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JFK.E Howard Hunt Ex CIA, Accuses LBJ

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Well, you know me, daggett.

>>Pericles would have us believe that the claims of deaths of hundreds first responders and chronic ill health of hundreds more are are all invented<<

I always like a bit of reality to creep in, every now and then. No particular reason, of course. It's just the way I am.

So where are these claims?

Do you have any evidence for the existence of "hundreds"?

Or is that yet another wild-assed figment of someone's imagination that you have taken at face value, without even the most cursory check?

I do admire your consistency in these matters, daggett, sneaky though it undoubtedly is.

Arjay practices the same deceit. I ask him a simple question, "Was Richard Gage a fireman too", and he starts to crow "Pericles doesn't know who Richard Gage is, nerny ner ner"

All of which is to cover up the fact that Richard Gage is not a fireman, has never been a fireman, and is therefore unlikely to win an argument with a real New York Fire Chief on the topic of... fire.

It would actually be pathetic, if it wasn't so funny.

Conversely, it would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

I loved your final attempt to bolster your flagging self-esteem, though.

>>as long as others are able to argue their case and don't allow themselves to fall for debating tricks, the final outcome is assured.<<

With the evidence that you present - not to mention the "debating tricks" you employ - your cause is doomed to frustration and ultimate failure.

I suggest you find yourself a more rewarding hobby, before the sheer unreality of the universe in which you immerse yourself takes over completely.

I hear collectibles can be fun

Although, when you think about it, collecting swingline staplers is such a bizarre occupation, it must be a cover story for something outrageously devious.

I wonder if George Bush, or any of his relatives, is a member...
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 7 March 2010 1:21:07 PM
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Pericles feigns ignorance:

"Do you have any evidence for the existence of 'hundreds'?"

From "Loose Change Final Cut: An Unofficial Transcript" at

DYLAN AVERY: ... Although it was clear the air was not safe to breathe, the public was urged to return to lower Manhattan. Wall Street opened back up on September 17th, and children were allowed to go back to school. Firefighters, police and rescue workers were allowed to toil in lethal conditions using paper masks from Home Depot, while government officials walked around in Hazmat suits.

JOHN FEAL: My name is John Feal. I was hurt at Ground Zero during the cleanup. Well, you know, I was there only for five days before I was horribly injured, and I mean horribly injured. Leading up to that day, every day I was there I complained that it was a non-safe workplace. Someone's gonna get hurt. It just happened to me. But I let everybody know that someone would get hurt. I was there for five and a half days days, and nobody told me to wear a mask once. Nobody gave a 5hi+ when that piece of steel altered my life. But, like the thousand that are suffering and sick, I didn't roll over and play dead. And I know human life takes a back seat to the almighty dollar and that's what makes this country roll and run is the almighty dollar. But you guys somewhere lost... somewhere along the line lost your credibility with me.

AVERY: The Environmental Protection Agency, under direct orders from the White House, told New Yorkers that the air was safe to breathe. The administrator at the time, Christine Whitman, issued an internal memo on September 12th, declaring that all statements to the media should be cleared through the National Security Council before they are released.

NBC NEWSCASTER: So what happened? The White House changed EPA press releases to add reassuring statements and delete cautionary ones. September 13th: the EPA draft release, never released to the public, says "EPA testing terrorized sites for environmental hazards". The White House changes that to ...(tobecontinued)
Posted by daggett, Saturday, 13 March 2010 7:54:48 PM
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(continuedfromabove...) "EPA reassures public about environmental hazards". September 16th: the EPA draft says "recent samples of dust on Water Street show higher levels of asbestos". The White House version? "New samples confirm ambient air quality meets OSHA standards and is not a cause for public concern". And the White House leaves out entirely this warning: "air samples raise concerns for cleanup workers and office workers near Water Street". Why all these changes?

NIKKI TINSLEY (identified by original titles as "EPA Inspector General"). We were told that a desire to reopen Wall Street and national security concerns were the reasons for changing the press releases.

FEAL: Christine [?-?-?] should be in jail for manslaughter. Christie, go to jail. Do not pass, go... just go to jail. Lock yourself up. When I said that, everybody said "Don't you think that's a little harsh?". And I said no. Six months later, every politician was saying it. Everybody was saying it like it was... like saying "hi". I pat myself on the back for having the nerve and the audacity to say that. She took orders from Condoleezza Rice, who took order from the White House. They knew the air was bad. They lied. You should go to jail for manslaughter, for every time somebody dies. James Zadroga, Don Jones, Tim Keller, my close personal friend, I had to go to his funeral. Officer Borgia [spelling?] and the many more that have died. I take this personally now. I take it real personal. You got an ex-mayor running for president who claims he helped us. Standing on a pile with a bullhorn, Mr President and Mr Giuliani, does not constitute helping anybody. At all.

AVERY: The EPA's public release assured people that there was no significant level of asbestos in the air and that instead of evacuating they could clean their homes with a wet rag. More people will die post-9/11 from these illnesses than died on the day itself. By 2006, 70% of the 40,000 Ground Zero workers had developed respiratory problems. Hundreds of them had developed cancer and over 80 had died.
Posted by daggett, Saturday, 13 March 2010 7:56:23 PM
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>>Pericles feigns ignorance: "Do you have any evidence for the existence of 'hundreds'?" From "Loose Change Final Cut: An Unofficial Transcript"...<<

Anyything is possible, I guess, if you are using "Loose Change" as your guide.

"Despite the video’s extraordinary popularity, its claims are so absurd that they are considered an embarrassment by other conspiracy theorists, some of whom have written lengthy critiques of the video’s most outlandish claims.

The claims it made, and the "evidence it presented" were so exceptionally egregious that they merit a blog all of their own.

But even taking the movie on its face value - which is a big ask, but we'll try - this is the part, daggett, for which you have so far failed to provide a verifiable source.

>>By 2006, 70% of the 40,000 Ground Zero workers had developed respiratory problems. Hundreds of them had developed cancer and over 80 had died.<<

C'mon, I know you can do it if you try.
Posted by Pericles, Sunday, 14 March 2010 5:48:57 PM
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Pericles, has Screw Loose Change got anything to say about the health problems of First responders?

Can you show me any source as credible as John Feal, the first responder, interviewed by Dylan Avery, whose health has been ruined as a result of being lied to about it being safe to breathe the WTC dust?

If not, why are you quoting it?

Pericles wrote, "C'mon, I know you can do it if you try."

As if 70% of First Responders having respiratory problems is of no concern.

According to "Stand Up for Our Country’s Forgotten Victims and Heroes" at

"It is estimated that more people will die from the aftermath of 9/11 than those who perished in the attacks. To date, over 800 first responders have died. In addition, a 2006 medical study of fire fighters reported that those personnel who inhaled Ground Zero air essentially lost 12 years of lung function."

Anyway, thanks for revealing your true level of concern about the ruined health of the first responders, Pericles.

I will take Pericles' silence on Condoleezza Rice as an indication that he thinks that it was perfectly alright that she ordered disgraced Health Official Christie Whitman to tell the First Responders that it was OK t breathe the dust, knowing that it was not.
Posted by daggett, Sunday, 14 March 2010 11:47:48 PM
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Typical daggett smokescreen. You are becoming very predictable, you know.

>>I will take Pericles' silence on Condoleezza Rice as an indication that he thinks that it was perfectly alright that she ordered disgraced Health Official Christie Whitman to tell the First Responders that it was OK t breathe the dust, knowing that it was not.<<

Your assumptions about my attitude to the unfortunate folk caught up in the 9/11 tragedy are quite distasteful, given the fact that it is you and your ilk who continually exploit their misfortune for your own self-indulgent ends.

This is a typical example of what I mean.

>>Can you show me any source as credible as John Feal, the first responder, interviewed by Dylan Avery, whose health has been ruined as a result of being lied to about it being safe to breathe the WTC dust<<

The Fealgood Foundation is a thoroughly honest, compassionate and worthwhile venture. You only have to look through its pages to realize that it does not hold Condoleeza Rice responsible for their problems. It is a natural, community response to tragedy, that seeks to keep its members' personal welfare in front of government at all times.

To use them as support for your sick theories is an insult to every single one of them.

You really don't care how low you stoop, do you daggett.
Posted by Pericles, Monday, 15 March 2010 8:37:54 AM
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