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The real Julia Gillard

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The nationals are especially spewing as they like the woman at home on the farm, who gets jack sh1t compared to the city career woman.[Houellebecq]

Really? Strange and ridiculous statement Houellebecq. The Nationals 'liking' a woman at home on the farm, who gets jack crap compared to the city career woman? All the women I associate with on farms [both large and small hobby farms] work in town travelling up to an hour, to support their families and self. Keep stirring the pot; I rest my point in token feminism LOL!
Posted by we are unique, Tuesday, 10 August 2010 12:54:07 AM
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Nationals MP Darren Chester says there should be more support for stay-at-home mums.

"I believe we need to be doing a lot more to recognise the important role that mothers who chose to stay at home do, and the debate around paid parental leave runs the risk of alienating them," said the MP for the Victorian seat of Gippsland. "It's critical that we recognise the shortage of childcare places in regional areas . . . My support for the Coalition scheme will be contingent upon specific programs for regional mums, including those who stay at home."

How many farm moms are on $150k a year in order to get the $75000?

So because you know women on farms that don't stay home with their kids there are no stay at home mums in regional areas?
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 10 August 2010 10:31:29 AM
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Back to the topic of this thread...

Did anyone see Julia Gillard on "Q and A,"
last night?

There were so many positive comments about
the PM and her responses to the tough questions
asked, both from the mixed audience, and on
Twitter, during the program.

Tony Abbott will appear on the program next week.
It should be interesting to see how he responds.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 August 2010 11:59:21 AM
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You are a wonderful propagandist Foxy. I cant praise you enough.

What exactly is a 'mixed audience'? Mix of different races?

Did Julia answer any questions about her far-right boat people policies. Has she learned the difference between Nauru and East Timor for instance, and is she determined to consult the East Timorese government in future before making commitments on their behalf?

Why, when Nauru is by all reports very interested in being an offshore processing centre is she bullying a reluctant East Timor? How does she see her policy as any better than John Winston Howards policy that her party criticised?
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 10 August 2010 2:04:30 PM
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Dear Houellie,

I must apologise if I appear to be
coming across as a "propagandist"
for Labor. I'm actually simply
anti - the current Liberal Leadership
and its Front Bench.

My family, by the
way has voted Liberal for most of their
lives. I'm the "black sheep" in the

You ask -
What's a "mixed audience?"
That's a term that Tony Jones (moderator of "Q and A")
used, meaning an audience of various political
persuasions. A mixture of pro Libs, and pro Labs.

To answer your other question,
Julia did explain her reasons for not choosing
Nauru - at present.
They're not a signatory to the
Refugee Convention, and she also stated that if
they were willing to become a signatory, which
apparently takes time to do, she would consider
them. Apparently Timor, is only one possibility
that's being looked at. Nauru is also a possible
future option.

It's a shame that you didn't see the program. Julia
answered all the questions, rather fairly and squarely,
I thought. And as I wrote in my previous post, it will
be interesting to see how Tony Abbott will respond next
week. Who knows, he may surprise us all?
We'll have to wait and see. I'm actually looking forward
to it!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 August 2010 9:12:34 PM
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