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The Forum > General Discussion > Oh dear, oh dear ( Australia) what have you done now ?

Oh dear, oh dear ( Australia) what have you done now ?

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Thanks for the support RObert, but I don't need much to deal with dumo.

About time Queensland started paying it's way, what a pile of BS.

Do you remember protectionism? That's when import duties pushed up the price of everything we made, or could try to make, by 50% or more. That policy was designed to prop up the blue collar jobs of Victoria, & NSW with the money of all the other states.

WE even had import quotas, so no matter how inefficient & expensive southern industry was, other states had to buy the stuff, & pay through the nose.

The cost added to the means of production, [like tractors] meant much of the other states products were only marginally profitable, but they paid far too much for their cars, to keep you lot eating.

Handing back a few bucks of tax to other states was only a sop to the conscience of southern politicians. As a bloke involved in manufacturing, in Sydney, in the 60s, I was always surprised that the other states stood for the ripoff.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 23 August 2010 9:52:40 AM
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Ludwig,last week I had lunch with a lawyer who has beginning new political party to reform Govt and fight corruption.He has had life threats.He said,consider how possibly corrupt our Govts are and then multiply it by 3 to get the reality.According to him,very few decisions are made with some palm greasing.The state Labor Govts in my view are the worst.The schools building scams had to be corruption.

I don't think the Liberals are much better.Remember Bob Askin? This is a cultural thing that has been with us for decades but now our Govts have bcome totally dysfunctional.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 23 August 2010 10:28:22 AM
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Amendment to my original Post.
In the light that the Two party Preferred is leaning Labor's way and if it stays that way then THEY are morally the the party to form government or go back to the polls.

IMO Based on further unleashed utterances by The MM (late TA potential PM) and the above, he leading the coalition in govt is not in the country's best interests
Posted by examinator, Monday, 23 August 2010 10:29:33 AM
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I wish you would realise that to join a politicial party - any of them, you have to sign a promise that you will agree with the decisions of the majority. This means that you have no integrity, and not much intelligence, so that's what you get in parliament. What is needed apart from a no party government, is one that the members promise integrity and democracy, as this has been missing for a long time. I think the old adage applies, united we stand, divided we fall. and there is nothing like various parties and various religions to destroy a community.
Posted by merv09, Monday, 23 August 2010 10:44:37 AM
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Given that the moral right to rule is dependent on which side you naturally fall (ie primary vote vs 2pp). However, who dons the mantle of PM is more likely to be decided by the independents.

The independents have all stated that they will favour stable government, and that is largely decided by who gets Hasluck.

If Hasluck falls to the Libs, given their conservative electorates, and the country's distrust of the greens, the 3 independents would find it difficult to justify their support of Labor.

However, if Labor gets Hasluck, the 3 independents would not be sufficient in their own right, and their negotiating power would lie only with Labor, or a double dissolution.

With the Libs ahead by 0.6%, they have an advantage, but with about 25% uncounted, it could go any way.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 23 August 2010 11:54:28 AM
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Dear Examinator,

I also switched from one channel to another
on Saturday night watching the Election results
and the commentary. I saw the thuggery that
went on with Kroger's attack on Wayne Swan
(inexcusable), and Barnaby Joyce's attempt to
demean Tony Windsor (embarrasing).

Over all, it merely illustrated how far some people
are prepared to go for Party allegiances.

The Election result is not yet known, but the message
the country has given appears to be loud and clear.
Neither Party has performed well, and people are

This may just be a step in the right direction.
Whoever manages to be able to form Government,
they will now be held accountable by independents
with no party allegiances, and surely that can't
be a bad thing for us all. Perhaps therein lies
the future of Government in Australia - where
people matter more than any given Party.
Local issues should determine the future of the
nation and should be resolved by the Government in
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 23 August 2010 12:00:56 PM
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