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The Forum > General Discussion > Best Interests of Child or Church

Best Interests of Child or Church

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i feel the urge comming on
i dont feel like resisting

and so direct my mind to the hell
from which the thought came

the point of the creeper/leapers quote..

""Dont mess with me my friend.....
coz you have No-idea..of whom your dealing with""

ohhh lordy lord

if you cant reply to the topic..
dont try to troll away from..the important things

but what is more abusive of children
than killing them

and murder of their parents
matricide patricide pedi-cide?

genocide by any other name..!

heck i cant
not resist.;....

so you must of them?

supporting/justifying the unjustifyable...

attempting to be a selfish self important/
wanna-be omnipotant zionista war monering oppresor
picking on the weak..
living a vain-gloriois past,7340,L-4055060,00.html
[bombing prisoners in prison camps
operation cast lead..killing hundreds of kids]

it explains much
about your eratic posting's

anyhow a nice try at a troll*
so will give you the ignorances..your type deserves

[do your worst you futile feeble twoddling godless creeping leaper]
we are all children of the one father..[the one god]

you may deney that god egsists..but wont be able to deney doing bad in lue of trying to help doing the good..

[for others..not just your self]..
this stains your soul..thus deserves only pity..

life is about seeing the ill..the bad..the injust
and then trying to help make things better

[doing nothing
is the same as doing the vile]..

once you seen it..if your not trying to stop it..
your just as those doing it
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 8:06:55 AM
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OUG!..Are you one of the retired Catholic brother-hoods? Cause theres a theory I have about the one,s that cry Child protection the loudest........and why they do it, to in-fact throw the scent off themselves by playing the righteous-one,s.:) By the way...Iam Satan! And psychopaths is the name of the this time your god will not win!

Jokes A-side.....I have read deeply into your mind-set, and have found some very disturbing trends that dont comply with normal brain function.

70 percent of humans are in-fact connected to the animal kingdom, which we have derived from, hence our hunting and gathering societies, which still trade like we did from the beginning:)

So if we are all psychopaths....that means your the righteous one,s that have a higher-sense of reality above all else.

I take it all back!, OUG......your completely normal after all....LOL love the links by the way:)

You take it easy:)

Posted by Quantumleap, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 9:22:32 AM
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“ Cause theres a theory I have about the one,s that cry Child protection the loudest........and why they do it, to in-fact throw the scent off themselves by playing the righteous-one,s.:)”

And ones that really care the most according to your theory never say anything or try to help children?

Leap but you are trying to injure a person by saying what you have for no other reason than to cause as much harm as possible. It’s shameful that you looked and thought about what would offend the most then attempt to laugh it off.

My theory is that people who try and distract threads deliberately show their own true colours on the matter at hand, you’re like an OLO filibuster.

Can you tell me why the Church would want to set a precedent of exclusion while carrying out a public service or why the government would allow such a precedent to be set? Do we have active secularism supporters currently in our government?
Posted by Jewely, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 10:35:27 AM
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thats a good question jewel/quote.."Can you tell me why the Church would want to set a precedent..of exclusion while carrying out a public service""

to their way of thinking
[ie the ones..that are thinking they really want to help]
they really believe..the only way to god is via jesus[may peace be upon the peace bringer]

to thier way of thinking..
to let others do good..will only condem the do/gooder..
as well as they ones they helped..into an eternal dammnation..

[sadly they dont realise the only sorting
is those who did good..from those who loved to serve evil]

they really are thinking they act of good intention

then there are the other..[extreemists]..of all faiths
who only wear their 'faith' a wolf wears a sheep skin..
to kill more sheep...

[yes the leaper who claims to be sat-on..
could likely..reply his mates motivations better..]
but he is so up/down..[ his eratic postings
as to put even that faint hope..into doudt..[thus i give it a go]

faith is useless without works
[jesus said by their deeds will we know them]

""or why the government
would allow such a precedent to be set?""

you must realise that govt is a generic catch all
individuals are consiously chiosing to be serving evil.
.as well as those really trying to do public service...

all claim to work for the people..but like all those pretenders[leapers]..out there..arnt allways what we would hope them to be

[again jesus spake of this]

dont judge the wheat from the tares
they will be obvious at harvest time

[ie what they did or didnt 'do'
or promised to do/be and wernt/..didnt do]
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 2:28:57 PM
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"'Do we have active secularism supporters
currently in our government?""

well juliar is a closet christian
[as revealed by her stance on gay marrage]

but she is a closet xtian..
though she would deney it to her grave..
by her works is she revealed..her stance on gay marrage
speaks most clearly even on what sort of xtian..she really isnt pretending to be..

not enough faith for truelly good works
but still this puritan steak..that thinks
she can cure evil bad taxes..

its only too obvious once you know
its not what they say..

ie[honour god/good with their lips]
..but what they chose* do..when they were do

[im not saying wether..she is bad or good]
..just saying her words..[talk..]..
dont match her walk..

just leaping[creeping] the dark
rebelling..trying not be..
what she hated..her parents being
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 2:33:59 PM
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Your quite right Dr OUG, and thank-you for letting me lay on this On Line couch, might be able to help me with a problem:)

When I was Four, I dropped my favourite lolly-pop in a muddy pool of salty-water and haven't been able to stop surfing ever since!............can you tell me, is this why Iam the person I am today?

Posted by Quantumleap, Tuesday, 12 April 2011 7:56:42 PM
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