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The Forum > General Discussion > Oh dear, oh dear ( Australia) what have you done now ?

Oh dear, oh dear ( Australia) what have you done now ?

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It is a great mess. I said earlier that it could work out well if these independents can work a good deal and the majors don't play games but i think it was too early in the morning for rational thought. If the liberals form government they will be blocked in the senate at every turn, if labor forms government then they will have to sell their soul to the greens meaning the ETS is back on and the price will be high. Problem is i don't see the independents agreeing to the ETS and they will probably want the mining tax to go, this will not please the greens. Either way one would think we will be back to the polls sooner rather than later.
Posted by nairbe, Sunday, 22 August 2010 6:00:09 PM
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Nairbe, and at that election Labor will gain majority government without doubt. All the Labor voters who voted Green this time will realise that if they do so again they may deliver a Liberal government. What an horrific disaster a Liberal Govt. would be ..... imagine it an amateur who doesn't even understand the internet as PM, Old Bronnie Bishop as Deputy PM (imagine her becoming PM in an emergency ...(SHOCK HORROR), a cabinet with the drama queen Pyne, and the immature, incompetent Hockey........... a DISASTER for Australia's welfare!

Remember, taking into account the two major parties .......a MAJORITY of voters have voted for Labor at this election. Therefore, the country has spoken!
Posted by benq, Sunday, 22 August 2010 7:05:49 PM
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Congrats to the mental pygmies of Queensland.
First of all your farmers grow the thirstiest crop,rice, in the one of the driest continents and now you elect a 20 year old BOY to a political seat in parliament.Please secede at once !
This was a very sad little election with one leader a spineless wimp with no real vision or LEADERSHIP qualities and another........oh im sorry what was the difference again ?
Maybe the difference is one wants 2 tin cans and string for broadband internet and doesnt believe in man made global warming and the other is to spineless to implement major policies that it was elected on and cant manage the small ones it does.
These 2 parties as thay are now, will go down in history as the worst ever with two leaders that have proven that just because some one is well educated it doesnt mean they are intelligent
Posted by big damo65, Sunday, 22 August 2010 9:17:31 PM
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I hope this is the end of small target politics. The campaign never got going, because neither party really stood up for anything. No-one really won the election, because there was nothing to seperate the parties.
Posted by benk, Sunday, 22 August 2010 10:25:37 PM
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Hay big dumo, we'd be only too pleased to secede, & I expect WA would be happy to join us. We'd avoid any rip off extra tax, designed to prop up our useless rust belt states.

You would be lucky to be able to manage 2 tin cans & a string for your phones, let alone broadband, without the 2 mining states earning the foreign exchange to pay for them for you.

The fact is, if the red neck hicks, living above the tropic of Capricorn stopped paying your way for you, the lot of you would sink out of sight so quickly the world would wonder if you had ever been here, or were actually another myth, like Atlantis.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 22 August 2010 10:32:18 PM
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Well hasbeen
Its about time Queensland has started paying its way after bludging of Victoria and NSW for decades.Check your economic history.
If the ripoff tax you are talking about is the mining tax then i rest my case on the queensland simpleton factor.The only people who were getting rippped off are the people of Australia before this tax was introduced.You could be an excellent politician given you think its smart to sell of our resources off for a song.I especially liked the comment, big dummo, that really showed me that you Queenslanders are really clever after all.
P.S Thanks also for Mr Barnaby ( billions million thousands ) Joyce too.
Posted by big damo65, Sunday, 22 August 2010 11:02:01 PM
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