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Abbott and the Raving Looney Party

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The Rt. Hon. Malcolm Fraser - former Prime
Minister of Australia (LIB) 1975 - 1983.
said the following at a lecture given at
the University of Melbourne:

"I remember the party I joined, the party of Menzies,
of liberal and progressive ideas, a forward-looking
party, willing to make experiments, as Menzies himself
put it, a party that believes fervently in the Rule of
Law, in higher education accessible to all able
students, in a government accepting national obligations
and a vision for the future ... a party of hope and of

The departures from the principles underlying that Liberal
Party are substantial and serious.

The Party has become a party of fear and reaction. It is
conservative and not liberal. It has not led in positive
directions. It has allowed and some would say promoted race
and religion to be part of today's agenda. I find it
unrecognisable as liberal..."

That speech was made on the 29th November 2005. It was
part of The Chancellor's Human Rights Lecture.

It is even more relevant today.

Unless the Liberal Party makes the required changes prior
to the next election - it hasn't a chance of surviving.
People will not re-elect repeat offenders.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 17 February 2010 10:14:39 PM
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Foxy writes

'People will not re-elect repeat offenders.'

Well they voted for JW 4 times. Your comment will certainly be disproved if Mr Rudd gets re elected.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 17 February 2010 11:53:30 PM
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I tried to highlight view such as these foxy did.
I wanted to say the very right has taken conservatives away from its voters.
However the Christian fundamentalist right, did it for me.
rechtub, asked a question he will not see or hear the answer to, and will not give the truthful answer any value.
work choices a few of its crimes.
It took over time on Sunday rates away from children in that hamburger palace.
took money and conditions from sales women and gave 1 cent an hour rise.
It traded away sick leave over time, bought in weekend work at normal rates.
It saw 5 year contracts without any wage rises, it sent people to work 10 hour shift sat normal time.
It in Abbott's words yesterday went too far.
ten telephone books can be written on why work choices hurt us rechtub and his like just do not want to know.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 18 February 2010 5:56:45 AM
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It seems to me the problem comes about in there discussions when people confuse opinion, often emotional,self interested to the point of myopia, no facts/objectivity required, and factual arguments that have a chance of compromise and or resolution.

Might I humbly suggest your brother is not telling you *all* the facts.
He's loading it because it suits him to do so. he entitled to his perspective but is it proof ? not by the proverbial country mile.

Personally I smell hypocrisy and rampant self interest, rearing it's ugly heads.

Supply and demand allegedly dictates you either provide a service at a price which the public is prepared to pay or you don't. There is no mention in that that the government(public) owes him a living or a business to his preference. Capitalism is harsh but that's the system we have.

The argument of lost jobs is baloney hes there to make money period.
If he was there for people he'd reduce his profit pay staff more.
Posted by examinator, Thursday, 18 February 2010 11:05:10 AM
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I love it when those on the left get angry at my party, the Liberal Party. I love it when they feel the urge to predict dire consequences as a result of some action of the Liberal Party. The left-wingers all loved Turnbull, and I HATED him!
Abbot was always my choice and Liberal voters know he is on the right track. The Rudd Govt. is all about spin. Krudd has no substance :-) Swan hated him when they were together at school, and I bet he still hates him.
The more you lefties hate Abbott and the more mud you fling at Barnaby Joyce, the more confident I get that the Libs are on the right track.
C'mon the ELECTION

Geoffrey Kelley
Posted by geoffreykelley, Thursday, 18 February 2010 2:09:46 PM
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Dear runner,

The voters threw out the Howard Government in a
landslide. Not only that - they tossed him out
of his own Electorate. He'll end up just a footnote
in history - if that.

Abbott is unelectable.
To elect him as leader of the Liberal Party is to
step back in time.

As Malcolm Fraser pointed out - the current frontbench
of the Libs are from the shallow end of the gene pool.
On the right track? They don't even know where the
track is!
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 18 February 2010 6:22:45 PM
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