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Australia and the Global responsibility in the Middle East.

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Re: "must know the world court is more than nothing
no jails
no police force as such"

I believe that if we the people are able to unite to state as a Global majority we will be able to put enough pressure to the ICC for an action against the people responsible for these atrocities. And even if the ICC or the "police as such" as you refer to that doesn't exist, doesn't act. We will still be able to influence their actions and by scrutinising the heads of governments and exposing them as World Criminals if they act like ones, we will have already achieved an enormous step.
Please feel free to address the GiV forum on this subject and get people to vote on it as it is the purpose of the website to let you express your discontent and to propose a progressive approach to the problem.
Posted by gavroche, Saturday, 30 April 2011 12:25:57 AM
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gave appear a responsive and capable person
the web site looks very professional..[but for me too good]
at first glance...[it feels allmost like a honey trap]

when i get such feelings
and no real info on the main page

i dont click anything on the site lest i upload some virus
[i know how the mossad shuts down people

who support causes they dont wish supported
and have no wish to buy yet another computer]

see israel are experts with computers
and especially computer virus[read stuxnett]

and lets face it this topic is right at their front door
same here

the syrian leader is a well known supporter of israel
but the worrying thing for the poor content of the vidio
this is typical of the stuff israel pretended was comming out of iran

[which turned out to be aggetated
by only 6 mossad agents..with multiple id's and servers]

this issues arnt clear here..
[nor there]

what i can see from the tv/vidio
is not a real lot more than poor vidio
[that feels deliberatly so]..thus being spun...

and back to the honey trap feeling
israelie involvement is indisputable
just like with libia

and other places

propaganda is a two edged sword
people often arnt who they pretend to be
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 30 April 2011 1:36:28 AM
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gavroche, OK, now we are getting somewhere.

<<I built the site as a Forum for every opinion >>

So, we were right first time, your thread IS about promoting YOUR site. You must have thought we were a load of “bunnies” to fall for this? We call this “spam” however; it’s a bit late to notify GY now so let’s run with what we have.

We have established that you have an interest in international Human Rights, that’s good but so do we.

That you have built a web site so people can interact, dig into the “think tank of the world” and vote? Good, but we already have access to have thousands of these, including OLO.

We have already established that your grasp of history and geo-politics is embarrassing.

That you do not support the UNHRC, that the UNHRC is a “masquerade”, you are not an HR activist, you don’t think the UNHRC is “activist” (nobody said they were?). You cannot or will not make any case to support your opposition to the Syrian dictatorship or your views on any of the other dictatorships nominated, you have not nominated any instance in the world over the past 50 years where any of your brand of human rights has had an impact, you want to create a new “international entity” to replace what we already have (but you don’t know what you are trying to replace), you assert that your HR definition is different to mine (but you don’t know what mine is), you know next to nothing about the UN, you polled on your web site to gather opinions? (No gavroche, you polled to get votes of approval), you posted on OLO to gather knowledge? (No gavroche, you cannot gather knowledge, opinion, yes.) And finally, that you don’t even know enough to articulate the problem or to formulate any solutions.

Now we know your real intentions, some might be tempted to be honest with you and might suggest that this is I an immature, patronizing, dishonest, emotive, ill informed and dysfunctional load of old rubbish. Go back to school.
Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 1 May 2011 9:32:39 AM
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spindocs words..might appear harsh
but please know..they come from the heart

few would disagree..with the basic premise
you your first few words

all dictators held to account*

but its up to their chose
those who copped the stand up..and say enough

sadly the web and full of things
DESIGNED to make us angry

we hear of kids being kicked..out of incubators
and we being fair..

we hear of terorists
flying planes into buildings..
then find out it was a lie...and used
only as an excuse to make war on someone israel..
or big oil..wants gone...[its the old busche maxim..fool me once etc]

war must never be for light..or transient reasons
headlines..must never beat the drums of war

as i my first posts
the contrast between your..perfect site
so the grainy shakey footage..

not really showing anything
..but less than twenty people..puting on a show

ok there may be some reality..behind it all
or there may not be..

if stuff can come out of iran..why cant it come out of syria..
unless israel dont want it to get out

israel could put cell-phone..towers on the border
catch vidio from well inside..the trouble zone

bad pictures means israel wants bad pictures
how many..have you got linked..on your site

im saying..there isnt anything wrong with spam
grayham is more than all sides..he as well as we
know to ask or let questions be asked..
*knowing yet others are watching
both the well as the replies

mate..if your cause is sincers
dont giveup

if syria is to get freespeach
it needs..those able to speak to speak freely
as well as clearly...

giving reasons
for risk getting involved

but..i feel its phsy-op
so israel can do other things
much like a magition saying..*watch this hand..

while other..worse abuses are going on
in the homeland of semites...

invaded by wolves
wearing sheeps clothing..
[the natzies..pretending to be sheep]..
bulding their 4 th reike

well knowing the art
of artfully..spinning..a lie
making a grey issue..appear white as driven snow

or black appear white
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 May 2011 10:04:24 AM
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OUG, your words of wisdom, compassion,
equity and social justice for all, are gold.

They mostly provide a sense of balance that
many abandon when entering these passionate debates.

There is a darker side however, to the posts you construct
which hide that side you don’t put front and centre.

Sometimes a taste of hidden obsession, other times
the outright declaration of a conspiracy.

Yes, all dictators should be held to account, by their
populations and the gods to whom they appeal.

Have we in West helped these poor souls? Or have we
offered their dictators comfort and their subjects distractions that
have maintained the status quo?

Have we reinforced the endless dogma from dictators, that were it not
for the West, capitalists, Christianity, the USA, Israel and the will of Allah,
we, your leaders, could rid you of all your poverty, pain and suffering?

Is the dictator’s message just a lie? An excuse? A distraction? Have their subjects
finally seen through these an told their tormentors to go?

More to the point, do these poor wretches recognize that which has been
perpetrated by their dictators, has similarly been perpetrated by progressive western media, politics and intelligencia?

If they now recognize the problematic messages, do they also recognize the sources
of comfort and distraction we in the west have presented to their oppressors?

Will they recognize this? How will they feel if they do?
What will we offer as an excuse for sustaining dictatorships?

How much death, maiming and misery might our comfort
to dictators and western appeasement have caused?

How many lives might we have saved across the planet
had we known what we were doing in the name of peace and tranquility?

OUG, they say that mimicry is a form of compliment but I can’t replicate your style no matter how hard I try.
Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 1 May 2011 11:12:07 AM
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we are all unique..*doc
but where we where mankind is at its best

but as you say..[my darker side] cuts in

by and large..all our leaders
[including those dicktraiters]

went to the same exclusive/schools..
the same clubs..going to..the same
weddings and pope raisings

i writing as i go
translating my mind's/imagry..into
letters/feelings..then words

just to write the schools/club..thing
well its just luckey..i know what the images mean

[often i dont even know..till i re-read..what i wrote]
im sure its a form of automatic-typing

and thus..often avoid reading it again..
[thus the obvious typo's]

the same judges
the same polititions
we lobby..for change..
are there..only to make sure..change cant ever come

really expecting change
is just so not going to hapen

my writing is often
only just to let them know..we know
let them know spirit is watching..and
..ready to re-claim..'its own'

im just hoping..some of them
may be saved..its for them/few..i keep trying

a lot have good intentions
but soon leave the system when they realise..they too..are helpless

its hard to really hate them
without somehow hating myself..

for even thinking ill of them
were i in their position..its
unlikely i could do any better..thats how it really goes

but the thing is..this realm is the testing realm
its here..we decide to reject..the easy 2 party/line..way

we in our lives learn the things
good from that not good..

and that is in the end
what its all about

some feel its people enough rope
but the reality is..some will allways follow..
others knowing this..*need their lackies.,.
to the next life..

[sadly the lackies put-up..with the abuse]
if we..can but wake
only one..

thats all the better..

but there will allways this realm
for its only..when you been..*in the fire..
do you know*..the fire burns
* put near it

and for those..who dont stoke the fire
the next so much more..[better]
for this..sorting...the sheep..from the goats

we really cant be fooled
unless we be blind
its our own*..choice..

wether they chose to 'see'
or not
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 May 2011 1:16:04 PM
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