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The real Julia Gillard

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Why not let the real Julia Gillard speak for herself?

She did so on 5 October 2009, here on OLO, while still at the time Deputy-Prime Minister. This is a link to her OLO Article 'Driven by indignation at injustice': . I just searched for it on Google. Here is a Twitpic of the first page of the Google listing for the search term I used:

Julia Gillard's article attracted 106 comments over 18 OLO pages. This is a link to a post in that thread: . The whole thread is accessible just by scrolling therefrom. Viewers may think the responses to now be of more interest due to the fact that they were made outside of the context of an impending Federal election, and at a time when Julia was not the Parliamentary leader of the ALP.

I would have thought the challenge initially posed in that discussion provided an opportunity for Julia to demonstrate, in a non-politically partisan matter, her concerns as to injustice. More so now than ever, perhaps, as she has to answer to no one other than herself to set things in train.
Posted by Forrest Gumpp, Monday, 2 August 2010 11:33:13 AM
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Dear RObert,

It's extremely hard to find the person behind
the politician at the best of times, but
especially so - during an election campaign.

Who is this woman? What makes her tick?

Well, we all know of her previous incarnation
as deputy prime minister and also of the
succession of positions she's inhabited during
her 12 years in Federal Parliament. She's been
in our living rooms on and off for almost
a decade.

It's understandable that many people are undecided
about our PM. As the article in,
The Australian Woman's Weekly, August 2010,
points out, " Her life choices have rendered her
unrecognisable to a large majority of Australians
and the method by which she nabbed the prime
ministership has left many in the electorate uneasy.
So while we want to rejoice and while we want to
mark the moment and support, by celebrating her
promotion, first of all, we want to know just a
little bit more about her..."

I read the entire article in the Weekly and I must
confess that I was impressed with what I read.

I also tend to agree with the summation that the article
gives, " Julia is betting the house and its no less
impressive a pile than Parliament House - on a hunch
that Australians will be sufficiently untroubled by
her childlessness, her de-facto status and her past
relationships to focus solely on her performance
as a politician and her ability, as she puts it,
"to do the job."

I think that we've already learned a fair bit more
about her and her life, even in this short period
as prime minister. And as she tells us, "I
overwhelmingly think people will make decisions about
my capacity to be prime minister in the things I do
as prime minister, rather than any private life issues.
That comes with that practical Aussie sense."

We all know what Tony Abbott and Co stand for - we had
12 years of it and the record is there for all to
see and remember why we got rid of them.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 August 2010 11:52:01 AM
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While everyone is waxing lyrical about how mentally agile JG, perhaps they need to consider her opponent.

Qualifications and Occupation before entering Federal Parliament

BEc, LLB (Syd), MA (Oxon).

Rhodes Scholar.
Plant Manager, Pioneer Concrete.
Press secretary and political adviser to the Leader of the Opposition, Dr J.R. Hewson 1990-93.
Executive Director, Australians for Constitutional Monarchy 1993-94.

The last time I checked, Rhodes scholarships were not handed out to numb nuts.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Monday, 2 August 2010 12:02:44 PM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Yes, let's consider qualifications...

Rhodes Scholars?

Kim Beazley
Bob Hawke
Mike Fitzpatrick (footballer)
Malcolm Turnbull

To name just a few.

Then of course there's our current PM -
Julia Gillard:

Straight-A-high-school matriculation.
Law student at the University of Adelaide
President of the Australian Union of Students
Partnership at the age of 29 in the Melbourne
Law Firm of Slater and Gordon and then a
Member of the Australian Federal Parliament
by the age of 37.

She of course is not from a privileged
background. She's from a migrant background,
did not attend private schools, attended
public schools, worked hard, got good grades
and has gone on to become a stunning success.

Definitely not a numb nut!
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 August 2010 12:58:23 PM
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cont'd ...

Seen on a sign outside a local Church:

"Tony Abbott should not wear budgie smugglers.
Not when his favorite hymn is:
"Holy, Holy, Holy!"
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 August 2010 1:04:13 PM
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Foxy has to go down as THE most one-eyed, Labor propaganda swallowing, earnestly gullible pie baker I've ever seen.

I'm just relieved she's shown us an incite (wink) into how the "women's vote" is sought, and just how effective it is.

If only the lefty media didn't sabotage Abbott's attempts with the weekly by blowing the precious gift quotes out of all proportion.

We're all doomed.

Either way.

Foxy, that was the old Julia you read about. That Julia doesn't exist any more. You'll just have to wait and see how the new Julia portrays herself for the rest of the campaign. You know when you just wish you could start again and rub all your mistakes out and ask that girl out on a date all over again using a different sales pitch. Well, that's what she's doing.

She went for the flashy business exec with the hot car and bad boy tendencies and exciting hobbies, now she wants us to know the real her, the Julia that writes poetry and loves soulful walks along the beach, the tortured sensitive artist who just needs love.

I rename her Madonna. She just keeps reinventing herself! Or is it Stock Aitken Waterman.


That little piece of information is kept quiet for obvious reasons. The lefty 'elites' hate him because of his social conservatism and call him stupid even when they know he isn't. The 'punters' are less than impressed with smart people, they want 'common' sense and hate intellectuals.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 2 August 2010 1:12:28 PM
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