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The Forum > General Discussion > Oh dear, oh dear ( Australia) what have you done now ?

Oh dear, oh dear ( Australia) what have you done now ?

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Arjay, historically we have been a 50/50 electorate with a couple of seats being the difference. The impetus that Labor received in 2007 because of work choices has now gone back from whence it came, delivering us the traditional 50/50 split again. Labor is not "failing" they are status quoing.
Posted by lida, Monday, 23 August 2010 12:24:10 PM
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Thanks for the tip about the political leanings of hasbeen.
Knowing he is a conservative makes it easier to understand the personal attacks by a dimwit.
As was limited to 350 words i couldnt fully explain what i meant before either.
The Liberal party are the worst of a bad pair.
The Liberals suffer from being a bunch of mean spirited BOYS who lied about real benefits of the stimulus package,couldnt put their costings up for scrutiny,dont understand technology and have no real economic understanding or vision.
Labor have some great ideas eg Stimulus package,national broadband,mining tax,computers in schools,apology to the aboriginals and yes even the pink batts rollout.There were some of them that suffered from very poor implementation.
Their backflip on a REAL emmissions trading scheme was also appalling.
Another problem is that neither Abbott or Gillard have shown they are real LEADERS
They are certainly not of the caliber of hawke,howard or keating who were ,love em or loath em, true leaders.
And yes there are some great advantages with the hung parliament as it stands now.
Posted by big damo65, Monday, 23 August 2010 12:53:19 PM
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Stuff the politics.

Gone are the days when we had polys that actually cared about Australia.

Thankfully we had some in the past. Those that drafted our constitution are the only thing that have saved us from the lying, coniving lot we have today.

I am too cynical to get involved, but on performance and compedence Labor should not have got a vote.

On election night I had a great time, I watched the football and the Swans had a great win.

I feel for the young who will have to put up with this for many years to come, and pay the debt.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 23 August 2010 1:47:49 PM
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I did not realise until this election how wise the founding fathers of the constitution were. They have left us a very short document that is able to grow and evolve as society changes. It does not mention the Prime Minister but if it did, it would not be the leader of a party. It would be the leader of elected members that have the majority on the floor of the lower house. It does not mention parties either. Just goes to prove how far sighted they were. It is the members elected by the people who count not the leader or party. They have set the bar very high to bring about any change to the constitution.
Posted by Flo, Monday, 23 August 2010 2:16:41 PM
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First past the post voting is not fair. Maybe we should look at Tasmania. Some kind of regional preferential might be a goer. Divide the country up into regions with multi members, not unlike the Senate. Winner take all as it is now is not stable or productive.

No, it does not worry me. If they start voting against everything, they will gain little support at the next election. This is the problem with Abbott. We know what he is against, everything that Labor has introduced. We do not know what he stands for. We do not know what his vision is. I suspect if he told us, we would run a mile.

The problem is that Mr. Abbott and his supporters do not know they have not won. Labor has not won also. If any party has won, it is the Greens. I like to think the voters have won. A government made up of more than one party represents more people. The only thing needed for this to work is to have respect for all members of the parliament, not only in your own party.

Do not the rights of the Greens and other minority parties have any merit? The present system of winner takes all does not make sense. You are saying that only one party has all the answers. I am old enough to remember Mr. Menzies not being to proud to steal policies from Labor after elections. Mr. Abbott would be better at looking at what can work instead of what he destroys. It is not about whom, what is right, or wrong, it is about what is the best way to do it. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

Whether it works depends on whether the media is willing to give it a fair go. Grow up, sometimes change is in our best interest. The two party system is being found wanting. Statesmen can make it work. If it can work in most other western countries, surely we are mature to do so,
Posted by Flo, Monday, 23 August 2010 2:18:58 PM
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Those people who are raving about the mining exports, want to grow a brain, because they are paying for that mined coal or iron ore whenever they buy any foreign goods. Whether they buy Chinese clothing, tools or other goods, Japanese goods, German, Indonesian goods, German or Italian, French or any goods from other countries, they are paying for that coal or iron ore exports as well as any other exports we have. Most of the trade payments were made in the World Trade Centre which was destroyed, but of course it has been replaced some other place. However you must realise that those foreign goods which the firms are selling and are what Australia had been manufacturing previously, means that our own companies have been forced out, and we will end up having to buy foreign goods because we have no manufacturing industries, and this will continue until we run out of coal and iron ore. Then we will have no coal for our own electricity, so no cooking or heating unless we start chopping down trees and burning them. The same story with our iron ore, no more manufacturing, all our factories ( now that's a funny one, I don't believe we have any more factories left, have you seen any?), The used to be everywhere, I haven't seen one for ages, and I used to work in one, and your Mother and Farther or Uncle and Aunt probably worked in one, ask them where are they now, I bet they don't exist, and your children and your families and friends and neighbours children won't have any place to work, sounds wonderful doesn't it. John Howard changed the rules on reporting of unemployment, if you are working only 1 hour a week, you are employed, and today many workers are getting only 2 or 3 days work a week, and are expected to be able to pay rent for their family home. This looks like it will continue, irrespective of what party is in parliament, they have not shown any indication of intelligence along these lines.
Posted by merv09, Monday, 23 August 2010 3:21:29 PM
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