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What will be 'left'

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All nonsense. The people who say they are left wing are not. They have no clue what left wing is about and are in the same camp as the religous right with all their extreme moralising. Left wing? Nope. No way Jose. The left was stolen by the fashionistas, the rich, the middle class as the new way of white superiority. They have done nothing but damage to the left wing cause, in fact disenfranchised the working class and broken the collective into hyphenated cultures and labels to reduce their strength and allow capitalism to flourish. The Indigenous have suffered more under it and the migrants treated like accessories..oh I have a Chinese friend. Why not just say I have a friend? Why emphasise the race? Like I am so holy I will let them be my friend ( provided of course they have complied with the religion and that is to be a good capitalist because we really do not the poor to sully our neighbourhoods and reduce possible capital gains).

It is always them speaking on behalf of those they pretend to protect. They never allow them to speak for themselves forever enslaving them to victimhood and second class citizenry.

Left? No. Simply the same old, same old white superiority. Still full of hate for someone as evidenced on these boards. They must hate at all time, must blame someone else but never themslves. High indulgent and highly offensive to the real issue that confront humanity.
Posted by TheMissus, Thursday, 5 November 2009 9:09:04 AM
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Dear Houellie,

"There's no such thing as right or wrong?"


Therefore messages that are dressed up to
attract us with simple slogans aren't smoke
screens behind which lurk philosophies that
are both difficult to swallow and certain to
cause this country a good deal of harm, should
they be taken seriously?

Messages like, "There are terrorists among boat people!"
"Emissions Trading Scheme will Destroy Australia's
Economy," "Humans do not contribute to Global
Warming," and the list goes on.

Do you really believe that there's nothing wrong
with an ideology of greed, that leaves no room for
social equity, compassion or the idea of an
egalitarian society?
Do you really believe that people should either
sink or swim. And if they sink, well that's too bad.
Because welfare is not good for business?
Do you believe that big business has the right to do
whatever it wants in this country?

Well, I guess the inevitable expansion of capital
with its attendant social inequality and
natural destruction brooks no interference and
allows for no moral judgements.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 5 November 2009 9:36:07 AM
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Well there are terrorists among boat people as Canada can attest. There have been members of the LTTE allowed in western countries as that how the LTTE was funded. Even a high profile billionaire hedge fund manager in New York is being sued for funding terrorism. As soldiers of war cannot claim asylum, as terrorists in Sri Lanka they cannot request a passport it is ony common sense that it could be possible as Tamils fly in and out of Colombo every day in great numbers, freely. So support people movements that will provide direct competition for welfare and jobs for the poorest of our nation. Very right wing, certainly not left that closes borders to those that seek social welfare as it undoes it in short amount of time. Porous migration movements are favoured by caitalistic societies as a source of labour that can be exploited with the cost of health care and social security. You cannot have both in any great numbers.

Climate change. It is more rich against poor. The rich can afford to address the issue as they have done the damage, the poor that have not done any damage get punished for it and prevented from the same oppportunities so become disenfranchised. This happens in Indigenous communities all the time. They keep land prisitine but then get punished because the whites want to save the planet, well the bits they never got their hands on to begin with.

Not left wing. self indulgence.

Humans do not contribute to global warming. This is science, hardly ideology from left or right. If big busness suffers then so does the worker so all embracing.
Posted by TheMissus, Thursday, 5 November 2009 9:58:20 AM
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The two are not mutually exclusive, Houellebecq.

>>Dear Houellie, There must be a limit to how many times
you can tell us how great you are...<<

>>Haha Foxy, but Pericles reckons I hate myself.<<

In fact, they are almost certain to go hand-in-hand.

It would be impossible to continue a campaign of internal self-loathing such as yours, without succumbing to the overwhelming need to tell the world that you are, in fact, a wonderful person, deep down, really.

To do otherwise would lead to total disintegration in a very short space of time.

So, keep up the therapy.

>>I can change the rules at any time and be whomever I want.<<

It may be time to do just that.
Posted by Pericles, Thursday, 5 November 2009 10:09:06 AM
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'Therefore messages that are dressed up to
attract us '
Do they attract you Foxy? If they attract others, isn't that the business of others? Or are you 'right' and must re-educate them?

'There are terrorists among boat people!'
There may be. I think it's unlikely. What's wrong with saying that though?

'Emissions Trading Scheme will Destroy Australia's
It could be damaging. Just think of all the bureaucrats, and carbon trading speculation. Economics is the dismal science after all. Who's to know the future?

'Humans do not contribute to Global
One day scientists may come to this conclusion. You never know.

'Do you really believe that there's nothing wrong
with an ideology of greed, that leaves no room for
social equity, compassion or the idea of an
egalitarian society?'
It's not an ideology I would subscribe to, but that doesn't mean it's inherently wrong. Besides, I don't think you can achieve equality of outcomes that's for sure.

'Do you really believe that people should either
sink or swim. And if they sink, well that's too bad.
Because welfare is not good for business?'
No. Where did I say that.

'Do you believe that big business has the right to do
whatever it wants in this country?'
It doesn't. There are many regulations.

So passionate Foxy. When and why did you decide I held these views? You know I heard once that the left and right wing are actually after the same goals, just like to get there in a different way. The right think the poor will be advantaged by the rich giving them jobs, and buying stuff the poor can make. The left would rather take all that money off the rich and give it to the poor for free. Evidence has shown a mixture is possibly most effective.


'Nope. No way Jose. The left was stolen by the fashionistas, the rich, the middle class as the new way of white superiority.'
There's some truth in that. I love the Chardonnay socialists.

BTW: It really seems you hate white people, or white men at least?
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 5 November 2009 10:10:12 AM
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I guess I have distaste for extremes of wealth. I guess in our society that would be mainly white men. Though at the base is hatred of excessive capitalism and the distortion of truth money brings. Money is a drug more addictive than sugar. I do not think people are naturally racist but race is used to promote disharmony. Class is the real issue. Money makes for conformity to a corporate culture. Multiculture for eg does not exist in the higher levels of wealthy society, maybe multi racial but never multicultural. Multicultural is for the poor, an enclave that provides a refuge of acceptance when rejected by the wealthy.
Posted by TheMissus, Thursday, 5 November 2009 10:25:50 AM
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