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The Forum > General Discussion > JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

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Note Pericles' weasel words to understate the dire health consequences of the WTC dust for the health of First Responders: "the unfortunate folk caught up in the 9/11 tragedy", "their problems", "tragedy".


So, who do you hold responsible for telling the first responders that it was safe to breathe in the toxic WTC dust, when it was known that it was not, Pericles?

As shown above, John Feal, himself, has pointed out that the chain of command through which this deadly lie was conveyed to the First Responders went through Condoleezza Rice.
Posted by daggett, Monday, 15 March 2010 8:56:02 AM
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Yet another example of your somewhat suspect technique, daggett.

>>who do you hold responsible for telling the first responders that it was safe to breathe in the toxic WTC dust, when it was known that it was not, Pericles?<<

You have yet to show that "it was known".

That's where your argument falls down.

>>As shown above John Feal, himself, has pointed out that the chain of command through which this deadly lie was conveyed to the First Responders went through Condoleezza Rice.<<

Even if he did - and I could not find any evidence "as shown above" - he most certainly does not say that she was aware of the toxic nature of the dust.

John Feal sounds like a thoroughly decent person, with honourable and selfless motives. He doesn't appear to share your Bush/Cheney/Rice conspiracy theories. And he most certainly does not deserve to be dragged into your morbid and self-serving insinuations.

The person you quoted on the other hand, Dave Rible, is a minor politician on the make. His track record as one of two representatives of the 11th Legislative District in the New Jersey assembly includes sponsorship of a bill that "supports the unification of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland into a united Ireland, and supports placing the issue of Irish reunification on the American political agenda."

Nothing wrong with that, of course. Except that is acts to demonstrate the "look-it-me" nature of the individual, which I strongly suspect is what led him to write the piece that you quote in the first place.

The mendacity of his position can be deduced from the final sentence in the Bill's supporting statement.

"Partition violates democracy, and an end to partition should be supported by all democratic-minded people and people of good will."

Applying these "tall grey words" to India and Pakistan - whose partition is far more recent than that of Ireland - demonstrates clearly that he is merely showboating.

As indeed are you, daggett.

The thing is, I can understand it for a minor public figure in New Jersey. But what is your excuse?
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 15 March 2010 12:42:27 PM
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Pericles wrote, "John Feal sounds like a thoroughly decent person, with honourable and selfless motives. ..."

I somehow doubt if John Feal would reciprocate, particularly if he read what Pericles' attempt to deny the catastrophic effects of WTC dust on his health.

Pericles continued, "He doesn't appear to share your Bush/Cheney/Rice conspiracy theories. ..."

Sure, he doesn't Pericles. Had you bothered to read what he said in his interview by Dylan Avery, above?

(Then Pericles wanders off to discuss the merits or otherwise of the re-unification of Ireland and the partition of the Indian subcontinent. What has any of that got to do with the topic at hand, Pericles?)

Anyway, to crosspost from the other forum (

I note Pericles claims that my claim that the US Government knowingly lied to the first responders is "pure invention".

Well, here are some of the lies to which I refer:
EPA Administrator Christie Whitman announced today that results from the Agency's air and drinking water monitoring near the World Trade Center and Pentagon disaster sites indicate that these vital resources are safe. ...

So, unless that Pericles insists that Christie Whitman could not have known that the asbestos, heavy metals, PCB's, etc. present in the WTC dust has devastating consequences for health if ingested or inhaled, I would suggest that this was a deliberate lie that has condemned nearly all the First responders to ill health and thousands to death.

As First responder John Feal pointed out (, this murderous lie came down the chain of command from the White House and through Condoleezza Rice to Christie Whitman.
Posted by daggett, Monday, 15 March 2010 11:05:08 PM
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*Looking around*

No Marilyn yet?


Pericles you're amazing. What stamina. I wonder if you
all will make it to 500 posts.

I'll check back later to see if anything interesting
is happening.
Posted by Pynchme, Monday, 15 March 2010 11:37:44 PM
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There is unlikely to be anything of interest to anyone else but me, Pynchme, but you're welcome to drop in at any time.

>>I'll check back later to see if anything interesting is happening.<<

I am simply using daggett to explore the thought processes of the conspiracy theorist. The original idea was to write a book about the syndrome, but that market is already quite crowded. So it has become simply a pastime, with at least the semblance of underlying rationale. If I were actually concerned about what daggett thinks and believes, it would be far more tedious.

In fact, daggett seems to date to be quite comfortable in his role. Unfortunately, there are a couple of threads that seem to be converging right now, so there's a bit of duplication going on.

Anyway, back to work.

Where were we, daggett?

Ah yes.

>>Pericles' attempt to deny the catastrophic effects of WTC dust on his health.<<

Wrong, yet again. The "denial" is that it was a conscious act of aggression by Condoleezza Rice.

>>Had you bothered to read what he said in his interview by Dylan Avery<<

Every word. Nowhere did he even allude to your Bush/Cheney/Rice conspiracy theories. He was understandably upset that the health hazards had come second to actually pulling people out of the rubble.

But Bush/Cheney/Rice? Nope.

>>unless that Pericles insists that Christie Whitman could not have known that the asbestos, heavy metals, PCB's, etc. present in the WTC dust has devastating consequences for health if ingested or inhaled, I would suggest that this was a deliberate lie<<

Errr... the statement was made on September 18th, a full week after 9/11, daggett. It is possible that any damage had already been done, in everybody's natural concern for possible survivors?

Would you perhaps have had them all standing around watching for a week?

I guess you would. Send in the Health & Safety in the Workplace boys first. Give them earplugs so they don't hear any screams.
Posted by Pericles, Tuesday, 16 March 2010 8:28:27 AM
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Pericles, somebody in authority lied and repeatedly lied to the First Responders that it was safe to breathe that dust, and you are lying here now to cover up that obvious truth.

The post I gave was indicative of the lies intentionally told to firs responders.

Here's another report dated 14 September.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Labor's Occupational Health and Safety Administration today announced that the majority of air and dust samples monitored at the crash site and in Lower Manhattan do not indicate levels of concern for asbestos. The new samples confirm previous reports that ambient air quality meets OSHA standards and consequently is not a cause for public concern. New OSHA data also indicates that indoor air quality in downtown buildings will meet standards.


As I wrote on the other forum "Australia, Afghanistan and three unanswered questions" at :

The evidence I have given is just the tip of a massive, incontrovertible and damning body of evidence against the US Government, and it's inconceivable that Pericles could not have been unaware of its existence well before now.

Yet, he persists in peddling this and other lies on this forum in the apparent hope that I will eventually desist and leave and allow his lies to stand here unchallenged.
Posted by daggett, Tuesday, 16 March 2010 9:39:10 AM
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