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The Forum > General Discussion > Sack the useless bugger.

Sack the useless bugger.

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you forgot w..i p..u, m....i, c.....t, white s..t etc. But I don't suppose indigenous language is offensive or demeaning when aimed at non-indigenous health workers or other service providers.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 22 December 2010 2:06:26 PM
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You're right. Our aim should always be to behave with respect towards others, and to encourage this in all people.


I'm sorry but your last comment went over my head. I'm not familiar with the partial words you posted - perhaps you should have included a few more letters because I couldn't identify them so your post didn't make sense to me.
Posted by Lexi, Wednesday, 22 December 2010 3:53:30 PM
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I posted that to show how some who are not exposed to situations hence are not aware of what others experience but dispute when such experiences are disclosed.. I won't or rather am not allowed to explain these words but I assure you if they were aimed at a non-european person all hell would brake loose on the feigned indignation bandwagon..
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 22 December 2010 5:11:35 PM
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Come on individual you do know better than hat.
Or do you?
How feeble, how truly self deceiving to introduce the way others not related in any way,,, to this thread speak.
To justify your support for a bloke who has not returned to support himself.
Start reading other comments before posting uniformed things.
I said in this thread minority's too use such talk.
Here in this country's forum likely to be visited by people from ANY COUNTRY in the world.
You feeble, wrongly, try to say its ok to call a bloke a little black man, sneer openly at his not yet having learned a second language and even his hight?
I am concerned at your understanding of just why it is and remains wrong to use racist terms about any one by any one.
Lexi have a great Christmas.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 23 December 2010 5:10:49 AM
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it's becoming quite clear that you're the one who has no understanding nor cares about other peoples' feelings. I knew some union reps like this.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 December 2010 7:05:59 AM
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All I am trying to get across is the fact that if someone has an agenda to find fault with someone else's comments or actions then there's only one outcome & it's not harmony. Everyone says things which are either meant to compliment or hurt others' feelings. What & this is my perception, Hasbeen was saying is that a dark skinned little man didn't do his job at Hasbeen's detriment. Now had that been a lightskinned little man he'd have used a term to that effect. You must realise that in indigenous communities reference to complexion is day to day normal & no-one gets upset. I haven't heard any whities get upset because reference is made to their complexion when drawing attention to an individual/group. All this dumbar$ed pretend indignation has to stop. I hear on a daily basis ah, it was that white bloke over there or it was done by a white bloke. Kids constantly call out hey white man. We don't pretend to feel indignation. Why not ? Because we're not that silly ! The indigenous in our community feel the same.
It's all just a stupid & self-serving game. A bit like the unionists who are deeply concerned about their members but don't actually feel bothered by the negative effects of their actions on others.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 23 December 2010 7:23:59 AM
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