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The Forum > General Discussion > Australia and the Global responsibility in the Middle East.

Australia and the Global responsibility in the Middle East.

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Thank you too our threads author.
I hope you continue to post here.
Sometimes I think back to a visit to Hyde park a Sydney sprookers corner.
Great Wisdom lived along side great silliness anger and happiness doom and gloom mixed shoulder to shoulder.
We can be a little like that.
I have no memory's of it ever being different.
Such plays a big roll in our blindness to just how bad the world has become.
This morning I offer the Donald trump insanity for proof some hold idiot ideas.
He wants to take by force Lybia oil Fields, and to prove Baric Obama is a Muslim not born in America?
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 28 April 2011 5:20:27 AM
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<< Without Human Rights activism we would probably be 50 years “back” in time in terms of Human Rights.>>

Almost correct, just take out the word “back” and insert “ahead”.

It is astonishing that you could suggest that the HR movement has had any positive impact upon the peoples of one single oppressive regime anywhere in the world. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Sudan, Qatar, the rest of Emirates and Somalia, not to mention most African and South American states?

Of course you could always point to HR Activist achievements in any of these countries? I’m sure their poor oppressed people would be glad to know of your contribution.

Not only has your movement been asleep at the wheel for the last 50 years, until 2010, your beloved movement, the UN Human Rights Commission, was headed up by non other than Col. Muammar Gaddafi. And you wish to claim some credibility?

There will always be some who will hop onto the link you provided and vote. On the other hand, this is OLO. You asked if we subscribed to your “point of view?” but you offer no reason why we should do this, offer absolutely no case “for” and refuse to debate any issues. So why bother posting?

It is one thing to acknowledge ignorance of a topic however; it is dangerous to act on that ignorance. So rather than adopting the foetal position, how about a response to the questions asked of you? Or did you just post to get votes on “GlobaliVote”?
Posted by spindoc, Thursday, 28 April 2011 9:41:16 AM
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thank you for clarifying your stance

i have visited your link
and arnt much the wiser

the main heading

''Acting towards a more just and moral world
by raising awareness amongst the world population
of its ability to exchange ideas and record opinions.""

dont offer much[soubnds like propaganda..counter intel
in fact by its very vagueness
implies yet more israelie destractions,%20says%20an%20analyst.

even your spiel
""Syria and the King!
Syria is counting the victims.""

sounds rather vague
[the news reports appear staged]
and as written before
your link dont fill in much

but you continue

""The government of Syria
is committing crimes against humanity
as described in the Universal declaration of Human Rights.""

hells bells
so is israel
who premptivly invaded said state
who has asasinated people within the same state

in fact israel has ben noticed by the un of a very long list of offences against human sensabilities ..let alone their abuse of the native semites in the land they took by force...and still premptivly despoil and interfere with

in short the shortness of substance
makes this look like a mossad op
but lets get back to your first post

''The King must be put under arrest
by the International Criminal Court and trialled.""

you as a learned mossad opperative

must know the world court is litle more than nothing
no jails
no police force as such

in short a paper tiger*

why arnt you appealing to the un
or to nato..

or using the mossad contacts
to the usa political lobby?

why do you not make a better
more clear case?

you just want numbers
with stess on the numb...
a destaction

""Do you subscribe to this Point of View?""

try making your case more clearly
your explaining..nothing

it seems its more a puff piece
or destaction from the flotilla
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 28 April 2011 11:29:32 AM
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Hi Spindoc,
Haven't had a chance to get back to you earlier.
I realise that my definition of Human Rights Activism differs greatly from yours. I do not consider the UN Human Rights Commission to be activism at all, I would even describe it as DE-ACTIVISM. I refer to activism as an entity (ex. Amnesty International) or an individual (Civil Rights activist ML King or HR activists Gandhi or Mandela ). I have no affinities with any of the UN endeavours as I believe that their agenda is a masquerade established to suit the interests of the Permanent five while appearing to honour its constitution.

When you write, "but you offer no reason why we should do this, offer absolutely no case “for”", I feel a bit surprised as I built the site as a Forum for every opinion, as I, and others as I can gather, can maybe exchange our opinions but lack the opportunity to express or formulate a poll that everyone can vote on.
I have no interest in following or subscribing to the interest of the UN but rather digging into the THINK TANK of the world to find people like you with a good understanding of the international scenery who can analyse the situation , describe it clearly and propose solutions to these problems. Because these people (like you) will not be influenced or driven by monetary interests, but by their concern for others.

More to follow.
Posted by gavroche, Friday, 29 April 2011 10:36:21 PM
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You write also "and refuse to debate any issues. So why bother posting?".
I am opened to debate any issues, and more than anything, gather knowledge and advice from others, but I want to discuss in a progressive manner, in order to find solutions.
I believe it is possible to create a international entity capable to launch a case at the International Criminal Court.
You might already know more on this subject and if you do let me know.

As to "how about a response to the questions asked of you?", I do not understand your question. What do you mean I do not get it.

And "Or did you just post to get votes on “GlobaliVote”?" I didn't put a poll on this subject by I posted to gather opinions on what people believed could be a solution to this crisis as I felt once more like a witness unable to act in anyway after watching the video of a scene in Damascus where a father was carrying his 6 year old boy killed by Syrian Government forces.
No I didn't just post to get votes on GlobaliVote, but yes I posted to know if others would help me find a way to help these oppressed people.
I hope these few words will give you an insight of what my intentions are.
Posted by gavroche, Friday, 29 April 2011 10:40:23 PM
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Hi One under God,
Thanks for visiting and giving me your feed back.
I will try to clarify a few things.

The first sentence is what I thought would describe the purpose of the website, in a short condensed sentence. Might sounds a bit like an advertisement but I don't feel like it is propaganda.
The post was gather some opinion on this subject, it was to me one of the day because I witnessed some disturbing footage and I am concerned.
Re: "hells bells
so is israel
who premptivly invaded said state
who has asasinated people within the same state

in fact israel has ben noticed by the un of a very long list of offences against human sensabilities ..let alone their abuse of the native semites in the land they took by force...and still premptivly despoil and interfere with"

I do not support the exactions of the government of Israel and I am not of the Mossad intelligentsia.
I am actually disgusted by the stance of the International community in regards to the Israeli aggressions since 1967.
I haven't propose a poll on GiV in regards to the situation in Palestine because I am for the moment trying to refine the website.
However I am happy to vote on a poll if you come up with one on the forum and I will put it on the vote now page, if you can make a description of the situation and propose a solution on which people can vote on by "yes or no".

More to follow.
Posted by gavroche, Saturday, 30 April 2011 12:23:47 AM
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