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The Forum > General Discussion > Sack the useless bugger.

Sack the useless bugger.

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I cant say what I think or I will get banned again.
Posted by mikk, Sunday, 19 December 2010 9:56:38 AM
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Isn't it odd that no-one's got their knickers into a twist re the word bugger? Surely someone must feel offended.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 19 December 2010 4:33:54 PM
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Individual once more I will try.
I have done so often.
Tried for common ground with you.
even after you made the claim I am biased and only say pro labor things.
Many times you have offended me,probably the reverse is true too.
Please think about your posts.
I am not offended by the word bugger I am an old one,sometimes silly one hopefully still hard one.
I use the word everyday.
You made that up, it came out of your head did it not.
Individual you can not surely pretend ANYONE was offend by only that word or even by it.
You have the benefit of the doubt here mate,I doubt you are aware how wrong it is to defame anyone in racist terms.
Some one , can not remember who but has had an impact on the world, used these words Father forgive them they know not what they do.
Individual I forgive you.
But advise you too,read the thread befor commenting ok?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 19 December 2010 4:47:01 PM
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The point is that most of the meter reading employees perform rough estimates [whatever the origin of their nationalities]on most occasions. The guy was probably a little concerned about farm dogs chasing and/or biting, quite a few people are apprehensive visiting properties to undertake work not knowing the farmers.

Belly the world or Australians do not hold the views that Hasbeen has expressed on this particular issue.

He reminds me of the one great uncle I had that wasnt so great 40 years ago uttering the odd racist comment - a product of his narrow minded ignorant times/years. He was corrected each time by family, yet never admitted the wrongdoing.
Posted by we are unique, Sunday, 19 December 2010 6:50:25 PM
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Wasn't specifically referring to you but if you have a guilty conscience?

The point was the power bill and the lack of proper service in the gathering of data for the production of the account. Well don't like the rises in power but who does, otherwise country energy read my metre every three months. Often see the bloke and he dosen't care about my dog so i must be lucky i guess, getting service when you ring them is another storey.

As for the bigotry issue, i am sure many of you don't notice just how often such comments are made. Personally started to really pick up on it a few years ago when friends from Europe pointed it out to me when visiting. At the time i thought their comment that Australians are seen as racist over seas was a bit far fetched but when i see this sort of thing said constantly i start to see the point.

"A little dark skinned man, who I later found has very poor English got out."

No matter how just in passing this was said it was still bigoted and typifies the problem. Is it really alright even though it was not the point of the comment?
Posted by nairbe, Sunday, 19 December 2010 8:16:47 PM
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I think it is time to leave this thread.
Not going to add a log to what can become a fire.
But not going to leave with my tail between my legs.
Nairbe,be more ex plaintive in future,and less self righteous too please.
I think more than one contributor should read every post after their last, before commenting.
And NEVER will I stop standing against racism.
How Nairbe did you wade in to Hasbeens theme and see only its complaint about pricing?
I read and understood it,even highlighted it is true,we are being robbed, but questioned percentages quoted.
Two posters Individuals hasbeen, needlessly defended a racist comment.
I stand by my view and think I must leave the thread without a retraction this thread is not good for my country's image.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 20 December 2010 5:01:02 AM
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