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What will be 'left'

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Houllebeqc “But why would anyone want that. If you're constantly on about wanting to eradicate every little idiosyncrasy that makes people... people, do you not therefore just hate people?”

Yes I know it is sad.

I would rather live in an imperfect world full of eccentric misfits than the bland, uniform and sterile planet of the socialist’s politically correct model ( where all the tall poppies have been mown down to uniform height and all is leveled and we run around all in identical Chairman Mao suits). In fact I will end up dying with the following words being uttered from my mouth, as a warning to any one with wit and reason to listen to my passing wisdom of -

Don’t trust do-gooders and those who believe in social equality or government. They represent the worst excesses of hypocrisy and habitual lying.

“Chaos” is the most effective social organisation model (only because it does not pretend to understand the multiplicity of relationships stemming from all those independent and interdependent variables ).

Have faith in yourself and your gut.

Be ever prepared to give the finger to those who tell you that you are wrong and misguided.

Live by libertarian values, you may not always be right but you will, on a % basis, be better advised by relying on yourself than some remote government appointed expert, more interested in the promotion of his own ego and salary package, than you (recalling McBride, the Chook Eggs is bad campaign and Margarine v Butter).

Remember, don’t waste good hate time on those who do not influence your life or lifestyle, save it all the self-opinionated, nanny-state advocates who do.

As for “what will be left” – not sure there is a double meaning intended, although Bronwyn seems to think there is (which probably means there isn’t) there but if there is it will be associated with

Left overs
Left off
Left out
Left behind

So if you really want to be right…

Simply, be right and support others of the right.

Because, you know it makes sense.
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 3:03:05 PM
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Oh it does Col,

I'm a fast reforming leftie. I figure it is a natural maturing process to go from the left to the right. Wisdom.


There is no right and wrong, thinking makes it so. runner would love that one. There are actions and reactions, choices and consequences.


Yep, winners are grinners. The rest of your argument, I agree. I've bent many a whinging lefties ear about the fact there are many choices, and many people choosing things because that's what choice is for.


How cheap to jump at my self effacing jibe. My depth is unknown to you, and your speculation merely exposes your judgemental nature.


How can you notice transference when you don't know the slightest thing about me? As to the rest, you obviously attribute much more depth to my character than Bronwyn does. It's nice to know I've got some of you thinking in Layers. I do try to mangle many themes into my rants, and I try to keep people guessing like you are. I also leave the dots there for people to join.

But it's a game you're unlikely to win. I can change the rules at any time and be whomever I want. Be under no illusion, you are all here purely for my amusement. As I have said before, I am a small child poking at a carcass.


'You're right - Houellie has raised some
interesting questions. '
And that's the name of the game isn't it. I've had yourself and robert more recently expressing how they try not to like me. What's not to like? I create drama and entertainment, with a message in there somewhere for people to find.

'We forget how to play...'
Speak for yourself Goldie. The amount of fun I have playing with you lot I cant tell you. Each time a poster says I'm childish, I beam with pride.

'As Einstein said, "A person starts to live
only when he can live outside himself."'

Very smart. Maybe he was like Newton and into the Mercury.
Posted by Houellebecq, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 4:26:40 PM
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Dear Houellie,

There must be a limit to how many times
you can tell us how great you are, and
what an inspiration you are, but I guess
you're not there yet.

As for Einstein - yes he was smart.
He said that, "you have to learn
the rules of the game and then you
have to play better than anyone else."

Still not everyone can be as smart
as Einstein. Some are simply hung
like Einstein, and smart as horses!
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 November 2009 7:10:28 PM
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The examples I was referring to were the ridiculous day-to-day ones that many seem to accept as if they are now part of our legal system.

Those other examples of inciting racial hatred are a bit outside that scope, just like yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre.

You can do it but you should expect there will be consequences.

Not quite the same thing as asking for "black coffee".
Posted by wobbles, Thursday, 5 November 2009 12:50:05 AM
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What the self righteous right wing fails to realise is that they also practice political correctness to exactly the same degree as the left.

The right sees their own attitudes and social norms as natural behaviour that's not concocted in any way. Whereas they see the left's attitudes as unnatural, concocted behaviour.

And the left sees their own attitudes and social norms as natural behaviour that's not concocted in any way. Whereas they see the right's attitudes as unnatural, concocted behaviour.

Both sides equally practice political correctness. And both sides when given the opportunity enact laws and regulations that conform to their particular version of political correctness.

Which side has the upper hand depends on which historical times you're looking at. In the late 19th century/early 20th century the conservative right had a firm hold on dictating it's version of political correctness. In the 1920's/30s the left had a firm hold. In the late 1940's/1950's the right regained a very firm hold. Since the 1960's the left has had a steady resurgence.

Both sides practice political correctness. Both side do it equally. Both sides don't recognise the opposite side as being correct. Both sides think they have the moral upper hand.

Houellebecq and Col Rouge show by their contributions here that they firmly believe in and practice political correctness. But like the usual assortment of rabid righties and lefties, these two charmers only see the opposite side as political correct. Basically with them it's a case of "I'm right and if you don't agree with me then you're wrong". That's life.
Posted by Smithy456, Thursday, 5 November 2009 1:48:03 AM
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Haha Foxy, but Pericles reckons I hate myself.


Please give some examples of right wing political correctness. The left wing is more politically correct as they are in the business of 'protecting' the disadvantaged from ever being offended. Here I was thinking the right were the cold hearted dog eat dog lot, who care about money over the environment, the disabled, who condone racism, are against gays, who are deeply misogynistic. Who do the right wing protect from being offended? What need do they have for political correctness? They just let people be people, where birds of a feather flock together and let people have their irrational hatreds and prejudices. They're law of the jungle that lot, no political correctness at all. If the market decides it's ok, they're happy as Larry.

'Both sides think they have the moral upper hand'
Who said anything about morals? I just said there was no such thing as right and wrong. It's about what is more realistic.

'Houellebecq and Col Rouge show by their contributions here that they firmly believe in and practice political correctness. '

Yep. You wont catch me eating that racist Creole biscuit!
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 5 November 2009 8:28:18 AM
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