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The Forum > General Discussion > The real Julia Gillard

The real Julia Gillard

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Let us have two more Julia,,, the words of Tony Abbott to Julia at the end of the so called debate.
Not now however Tony has fears he fears we may see the real Abbott not the fake on display.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 6:08:48 PM
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Belly of course there is nothing cynical about all that is there?

A genuine request for a debate at a mutually suitable time rejected by Tony just because he is afraid to face Julia.

Nothing to do with prior commitments or anything like that.

Both sides are running cynical dirty campaign's, to champion the spin is less than I'd expect of you.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 6:29:07 PM
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Dear RObert,

Prior commitments?

Come on RObert, what could be more important
a few weeks before an election that would
make a contender for the top job -
turn down the opportunity he's been asking
for all along, unless he is totally
unprepared to discuss the big issues (like the
economy) and doesn't want to be made to look
like a dufus. At least he's got the sense not
to risk it. But it would be wise if he'd get
rid of his slogan, "Real Action," and replace it
with something more appropriate. I'm sure OLO
posters could come up with something...
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 7:07:15 PM
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Foxy Julia turned down requests for extra debates earlier in the campaign. Labor's interest in a second debate has only come after a slump in the polls. It's my understanding that the prior commitment is a campaign launch, hardly a trivial item and one that would require booking's, travel plans for a lot of people etc.

The Lib's could propose another time but they are playing politics with that.

The whole thing is a sham from both side's. I'm surprised that you are letting your dislike of Abbott blind you to the game Labor are playing.

Don't you wish for a campaign that was more about real vision rather than ugly pictures of opponents and big stamps (and both seem to be running add's that fit that description).

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 3 August 2010 10:57:18 PM
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Yes, but which Julia wanted the date? If it was the 'other woman' Julia, tell her that Margaret has already warned Tony off.

Oops, it's election time and we're not supposed to laugh, but I have this cartoon image of Julia waiting around the corner while Margaret is nailing the house doors shut to keep Tony inside (chafing at the bit in his best Speedos). [caption needed]

Either that or a political handler restraining the Libs' excitable attack dog with the *ugly mug and ears back from the inviting ginger-haired Corgi, now in season, but too late. [Suggested caption, "No way, the stud fees are MUCH higher now"]
Posted by Cornflower, Wednesday, 4 August 2010 2:27:17 AM
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Well I for one am waiting to see the "real Abbott" slip off his leash again.

He's being tightly controlled by his own faceless power-brokers and factional leaders (yes the Libs have them too, make no mistake).

I think he almost lost it earlier today with some journos but it's only a matter of time before he says something inappropriate or inflammatory. That's why he's avoiding another debate and resorting to hollow posturing.

Once a political thug, always a political thug.

Where's Barnaby and Wilson? Except for QandA last night Barnaby's been kept away from the media. Maybe he can't be trusted to follow the script.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 4 August 2010 2:39:31 AM
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