven track record' of sound economic management and budget surpluses.

They did it last time, inherited labors massive debt and they will just have to do it again, albeit, against tougher odds.

It is my bet that many labor voters will simply lodge an informal vote next time as their party, along with the greens and the two independents have let them down, big time.

A better solution would be to accept the fact that their once beloved party is no longer.

But, that what happens when you have a closed mind.

>>The link that I provided in my previous post explains a few things like:

Yes, and what about;
How much will I pay for the NBN?

How much will the proposed carbon tax increase my cost of living by?

What will happen to labors' numbers if the carbon and mining taxes don't get passed?

Yet another politically bias statement from the media Lexi.

Just remember, life runs on proven records, not just forecasts, guesswork and broken promises.
Posted by rehctub, Saturday, 14 May 2011 6:31:03 AM
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*and a team with a 'proven track record' of sound economic management and budget surpluses.*

Err that was Costello, Rehctub, he is now gone. Abbott has hardly
shown great judgement in the past.

Huge proposed payments to women earning up to 150k per year,
then IIRC it was him who cut doctor training many years ago, when
he was health minister. We've relied on overseas doctors ever

If the Libs want to go anywhere, they need to bring up some talent
from the backbenches, for its not in their leadership.

*Margins today are actually higher than they were back then*

In that case you must be doing ok, Rehctub. Or perhaps your margins
are too high, so people are going elsewhere. The world is changing,
new business models are coming into play. The old high rent, high
cost Westfield shopping centre model is going to struggle to survive
as the game changes. But ignore it at your peril.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 14 May 2011 12:55:23 PM
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Dear rehctub,

I agree that we have to rely on "proven records," and I agree that the Liberal Party were very concerned about saving (a government that robes Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul). However, unfortunately this comes at great future expense to the nation. Achieving a surplus at the expense of social services, infrastructure, health, education, transport, does achieve great savings but it results in a deterioration of these services and ultimately requires a future government to repair the damage at greater expense.

It's unfortunate that the Liberal Party continues to ignore their responsbility of maintaining an efficient and functioning nation.

For those that don't understand this - if you don't maintain your home it will fall down and either it will have to be fixed by the new owner or it will have to be demolished - either way resulting in greater expense.

Disasters and world economic financial crises are beyond the control of any government and a sensible and practical resolution is to the credit of the nation no matter what government undertakes to run it efficiently. So far the Australian economy has survived recent disasters - both economic and natural.

Rehctub, I'm not trying to be contentious here - as I've stated many times on this forum - I don't vote for parties but for policies and for me so far, Labor has offered policies that I understand and the Liberals have only offered criticisms that don't make any sense. Tony Abbott wants an election and he deserves to have one. The Liberal Party should grant him his wish and hold an "election" for a new party leader. More progress was made in parliament when Malcolm Turnbull was party leader and under Turnbull most people saw the potential of the Opposition in government.
Posted by Lexi, Saturday, 14 May 2011 1:05:53 PM
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Well said Lexi

>> Tony Abbott wants an election and he deserves to have one. The Liberal Party should grant him his wish and hold an "election" for a new party leader. More progress was made in parliament when Malcolm Turnbull was party leader and under Turnbull most people saw the potential of the Opposition in government. <<
Posted by Ammonite, Saturday, 14 May 2011 1:16:42 PM
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I am nearly 70 but have had trouble understanding how Germans which I have found to be decent people, could allow Mr. Hitler to gain the power he did in popular elections. To do so, they must have at sometime supported his beliefs, even those which was against their own personal values or interest.

As a close follower of politics in this country, I have seen a massive change in the last decade or two, of many ignoring facts and holding onto perceptions that neither benefit them or are false.

I still do not understand the process, but I do acknowledge it occurs.

We have had handed down a budget that many experts see as fair and balance. Most families, especially those with school age children and teenagers will greatly benefited.

We have a budget that addresses the needs of those who are disabled and mentally ill for the first time.

What is attracting all their attention. It is the freezing of the upper income limits that you can claim family benefits. This has occurred since 2009 at least. The Coalition supported the move.

Anyone that earns less than $150,000, (less than 15% of dual income families will still receive benefits. The same people have not objected when tax deductions were given for the last ten years, deductions that benefited the upper income earner much more than those lower on the income ladder.

I am not saying the budget is perfect, no budget is. The budget is not as bad as public perception seem to believe.

We have a community where the needy appear to be fighting the battles of the strong and powerful. There is no benefited to those on the bottom of the ladder fighting battle of the well off and rich
Posted by Flo, Saturday, 14 May 2011 2:01:47 PM
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