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Spirits of the

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You know..I did not believe in matter...believing..There was no such thing as matter,

still my body..was placed in a casket and well that my body could never get out of the casket.

It was sealed in many ways so nobody could get it.

If there is no matter why should all that money have been used to put my body into the..grave?..That was against my teachings,..but we are material nevertheless.

When I woke up to life - remember,..I say life,because that was the real life..I had a..spirit body.

In my visions I had been to the spirit world many times..and had always..returned to earth...This time I felt that I could go back again,..but my body was not there.

It had been interred.

Still I did not realize the change..because I had closed the door for spirit's return. I did not want to teach it...I knew it,..because I was a medium in my early days.

I gave readings in Boston..for some time,.and I gave lectures as well,
but after a while I denied it all..the truth was not in me.

When I woke up in my spirit body..I still did not realize that it was not my material
body...It was very hard for me to understand..that I had gone through the change called
death..because I had concentrated..and concentrated..that I should never die.

The realization of material death..took much time.

Then I had much to do,..and many difficulties to overcome.

First of all came my brother Albert...When he came I felt that I did not want to have
anything to do with spirits...You see,..I said in my book that there is no such thing as spirit return...I had so hypnotized myself..and many others..with that theory that it was real to me.

Why did you not give me..a little credit for the help I gave you?”

Then I saw how selfish I had been...I was accused...haunted..obsessed
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 5:31:08 PM
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I was helped..but had not given credit for it.

I was obsessed..when I was a young child..and often had spells of obsession.

For many years those obsession spells came over me.
Quimby helped me;..he took the spirits away and taught me the true religion.

He taught me to know myself...He taught me spirit return,..but I did not listen...After he had gone I..took his my own.

In the spirit world..I had to go through a great over come selfishness.

Albert came..and told me..that I had not taught the whole truth.
There was a time when I was a medium..and he talked through me,..but after a while I
refused to allow this.

Now he came to me again and said...“Come, I will show you..that what you have taught
is not true,..and that you did not tell the truth.”

After that my first husband came...He understood me better than the rest.
He showednme the way.
One by one many friends came..Then came Quimby...He said: “You took my theory.
I had to
serve and learn the lesson of life as a little child. I had to be taught about God in a
different way.

Mental healing is something we should all learn, It is of great importance.

Let us all learn to overcome by suggestion and concentration.

Get your mind centered and learn the art of concentration. Take some object..say that
table..concentrate..and concentrate and
try to hold your mind on that table,..nothing else,for five minutes. You cannot do it.

Try,..try very hard,..and after a while you will succeed.
That is the secret of health..concentration is the secret of power.

You must be able to concentrate your mind..on one object for five minutes.
This will require a long,..long time of practice

t does not come to you at once because as soon as you try to concentrate and
keep your mind absolutely on the table there will be a dozen other thoughts coming into
your mind.

Keep them out, and keep your mind on the object and you will find in time
that I am right.
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 1 December 2010 5:34:38 PM
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Well *OUG,* be it *Spirit World* or just an interesting pathology of the flesh, or even a bit of both, I got the impression that you had extended periods within the state of consciousness to which you refer.


In my case, I was in an altered state of "some" kind consciously but once and perhaps for only a few seconds:

(Memory Fragment)

It is if I am sitting up, on my butt, in a half lotus, on my bed, looking directly forward through my bedroom, to the wall, and concurrently through the wall, to the porch area before the front door, AND I am perceiving something - in flight/in passage.

That which I perceive though I can see through as if there is nothing there but a bending/regular distortion of the "?light?" giving rise to the appearance of an "ovally/egg shaped" object, but one not defined by its own ROYGBIV edges and texture, but rather more like an image out of a "magic eye" book, which is defined rather by the picture surrounding it.

(of course, I am into Sci Fi, RPG and computers.)

And then it passed through the front door, into the hall, did a high speed 90 degree turn at the same apparent speed, through my bedroom door and then ...zooooom ... straight into me.

(Of course, I was acutely unwell at the time, more than 1 year deep in the pit of psychosis with non stop auditory hallucinations, though in the above described experience, there were no auditories or associated disturbences, only vision, and nothing but a placid space)

(incidentally, this also makes me wonder what else *Dr Michael Persinger* can do with his EM generating Helm)


and ZAP, the experience which began in early puberty, described as likely "Sleep Paralysis" by one neurologist

(there are interesting articles on this in WikiPedia along with accompanying writings on the plethora of different international cultural practice and associated Belief Systems that have sprung up surrounding it)

and KundaLini by my "MetaPhysical" friends.

Posted by DreamOn, Thursday, 2 December 2010 1:18:02 PM
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I was never into it, it made me fearful, though I did get into focusing it at different points a few times, and the couple of occasions that I could not stop it erupting into my head, it hurt. So, suffice to say, I wasn't really into it.


THIS TIME though there was no stopping it and it felt like it went off in the centre of my brain .. AND then a bi-release of something that was ever so soothing for a full day or so,

(which stood in stark contrast to the "Hell on a Stick" of my condition which had been unabated for more than a year, where the only Peace I ever had was when I was asleep, and in that brief "Dreamy" period prior to becoming conscious and "waking up.")


Thereafter, little by little, inch by inch, I crawled out of the pit, re-constituted mySelf and become healthier and stronger once again.


That is my personal "Born Again Experience," for want of a better term.
Posted by DreamOn, Thursday, 2 December 2010 1:21:43 PM
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sound had
what is called..''the dark-night'..of..the soul'..dream-on..

not sure about..what you saw..
[to me it sounds like ball-lightening]

[which is basicly energy..caught up in a as to be self sustaining]
these have been repoted doing as you describe...

the only thing sure about it
is not to fear it..clearly it never hurt you

i read about kundilie..but wasnt sure about it never looked further into it..[the headaches etc ..indicate to me dangers]

alterd an area that can get confounded...
depending on beliefs..and perceptions..
and even the terms we trying to describe..'it'.. was.. only quoting..some good bits
from the 30 years amoung the

not*my own experience...only reportedly..via first person..
from some..whos writings..i have read...and have trust in..[to a point]

continued from

where the madam..reveals the power of music
but there is music that of of heaven
as well as that song from hell

[knowing the in what they you within]
good song can only bring good fruits..
somebody done me wrong songs..can only cast blame

do that you do do well..sing a happy song

When they have given..their the higher music,..we
concentrate on them to waken..and look up to higher grace..mercy.

Artists then..paint pictures..of the higher life for them,..
object lessons,..little stories...just as children have been negative imagry...on earth...we reach them into higher learning..for the better loving things..

Their life history..can be seen by us..
and we put this in pictures, by one,..
and let them..gently..see..the mistakes they have made.

Presently..they ask questions..a
nd then..we are allowed to come a them.

After that..we take the higher life...
helping them clear..their astral..and aural bodies of their selfish stains

In another group..altogether..are those who are self-hypnotized.
They have gone to sleep...They were taught..WRONGLY..that death is a sleep..
and that they..*will chose..*only to sleep..until the Last their own decieved minds...when they truelly believe..God..will sit on His throne..and judge sad..

They are difficult to reach,.especially if they have..*put themselves*..into an actual death sleep.

Sometimes we have to*..bring control a medium..
*and waken that way.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 2 December 2010 5:14:52 PM
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When we cannot reach..the earthbound spirits..*at all..
we have to bring them..*to earth life to..a circle like this
where they get understanding..*through matter...[though to many even then still only a dream..]

In one sense* can call this*..reincarnation,
because*..we have to*..bring them..BACK..into find themselves.

a “Master,” we understand Theosophy, some big..and great mind...that focus's upon others realisation..of the good[of god]..within themselves..*as much others..!

A one who can master..the materialistic of matter,
can overcome matter's temptations, who can live a pure..and good life,
not of the self alone..and master..the conditions of life...for the betterment of all..

Learn*..the lessons of Nature;..
learn how to not the survival..of the fattest[nor fittest]
but see how even god..[good] in the nurture..reflected..of nature..

reflected in [the fearlessness..simple contentment...EQUALITY..
[is not a powerfull..if not more powerfull..than mans grasp on life?]

does even an insect..not fearlessly robbing..his hives honey..?
does not even a meat eater..nurture..their young..with consuming..selfless passion

I am sorry to say..that most of those..*who want to be “Masters”.on!

It is not..they themselves..who fall,..but they become so sensitive,
so psychic,..that,..although they do not know..they are on the borderland,

yet allow..earthbound spirits step in,..
and control them.and thus..they not living..their own living

they have become..the means of serving the base spirits..greed..not need
fear hate...not love peace..

serving self..[or their haunting..other 'self'
not giving other..[are we not]

We should master..*the matters of matter first..
before we try to master new ideas...

Take myself..what did I really do..that was good..:..for humanity?

Ans...You led many out of orthodoxy.

Sp...Yes,..but I only gave them..*more theory.

I could have done,..oh,so much more..if I had stayed mediumship
and bring this world..and the other's..together.

I..was a medium and..I could have done a great work,..
but..I became obsessed.

I am sorry to say..that Theosophists are breaking up...
You live a time when things..are breaking up;..

there is a general restlessness...All theories will go down..
and philosophy alone..will rise...[but remember there are two any philosophy]
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 2 December 2010 5:16:21 PM
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