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Positive Contributions of Australian Muslims.

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Al I didn't intend to provoke a coronary. :)

Well yes, newcomers ideally should attempt to assimilate or integrate into the society they choose to call home, in regard to acceptance of the rule of law. Muslims with whom I have had dealings also prefer the freedoms and rights that a democracy affords over the harsh regimes experienced in their homelands.

Assimilation or integration (these are just words bandied about) does not mean "become exactly like us". It is possible to maintain your own religious and cultural beliefs within a multicultural society and assimilate or integrate. None of us of Anglo heritage are exactly alike nor do we all follow the same religion.

Fundamentalist who promote terrorism or those who abuse or rape women are committing illegal acts and will be dealt with under the law.

You mentioned stereotypes being based on a pattern of behaviour. I agree this is true but stereotypes can be wrong and imply certain traits to a majority when often it is limited to a small group.

Are all Aussies beer swilling ockers? No but not so long ago considered a typical Aussie stereotype. Women were once considered too feeble brained to be able to vote, and thought to possess lesser intelligence based on gender. Clearly this stereotype was wrong.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 12:03:45 PM
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I did read your first post before and have read it several times since
You wrote
"I thought that it might be interesting
to discuss the positive contributions of
Australian Muslims to possibly dispel
the misconceptions held by some people
in the wider community
and the negative media faced by Australian

You obviously must think that the negative press is undeserved and that some people have misconceptions about muslims.

When one looks at the world situation the negative press is deserved. for example. Since 9/11 there have been 15456 Islamic terrorist attacks. That is 143 per month. Total casualties are not known. For the month of May this year there were 150 attacks in 14 countries. Killing 729 people and injuring 1591.

I put it to you that these figures are shocking and have a lot to do with people attitude toward muslims. The figures indicate that there are more than a 'few' radicals.

While we have not had any terrorist attacks here, there have been about 20 persons convicted for planning attacks. As little as a week, or so, ago there were mobs chanting "kill the jews" in our capital cities.
Now the anti-social Lebanese muslims may have given all muslims a bad name here in Aus, but I also recall violence in Auburn because of the first election in Iraq and Kurds threatening to burn themselves in central Sydney. I wont even go into the racist gang rapes and the Cronulla situation and its aftermarth.

So I consider it understandable that people have negative attitudes toward muslims in general and really any bad press has been brought on by muslims own doing. Muslims get plenty of opportunity to promote themselves if they wish. Even the government has buried a damming report on the conduct of many muslim males after their wives obtained a divorce under our laws. This report was prepared by the Victorian Muslim Womens Group a year or so ago.

The mention of a few muslims that have made good contributions will do little to help the overall situation.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 12:04:57 PM
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I'm out of intensive care now :) so I can post again.

Something in your post intrigued me.. in fact I made a few phone calls about it this morning "The Investigation...has begun" :)

You say you have had a fair bit to do with Refugees etc..

Do you know anything about a 'private company' named 'Redback Services' ?

They are connected to AMES in Melbourne which is a provider of settlement services.
I found from the DIMA web site that in terms of settlment the Gov't provides 'subsidized housing for 4 weeks after arrival'

But from then on.... It get's blurry.. I don't know of AMES provides on going accomodation..and if so..where from..and whether the costs of such accomodation forms part of their tender application and so on.


I wanted to know if the housing commission has a pool of special places set aside for refugees and if many..where.. etc.

I suppose some Muslims might be active in this area :) so.. that's my 'on topic' contribution for this post.

On your other point about assimilation etc. a Greek bloke summed it up best to me. "I'm still very greek, but my kids are less so..and their kids will be Aussies" Of course he means that in the sense of seeing themselves completely as aussies..rather than as in his case... still feeling 'Greek' in Aus. But he could not find enough words of praise for our country compared to Greece.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 1:02:05 PM
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Banjo: << I consider it understandable that people have negative attitudes toward muslims in general and really any bad press has been brought on by muslims own doing >>

Shorter Banjo: the negative stereotype of Muslims suits my xenophobic worldview, so I object to hearing about positive contributions from Australian Muslims that might challenge my bigotry.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 1:17:10 PM
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Dear Banjo,

I would like you to read the following

It may put things into perspective for you.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 1:56:51 PM
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From the opening page to that site: "Islam - the Modern Religion"

From an article therein:

"As the leader, the man needs to start off with the right steps and in turn, the wife will supply him with obedience, respect, and love."

Nothing very modern about that.

Like Roman Catholicism, the fundamentalism is in the religion and liberation comes from the rejection of it.
Posted by Cornflower, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 2:28:49 PM
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