The Forum > General Discussion > The return of Macarthyism... soon.
The return of Macarthyism... soon.
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Posted by think than move, Monday, 28 June 2010 5:24:10 AM
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Dear Benq
Nothing quite like a bit of disagreement to animate a thread :) Your therapy begins...*now* I love how you go from suspect politics to extremly dodgy theology... 1/ You deduce )wrongly) that I claim 'blacks have never been disadvantaged'. 2/ You appear to claim to know Jesus ? Would I be correct on '2' in assuming it is the "Liberal" Jesus who is-more the product of the dry documentary hypothesis, Bultmanian demythologyzation, touchy feely Spongian "Jesus doesn't mind gay behavior", -the Jesus of History rather the "Christ-of-faith" ala the Shweitzerian Geschichte der Leben-Jesu-Forschung Or..would it be the Biblical one ? We should differentiate which "Jesus" you know... for future reference. The one I know.. is the one who spoke both compassionately and harshly. Harsh to those with vested economic interests in maintaining a false human tradition rather than embracing the Kingdom of God, and compassionately to the genuinely downtrodden. On the 'communist plot' lets to some checklising of your position? -I've never read the communist manifesto......check -I have never read any Socialist Web site claiming we need 'revolution'....check. -Communists NEVER EVER portray themselves in ways which they believe will advance their cause with a naive community....check It seems Benny you are as confused about your Marx as you are about your Jesus. But the 'Guns for God' bit ? mate..fortunately for me...I had not yet made my normally obligatory 'pre olo' morning milo.. Hysterical :) truly hysterical. Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 28 June 2010 7:35:25 AM
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But, Benny..back to politics :) and your wildly hysterical and erroneous assertions.
(Was that 'Equal' you dropped in your Latte this morning or lsd ?) BENQ -*There has never been, is not and never will be a communist plot to snatch power* Check -*Blacks have never been treated with equality in any part of America...ever* Check. -*Beck is not the messiah* Check (thought u'd love that one -grin) CSTEEL.. the 'lie' of Beck was his mildly dramatic over characterization of Barbara Walters... was it not ? But the point of his commentary on that show was the 'you can't reserve seats' which they didn't deny. He was spot on with Woopie..but on Walters he used the 'evil' tone :) So, essentially.. he portrayed the facts at issue correctly but was a bit over the top in his portrayal of Walters. And this means ? Ok..let's guess. When he says 1/ George Soros was a major funder of the "Centre for Emerican Progress" 2/ That Soros had 'not a little' to do with choosing "John Podesta" as the CEO. 3/ That Podesta and his gang picked the team and wrote the game play of Obama's regime. It's all "melodramatic Beckian 'lies'" ? Are you actually suggesting that ? Let Podesta himself answer: Most recently, Podesta served as co-chair of President Obama’s transition, where he coordinated the priorities of the incoming administration’s agenda, oversaw the development of its policies, and spearheaded its appointments of major cabinet secretaries and political appointees. Wellllllll.....blow me down with a feather.. Beck was 100% correct. OH WAIT.. there is an error :) "Co Chaired" not "Chaired"...oops sorry Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 28 June 2010 7:50:35 AM
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Actually I thought this thread was going to be about comrade Conroy’s attempts to censor the internet.
McCarthy was a moment in time, an aberration, if you like which lasted a decade before being discredited. Its worst aspect was to expose so-called communists and limit their work opportunities. Of course, we have to put McCarthyism into a context of what it was opposing at the time. The opportunity which McCarthy exploited was the natural disgust and anathema Americans were feeling for Stalin and the collectivist/communist political abomination, which eventually imploded on itself in fabulous style in 1989, after 70 years of systematic oppression. Now we can consider McCarthy as an ‘evil’ but let’s face, he was a small evil compared to internment and death camps and the millions of lives destroyed by Communism, not just dead but those who thought differently to Lenin, Stalin or any of their successors suffered far more than those who thought differently to McCarthy, just as Boris Pasternak could attest and as Solzhenitsyn famously said I can say without affectation that I belong to the Russian convict world no less than I do to Russian literature. I got my education there, and it will last forever. Thats what happens when you write what any (invariably) oppressive collectivist state does now want people to read. And it is a lot more corrupt and disgusting a system than McCarthyism could ever be. But the world is full of fools and now we see left wing thinking ascending as a new generation forgets the lessons of history to put their unproven beliefs into the levelling cesspool of collectivism, by any name, be that name ‘communism’, ‘socialism’ or ‘global warming’, where we are all supposed to be equal, despite some being taller than others. Posted by Stern, Monday, 28 June 2010 8:16:00 AM
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Glen.. beck.
From Fox News. Nuff said, its rubbish. Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 28 June 2010 11:42:34 AM
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You're right of course, Beck + Fox = right wing political correctness.
Fox is the PC media arm of the USA far right wing. The USA far right wing branch of the God Squad LOVES Fox News. Beck of course is a total joke, only paid attention to by the radical right wingers who see left conspiracy theories in everything to the left of Attila The Hun ....... just look at the last 2 neurotic posts by poor old Boaz/polycarp/agir. These radical, far right wing USA style "Guns For God" squad members are anything "but" Christians. Their radical movement was formed in the late 1800s as a breakaway from the church in response to the church's acceptance of Charles Darwin's theory as being compatible with traditional beliefs........ the movement has since morphed into an extremely far right wing political movement with all the baggage of extreme right wing political correctness. The movement is not run by loonies; they know exactly what they're doing. However one side effect is that the movement attracts real nut cases and loonies (world wide) as a small percentage of it's membership. Extremism is a danger to decent, sane people. Boaz/polycarp/agir........ have a read of your own posts, a "proper" read. You sound like a crazy, someone willingly imprisoned by rigid ideology and political correctness. Open your mind....... extremism is not good. Posted by benq, Monday, 28 June 2010 2:46:46 PM
Greedy little so and so,s/.
They seem to forget, without the workers, their f..ked.
Talk about bites the hand that feeds them.
Maybe David, the world as one just might be what the doc orders.
Arrr. The gape between the rich and the poor just seems to grow and grow. The problem is, who will be the fat little piggies when they come hunting for, when the winds of change comes around?
What you give, is what you get in re-turn.
I just love Carma.