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The Forum > General Discussion > Racial voilence set to explode

Racial voilence set to explode

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You said "Racial voilence (sic)set to explode" you introduced the racial, element not me.

I did not accuse you of being a racist! I said you were either stirring or hadn't thought your words through. I stand by this assessment.

I think my point is clear, your analysis is over the top.
Based on the extreme examples, not the norm.

As I also said in the same post,
'.... OTG's analysis is flawed.
I'm old enough to have seen all this before, and sadly, we'll see it again with the next lot of noticeably different faces.'

I would add that both you and particularly rehctub seem to confusing culture with race. The two are two totally separate subjects.

I am genetically a Latvian raised by Anglo Saxon. I can assure you I share no cultural affinity to Latvia or Latvians, I am Aussie, for better or worse.

Even if you were referring culture clash, you both still need to consider the Creole Effect.
This shows that when two cultures meet they both change forming a new culture, that is neither truly one nor the other. Look around, how many 3-4th generation genetic Italians still are still essentially Italian? Time is the mix-master. this change is pure evolution, adapt or perish.

It is sheer emotional misplaced fear of loss, that rejects the inevitable.

Look at English culture and language, it is an amalgam of how many outside influences?

What won't change is the Aussie cultural fingerprint. We, regardless of introduced cultures will be unique in that 'our' culture will reflect 'our' experiences and influences as a national culture.

As for hating everyone else. nonsense! I have a different perspective that's all. good luck in your future ambitions.
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 13 December 2009 11:10:53 AM
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The missus,

Huh? I said if one has *or is entitled* to (have)an Australian *passport* (not visa). That includes white, brown, black and bald and not so bald headed babies born here.

Regardless of if they have one or not. My adopted mum is of 4th generation Anglo Saxon Australian, has never had a passport, but is entitled to have one (she's white).
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 13 December 2009 12:43:39 PM
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I am certainly not aware of any recent reports about any white supremist groups. I read the 3 main nespapers daily (smh, DT and Aus) and at least 2 TV evening news programes, including ABC, in NSW and have not seen anything on that. Nor anything on several blogs I read daily.

Can you supply a link to the reports?

I think any white supremist groups are totally insignificant and very small in number. Meetings of such could be held in a phone box.

If what you say were only true about any person being Aissie if eligible for a passport. The problem is that even after 3 generations these people do not see themselves as Aussies, but still of the original culture, just living here. The Lebs, for example, boost openly about being Lebs, while the Serbs and Croats still fight over issues many generations and decades back. Occurances in countries far removed from Aus and our culture.

We are to blame for this by encourageing the flawed ideology of multiculturalism, which has simply divided us into various tribes. We actively encouaged the retention of their old cultures, warts and all.

As well we seem to turrn a blind eye to some illegal and anti social behaviour by some ethnic groups.

We now have dropped the MC ideology and should be pushing integration much more. I see this government has started to talk about 'social inclusion' but no detailed explaination as yet. Interesting to see how that concept developes.
Posted by Banjo, Sunday, 13 December 2009 2:31:51 PM
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I seriously disgaree, if a race hate crime occurs it must be taken seriously. One cannot wish wash over it by suggesting there are no races. Unlike religion one does not have a choice over what race or racial features they may have. There is racism toward Indigenous for example. I have witnessed it and I am not one for calling any little trivial thing racism. I mean serious malicous racism. It has to be treated seriously.
Posted by TheMissus, Sunday, 13 December 2009 3:22:23 PM
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The missus,

Who said I was washing over it? the crime is exactly the same as a person with a deformed arm, or fat being vilified etc. The same as you rightly say for colour of skin or shape of eyes. Do the first two if they get a beating is it any less/more painful or abhorrent because their skin colour? As Shakespeare put it "if you prick me (them) do I(they) not bleed"

Making the distinction in the media or OLO etc tends to foster discrimination of colour rather than focusing on the abhorrent behaviour of *individuals*.

Even on this topic one poster shifted the blame of the assaults onto another ethnic group. How does this help the community? It put yet another group on the defensive all because of a minority. It is the *act* that is intolerable regardless of the prejudiced reason.

Like I said "I've seen it many times before and I'll see it with the next lot of different faces." Is it acceptable? no! Is it time to Marshall the the army, riot squads to cope with Indian style cultural prejudices....nah
Posted by examinator, Sunday, 13 December 2009 6:31:35 PM
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Hi all.
Now we are all starting to make sence.
Good posts,good stuff to think about.


'' Can you supply a link to the reports? ''

The Herald Sun a couple of weeks ago had a double page spread of a recent metting,a very large metting too I might ad.


Banjo posted this in reponce to Examinator

'' Examinator,
If what you say were only true about any person being Aussie if eligible for a passport. The problem is that even after 3 generations these people do not see themselves as Aussies, but still of the original culture, just living here. The Lebs, for example, boost openly about being Lebs, while the Serbs and Croats still fight over issues many generations and decades back. Occurances in countries far removed from Aus and our culture. ''


You make excellent points but i really believe Banjo is right I know Greeks,italians and Asains who still believe that they are part of thier inherited culture before being Australians and subscribing to our nations values of being '' Hard working'' and a '' Fair go '',and living in a democracy.

You must have seen this somewhere before too, within your own experience
Posted by oscar the grouch, Sunday, 13 December 2009 7:39:42 PM
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